Luck pt 2 (Chip Eater)

r/fluffycommunity - Luck pt2 (longfluffy)

You look off into the dense foliage that is the forest and hope, hope for the possibility that somewhere in that forest you can find a home. As you ready yourself to start your adventure you tell “cawwot” to grab onto your tail, thankfully he follows your directions and grabs your tail. You walk into the forest with no plan as of where to go and absolutely no directions. You walk for what is likely hours as you slowly get thirsty and hungry but suddenly mid step “cawwot” pulls on your tail and says two words in a surprisingly commanding tone “fowwow cawwot” As you have nowhere else to go you decide to let “cawwot” take the lead and eventually you arrive at a stream although to a microfluff like yourself ir might as well be the Grand Canyon.

r/fluffycommunity - Luck pt2 (longfluffy)

You decide to get a few saps of the refreshing liquid while “cawwot“ sniffs around. You notice he starts digging and pulls several strange looking clumps of dirt out of the ground saying again one word “twuffle“ you have no idea what that means but he starts to eat one of them revealing a light brown inner.

r/fluffycommunity - Luck pt2 (longfluffy)

It looks a bit like ”chocky nummies” but you have never tried them, despite this you bite into one revealing a terrible salty sour taste (somewhat like garlic) and you immediately spit it out. After a while of lapping at the stream water to cleanse your palate you realize this is your only food source besides grassies and so you begrudgingly eat one of them.

r/fluffycommunity - Luck pt2 (longfluffy)


Carrot can sniff out truffles?! That fluffy is priceless! Think of the profit one could make if one were to take him in. :money_mouth_face:

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Fun fact carrot was bred to be a truffle hunter as fluffies have lots of pig dna