Lovesick part 6
The bag of kibble hit the garage floor with a thud. Sammy didn’t plan on getting rid of it, while it wasn’t much better than eating cardboard, it would definitely serve to feed any ferals that tug on her heart strings. She brushed off some stray purple and brown stray fluff from her pants. That fluff was part of the reason for the switch, the other, they’ve already associated her with things being better. Better food. Better water. When she is happy, they are happy. When she is sad, they are sad. The thing they care most for, is now her.
Unfortunately, there had been some hiccups. Mocha had developed an expected obsession with babies, which turned out poorly since even for a fluffy she wasn’t that smart. That situation was mostly resolved, aside from Mocha moping about the last few days. Jimi was another issue. Briefly Sammy became distracted, from the garage she could hear the two giggling and playing with a ball. Jimi had also learned just how good getting his rocks off could be. But, she couldn’t leave him un-fixed.
Both issues stemmed from their first owner not taking proper care of them. Mocha was finally done with the encephalitis treatments and is physically capable of getting fixed. Jimi, well, he should have been fixed on his first vet visit, and considering how Brian treated fluffies, it was more surprising that he didn’t take his balls.
The garage door lumbered open. Spring was here. That meant more fluffies waddling about the town searching for food, new homes, new herds, and new mates. The noise brought a curious Jimi and Mocha to the threshold to the garage, neither wanting to go down the steps on their own. “Have you two played outside before?” She knew the answer before even asking. They were born before winter, and she hadn’t taken them out yet, their time spent outside was severly limited. Sammy knelt down on the top step giving both scratches around the ears.
“Ousside?” Mocha was the first to ask with her ears perking up. Her tail waved in the air, from the angle where it had be broke it made an exaggerated swish.
Even Jimi became excited, but he tempered his enthusiasm. “Can fwuffies pway ousside?”
“Yeah! Head to the back door and I’ll be right over.” Both fluffies scampered away. She closed the door to the garage behind them and headed out the side door to the back yard. The yard was rather plain. A cement patio with some furniture, a tree, grass, all enclosed by a chain link fence. Sammy made a quick round checking the fencing. Gates closed, nothing loose, no holes dug to get in or out. After everything was confirmed secure she brought out an overflowing box of outside fluffy toys. It wasn’t much different from the inside toys, just more durable from the elements.
With everything secure and the toys spread out across the grass she opened the door, “c’mon out, kiddos!”
Mocha bounded down the two steps onto the patio and into the grass. She giggled and rolled around. There was no sight of the previous trauma on display, just pure joy. Jimi was more cautious, lowering his body and almost sliding down the step. He was still mostly inexperienced when it came to stairs and having only three legs made everything more difficult. To his credit, he made it down with minimal issues, and quickly joined Mocha with playing in the grass. Playing was in a fluffies top 5 things of bestest things ever, so it made sense. And in typical fluffy fashion they only had enough energy for a half hour of playing, both fluffies were laying on the ground with their chests heaving.
As the two were recovering from too much fun, Sammy brought out two bowls of kibble. The flavor was slightly better compared to the economy brand they were being fed, most kibble was a variation of artificial spaghetti flavor, so they wouldn’t notice a difference. This kibble was standard fare, even the nutritional value was average, but it was leagues above the other bag. Both mocha and Jimi dug in, loudly eating. “You two were hungry, huh?”
“Nice wady hab nummies fow Fwowew an babbehs?” A small voice called out.
Jimi’s head came straight up, bits of kibble fell out of his mouth. A mare. A very pretty sounding mare. Mocha didn’t hear the fluffy over the loud and slightly disgusting sound of her chewing.
Sammy leisurely strolled over to the fence where Flower was staring through, Jimi was running as fast as a three legged fluffy could, almost as fast as Sammy. She looked back at him and giggled, Jimi was trying so hard to keep up. She stopped to let him run, or more accurately, hop past her.
“Hewwo nice wady.” Flower greeted Sammy. Then she turned her attention to Jimi. “Hewwo, pwetty fwuffy, am Fwowew. Nyu fwen?”
Jimi stopped in front of Flower, completely out of breath. “Haff haff… Hewwo… Haff… Fwuffy am… Haff… Jimi… Haff” he paused trying to catch his breath. “Fwowew am pwetty name… Haff… Fow pwetty fwuffy…”
The teal mare practically blushed and nervously pawed at the grass, “Jimi tink Fwowew am pwetty?”
“Now, Flower. I told you that I can’t take you in. I already have two fluffies. I can’t take in a mare with three foals… Two foals.” The pink foal was absent, the black and yellow foals were curled up together on her back.
Flower’s head dropped, “maybe nice wady wet Fwowew be spechul fwen tu Jimi? Den Fwowew can hab nummies fow babbehs?”
Jimi noticed the foals, but the sudden offer of a special friend, that was exactly what he wanted! “Mummah! Can Fwowew be spechul fwen!?”
“Who dat, mummah?” Mocha asked as she joined Jimi and Sammy, but of kibble crumbs around her mouth.
“Flower, I told you, I can’t take you or your babies. I have these two to take care of.”
“Den… Nice wady wan Fwowew’s bwack babbeh?” Flower twisted and got the black foal in her mouth and held it up in her hooves. “Nice wady wan babbeh? Gif babbeh nummies and wub?”
Mocha instantly recognized the foal and took a step back. Her scent hit the foals nostrils and it started chirping frantically and waving its legs. Mocha took another step back, “nuuuuu!” She turned tail and ran, leaving Flower and Jimi with a confused look.
“Mummah, Fwowew am pwettiest mawe evah, pwease wet Fwowew be spechul fwen?”
Sammy knelt down and gave him a gentle pet, “I’m sorry, big guy, but you can’t have a special friend.” She looked at Flower, “and I can’t take in any more fluffies. Babies or otherwise. I’m sorry.”
“Nu wan upsies! Wan Fwowew!” Jimi loudly protested as Sammy lifted him up and carried him back inside the house. Mocha was in the living room with her head shoved under the couch, the furniture doing little to muffle her cries.
She put Jimi down and ushered him to go play. He glanced at the back door and made his way to the safe room, defeated.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Sammy sat next to Mocha and stroked her back, scratching around her tiny brown wings.
“Sniff… Dat fwuffy hab babbehs. An dat bwack babbeh am da bad babbeh! Huuuhuuu… Mocha am wowstest mummah! Am bad fwuffy!”
Sammy pulled Mocha from her awful hiding spot and held her in her arms as if holding a baby. Mocha’s tail curled up between her legs, the permanent bend causing it to drape over her side.
“Mocha, baby, you’re not a bad fluffy.” She started rocking her, “you’re just not going to be a good mummah. And that’s okay. Not every person is going to be a good parent and not every fluffy is going to be a good parent either.” She knew this wasn’t going to console her fluffy.
“Buh Mocha wan be gud mummah. Wan babbehs, wan be mummah. Can Mocha twy 'gain?” Ever hopeful, Mocha couldn’t help but ask again.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t be a mummah. You know… I can’t be a mummah either.” Mocha’s head tilted, a confused look crossed her face, but Sammy continued. " I can’t have babies either. So instead of having babies, I have fluffies. You and Jimi are my babies. You two are my babies, you’re more special to me than if I had my own baby. And if you were to have babies then I wouldn’t be as important to you, and then you couldn’t stay here."
“Mocha an Jimi awe mummah’s babbehs?”
“That’s right.”
“An mummah nee fwuffies babbehs tu wub mummah da most, buh if Mocha wub a babbeh mowe dan mummah den mummah hab heawt owwies an bigges’ saddies?”
“That’s exactly right. That’s the rule, and if you break it then I’ll be so very sad,” Sammy put on an exaggerated frowning face. “You don’t want mummah to be sad, do you?”
“Nu! Mummah am bes mummah! Mocha am sowwy fow gibing mummah heawt owwies! Pwease fowgib Mocha, pwease sowwy! Nu wan mummah to hab saddies!” Mocha squirmed around and hugged Sammy, “mocha gib mummah bes huggies, day awways ficks saddies!”
“Aww, thank you, Mocha. I’ve got a call to make, so you go play, okay?” Sammy set mocha onto the floor and started dialing up Cheryl.
“Hey, Dr. Cheryl, can we schedule for Jimi and Mocha getting fixed?”
-Sure, Mocha should be physically fit, and Jimi we can do almost any time.-
“Oh goo-”
“Mummah!” Mocha loudly interrupted, running into Sammy’s legs, “pwease hewp! 'Tuffy nee hewp!”
-Oh boy, what sort of trouble are those two getting into?-
“Let’s find out…” Mocha was left in the living room, hiding behind her front hooves. As she got closer to the safe room she could hear Jimi.
“Enf enf enf yu nu as pwetty as Fwowew, but gunna hab gud feews! Enf!”
Softly into the phone, “I’ll be by in an hour with Jimi.”
-Told you so. See you in a bit.- the line went silent.
“Enf enf en-eeeep!” Jimi was hoisted into the air. His legs and member waving about.
“Jimi, what did I tell you about giving special hugs to 'Tuffy?” She knew the answer, and she knew that he knew.
His eyes went wide and some dribbles of scary pee dropped onto the floor. He was being held up by his scruff, below him was the newly violated 'Tuffy. “Muh-mummah wet Jimi down? Pwease?” He looked down at the floor that was so far away, the back to Sammy, “pwease sowwy mummah!”
“Jimi,” Sammy put on the saddest look she could, “I told you not to give 'Tuffy special hugs, didn’t I? And… Now you’ve given me the worst heart owies. The worstest!” A single tear rolled down her cheek.
Jimi looked between his mummah and ‘Tuffy on the floor. She told him. Mummah told him not to have special huggies with ‘Tuffy. "Buh… mummah! Jimi nee’ tu hab spechul huggies! Nee’ tu make nu-nu stick feew gud! An’ Jimi sowwy. Can Jimi hab Spechul fwen?" His eyes pleaded with her, but he knew he screwed up.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t. And you broke the rule…” Sammy let out a loud and long sigh, “and by breaking the rule I’ve got the worst heart owies.” Another tear fell, “and it’s all because you didn’t love mummah enough.”
His mouth fell open, he tried to make words, but he just couldn’t convey the turmoil. “Buh… Jimi nee’ spechul huggies an mummah nu wet Jimi hab spechul huggies wif Fwowew.” His words caused him mummah to look even sadder. “Pwease, mummah! Jimi sowwy! Pwease sowwy!” He kicked his legs against the air, “PWEASE SOWWY MUMMAH! SOWWY JIMI BAD FWUFFY!”
“I know, baby. But you can’t take back what you did. That means they’re going to take away your ability to have special huggies.”
“Whu? Buh?” He squirmed in her grip trying to look down at his nu-nu stick. “Nu, mummah, Jimi nee wumps and spechul huggies! Pwease?”
He tried his hardest to get out from her grip, he begged and pleaded. He apologized. Mummah didn’t stop. Jimi didn’t know much, but he knew he couldn’t stop her. “I don’t want to do this, baby. Jimi, you broke the rule, so if you don’t take your punishment, I’ll be punished.”
“Buh, why mummah ge in twouble if Jimi am bad?”
“Because that means you were very very bad. So if you don’t take the punishment, I’ll have to be punished. You don’t want mummah to be punished do you? Do you want mummah to have the worst owies AND heart owies?” He could see tears on his mummah’s face through the carrying crate’s gate.
“Nu! Pwease nu owies fow mummah! Jimi… Jimi be gud fwuffy…” Jimi laid down in the carrier, facing away from the gate, he couldn’t bear to look at his mummah and how sad she was.
Flower watched as Sammy put the box in the vroom vroom munstah and disappeared. Once she was sure it was safe, she went around the yard grazing on the grass that was just waking up. The best nummies were still hiding, and grass didn’t taste good, but she needed to eat. And she needed to make miwk. The best miwk she could make for her two remaining foals.
It didn’t take long before she was able to feed her foals. Well, just one foal. She fed the black foal from both teats, and there wasn’t much that was hungrier than a feral foal, even one whose see places weren’t even open yet. The yellow foal chirped at her, he was hungry. But she could eat more, she could find more food and make more miwk for the yellow foal.
“Yu gun hab bestest hoomin mummah.” She gave the black colt the last opportunity for licking him clean. She loved him, she loved him so much. He was the same color as her special friend, and she hadn’t seen him in so many forevers. “Mummah wub yu, babbeh. Yu be gud fow nice wady hoomin mummah.”
With chirps and peeps of protest, Flower forced the black foal through the chain link fence. “Wemembew, babbeh, mummah wub yu.” Flower returned the yellow foal to her fluff, and once he was situated on her back, she walked away, refusing to look back.