Lyrafluff in a shelter. (by: artist-kun)


Oh man and that’s a good color fluffy too :cold_sweat:


In a shelter, good colours, no signs of bad behaviour I can see, and most of all not being told they’re going to be exterminated? Do they have an infectious disease or something?


They’re war criminals.


maybe the “flew away because wanted foals” virus :v


Makes me think of bride of Frankenstein, with that hair pattern. Can I have them?

They know too much


Other theory: They heat the building by burning fluffies.


. . .Perhaps someone reserved their death?

ex - Paid to adopt them but scheduled to have them put them down just so they dont get a chance at a home after a short boarding. That way they can observe their slow but inevitable fate.

Or maybe a science experiment of some kind?

Potentially observing how people behave when exposed to such information. Ie - will the fluffies be told or will they simply be lead on/ignored etc?

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Reminds me of toothpaste.

Maybe the fluffy had the wrong owner: an employee’s now ex.

In my headcanon the only reason for this would be because [REDACTED BY ORDER OF USDOD 2080-0924-1302] which is extremely dangerous and could result in [REDACTED BY ORDER OF USDOD 2080-0924-1302] and holy fuck you do not want that.

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I doubt it’s anything like psychologically torturing them, the sign specifically says they don’t know and that seems intentional

Using fluffies to wipe instead of using toilet paper is more efficient and more economical. Just have to plug them first.

Not a good home for the mother and her foals. More a dirty grave.

That’s hilarious. I’d love to see how they react when they realize their fate (probably right before they die).

I like the art.

My guess is she’s a runaway that wanted babbehs.