C’est mauvais caca.
you cannot smell the bad poopies, nor step on it in your socked feet on a Wednesday morning. so is this truly a bad poopies?
or is it just a digital drawing I made while watching my cat lick his own asshole?
this is the spirit of the debate Magritte intended I think.
If I print out a picture of this drawing, and then replace one element of it at a time with real-world analogue, I’ll eventually wind up with something that looks exactly the same, but is made out of real material instead of pigment. It will show the same thing, but will be made out of entirely different parts.
At this point, the drawing will be fully real instead. I’ll be able to smell the bad poopies, and step on it with my socked feet on a Wednesday morning.
The question then becomes thus:
When did the abstract become concrete? I would submit to you that the bad poopies were bad poopies from the moment they were drawn.
I call this bad poopies thought experiment the Ship of Feceus.
C’EST DU DÉSESPOIR !!! mouahahahahahaha
Translation: this is not sadness
You actually speak French right? I’m building a glossary of fluffspeak basic terms so we can translate between languages in comics faster. A “Fwuffy Wosetta Stown.”
mange de la merde et meurs, espèce de rat de merde!
what a curse :v but yeah, if you want :v