Maison de Fluffy Masterpost

Commissioned by gibhuggies, Maison de Fluffy is a global leader in bio toy medicine and psychology located in New Orleans. Medical resident Mary Sue LaRue struggles to manage the stress that comes with residency and caring for injured and traumatized fluffies.

Most likely never getting finished due to the commissioner stepping away from the community. Sorry guys.

Side works
Spare Parts Production

Main Timeline
Live Subject Training at Maison de Fluffy
Third Shift at Maison de Fluffy
Emergency Care at Maison de Fluffy
The French Quarter Incident
The Psychiactric Wing at Maison de Fluffy
The Back Rooms of Maison de Fluffy
Unveiling Maison de Fluffy
Fluffy Fight Club
Lab Raid at Maison de Fluffy
Breeding Stock
Mass Poisoning at Maison de Fluffy
Addiction and Relief

Yam, free at last

If you would like to commission a story of your own, my commission information is HERE.