I leave you the comic in neutral Spanish, I think.
Anyway, why don’t I translate the comic directly ?
It makes me lazy
Estos Fluffies me recuerdan mucho a los Fluffy-Bunny de un Comic de Neku-Chan, que eran fluffies de una linea alterna que en lugar de usar ponys usaron conejos, aunque estos fluffies no tienen nada de conejo, solo tienen las orejas largas por alguna razón, especulo que son una sub especie, hecha a base de burros miniatura, a no ser que me equivoque.
tus dibujos son lo suficientemente buenos como para que un bilingue los traduzca de todas formas
asique subirlos dos veces ,primero en fluffyñol y despues español normal me parece lo mejor,
la comunidad hispana se la pasa traduciendo comics enteros al español despues de todo
Its so hilarious both the entitled stallion and his mate are just bunch of wuss when beatened black and blue
Maybe fluffies programmed to speak other languages manage to speak them normally without the cutesy speak. It’s only English they have trouble speaking.
Nah, in spanish talk in the same way equivalent, or calify to cute spaeking or just babbling like a idiots
Yeah I know, but for some reason when I read the unedited Spanish dialogue, it sounded like a telenovela in my head. So as far as I’m concerned that’s headcanon now.
Panel 1
Panel 2
Mare: WO-WO-WO-WST HUWTIES *Shits herself *
Panel 3
Panel 4
Mare: Mummah can hab mowe pwetty babbehs, nu gib mowe huwties
Panel 5
Loco: Dummeh mare, yu take yu dummeh babbehs and weave Woko’s wand.
Nu want stinky babbehs.
Nu want dummeh smarty, dummeh mawe take too.
[Thank you very much for the original Spanish!]
Need to ask … The name being page si, is it because of the thing you can say in Spanish after saying that number?