Mama goes Bananas (7svendye)

When it comes to a mother’s love it acts as a shield for young who enter a world that is still new to them. In the case of fluffies, Hasbio made fluffy mares as loving as possible, however, due to their greed and care for profit, their actions led to the creation of BMS [Bitch Mare Syndrome] who will act cruel and evil to her young that she deems is ugly or poopie, although the company never wanted mares to be a part of the market they tried to rectify this problem, however, the delusional people at PETA let these man-made animals out before it could be fixed. It is these BMS mares who often paint fluffies as cruel and selfish creatures who don’t understand what love is. Our story starts at a zoo as a new runaway fluffy mare seeks a new home for her bestest baby and to a lesser degree her least favorite foals.

MiMi a hot pick and yellow mane fluffy was a new mama who had a very pretty special friend, but her owner gave him forever sleepies when he demanded food and more toys. With him gone, Mimi owner gave her a lot of rules on loving all her babies and that all of them were equal to one another, and that there were no bestest babies. For a while she was living in a box by a restaurant where her daddy often took her when she was good, now she could have all the nummies she could ever have. It was a good home for a while especially when she was Ballooned and was unable to walk. When she gave birth her first son was a pretty white fluff baby who had a horn, this was to be her bestest baby. Her other foals would not be as lucky, as their color fluff would label them as the poopie babbies, her first daughter was a charcoal black color, in her eyes if it was not bright it was ugly, her second son was a deep grey color something that Mimi saw a Boring in her eyes, her other daughter was a light brown color that mimi saw was poopie.

For a while, mimi would neglect her ugly colored children while only feeding her pretty bestest baby. She kept her ugly children around to eat the poopies and give licky cleanies to bestest when they got older. Karam would come knocking when the restaurant owner finally discovered her and her foals. In a panic she would grab her bestest and her “Poopie” babies, not out of love mind you but to eat her poopies and her bestest poopies, or in case she needed to make milkies for bestest. After walking for a good while and getting Annoyed by the constant crying of her neglected young she found herself at her town’s local zoo.

“mama bestest wan milkies”

Hearing that her favored son was hungry Mimi began to rest and nurse her pretty baby.

“Otay bestest mama hab wots of milkies fo bestest”


As she was nursing bestest she became annoyed at the crying of her other foals. These malnourished young foals were unfortunately born to a mother who did not know the responsibility that came with taking care of her young. To Mimi babies were just pretty things to have and to play with.

“Shad up dummys bestest babbhie am dwinkie milikies, dummy ugyw babies will get poopies when mama am done”




The three neglected foals cried for their mother that did not love them as the only time that they were given any food only came as waste from a mother who hated them because they were not pretty. for the next hour Mimi finally had enough of the crying from her poopie babys.


Turning around Mimi pointed her ass at her least loved babies and shat on her neglected young.

“Mimi nu wan uwgy babbhies nu moe, Mimi find bestest new housie as an toysie for Mimi an Bestest babbhie tak sowwy poopies”

“Dummy ugwy sisie an bwudda no get new housie owny poopies”

Mimi began to walk away from her ugly children ignoring the crys and peeps from her babies who were born ugly.




The foals could only cry and peep for their mama who did not want them. Blind and starved all hope seemed lost for the foals. Unknown to all however Mimi’s actions draw attention to one of the animal exhibits where she had abandoned her young.

hoo hoo hoo ho hoo hoo

Watching the abandoned foals was a female Chimpanzee who was nursing her only son. The staff at the zoo named her Sasha, she is a very smart ape as the staff often allowed her to mother some of the young chimps that were brought to the zoo after they were taken by poachers. She saw everything, she saw the pink thing leave her young that broke the chimp’s heart and heard the cries of the foals. Her instincts ran on overdrive, Sasha set down her son and ran to the foals. Jumping from her exhibit to the bars of her cage she began to see the poop-covered foals and their malnourished bodies.

hoo hoo ook hoo hoo ho ook

Making a series of hooting that would calm the foals, she began to reach out for the neglected foals.

PEEEP PEEP…peep…cheep?

The black foal felt that she was being lifted and was hearing something that was not wordies that a mama would say.

hoo ook hoo hoo ook

The gentle noise made her feel safe and made her feel loved, unlike the voice that said mean words even though it smelled like her mama. The thing that did not smell like her mama was making noises that were both sad and comforting. She began to hug the thing that was giving her the much-needed love she needed.

Feeling the small foal began to calm down Sasha began to reach for the other foals. Using her other arm and looping around the bar she continued on to make gentle hooting for the foals. Jumping again from the bars to her home. Going to where she left her son the gentle ape began to groom the dirty foals.

cooo peep cooo

The black foal felt all the icky stuff that covered her leave her fluff and felt gentle things that got out all the ickys that were left in there. The weird-smelling thing that was making noises that made the heart hurties go away helped the foals. She then began to smell something that made her tummy have scary noises. It was milkies, the weird thing wasn’t a weird thing…it was…her mama. Drinking as much milkies as she could the foal began to cry again as she finally felt love that was denied simply because she had ugly fluff. petting and nursing the little baby Sasha continued to groom the other foals that needed love.

Back with Mimi she hated the zoo all the cans that had nummies would not move and the stuff that was not can nummies were behind dumb doors and no amount of sorry hoofises made them move in fact she hurt herself after constantly hitting the inanimate objects. It is then she remembered why she saved her ugly babies.

“hmpf, mimi go back to uwgy babbhies an hab dem fo nummies an mak milkies for bestest babbhie”

“yay, bestest mama make milkies fo bestest babbhie, wub mama!!!”

Walking back were she left her ugly children mimi was shocked however when the only thing she found were the leftover poopies of where she shat on her young.

“where am dummy uwgy babbhies, mama nee nummies fo bestest babbhie”


Looking around for her ugly babies, Mimi mind began to race at the thought of her ugly babies getting a new housie, but not her and bestest. She would find them and give them wortest stompies.

hoo hoo ook ook ho hoo

Noticing the sound Mimi turns to the ape exhibit and see the “Ook Ook” Munster that her daddy often took her to see. There she saw in the cage was the Munster and in her hand…WAS AN UGLY BABBY!!! and not just any ugly baby it was HER ugly baby. Mimi began to fume at the ape for taking her ugly nummie baby.

“DUMMY MUNSTER GIB BAK UWGY NUMMIE BABHIE, Mimi nee mak milkies for bestest babbhie!?!?!?”

“Dummy bestest wan milkies!??!?!?”

Mimi began to hit her soft hoofs on the cage and fume at the unfairness that was going on. Why did the ugly munster and her ugly babies have a nice home full of toys and food, but she didn’t it wasn’t fair!!!

In the cage, Sasha noticed the distressing noises that her son and new babies were making due to the pink thing yelling. She realized that was the pink thing that left her babies and pooped on them, leaving them without food or comfort. Now angered Sasha ran to a nearby pile and decided that it was time for payback. Grabbing a big steaming pile Sasha turned to the pink thing and hurled her poop at the loud mouth pink thing.


Mimi was hit right in the face with poopies, and was left blinded as she stumbled backward not paying attention to her bestest.


Mimi had fallen on right on bestest as half of his body was trapped in the confines of his fatass of a mother.


cleaning the poop from her eyes Mimi began to look and to her horror, she saw that she was crushing her bestest baby. Getting up as fast as she could she reached out and lifted her half-mangled son and gave him Huggies hoping it would fix him.

“Mimi sowwy bestest nu mean gib hurties mama wub bestest pwease nu hab hurties!!!”




“Am otay?”

breaking the hug mimi began to look at her son again and to her horror she saw that his eyes had rolled to the back of his head and his Tongue was sticking out of his mouth. She began to shake him hoping that he did not go forever sleepies.

“bsetest stop making scawy face mama nu wike”






Mimi could only carry and hug the corpse of her favored foal hoping that it would bring him back. Dropping his body Mimi in a fury went back to the cage and began to yell at the ones who caused the death of her son.


Hitting the cage with all her might Mimi hoped that eventually, she would break it down the bars and reach at the ones who caused her misery. However, her actions begin to scare the young foals who heard all the yelling and start to peep and cry at all the scary noises. The Foals gathered together and began to hug each other in a fluff pile joining them was Sasha’s son who was also getting sacred. Seeing her babies were frightened by the pink thing Sasha realized that enough was enough.


Sasha jumped from the exhibit to the bars where Mimi was making her rant. Seeing that the ook munster was right at the bars Mimi tried to run away.


Sasha was able to grab Mimi before she could get away and began to maul the fluffy for threatening her young.




Sasha was banging Mimi against her cage, mauling the pink thing that wanted to hurt her family and She began to reach out and rip the pink thing’s front leg off in a shower of blood.




Not done with her thrashing Sasha turned Mimi around and then began to bang her face against the bar.





“Huuuhuuu, wan daddy!?!?!”





Sasha then stops her assault on the fluffy and looks at the bloody mess that was once Mimi. Her breaths are shallow and her face was beaten to a bloody pulp and her body began to twitch from the assault. seeing that her job is done Sasha drops the body of Mimi and jumps back to her home. The foals and Sasha’s son whimper from the scary Noises, but Sasha begins to comfort her family. The Black foal hearing the comforting noise of her mother begins to scoot to where she is and hug her hand.

coooo coooo

Sasha looks down at the foal and begins to groom her new daughter.

“Yeah, Mike, its Phil, I’m checking Sasha’s cage right now”


“I’m sure it’s just a Squirrel, ya know she hates those things”


“LIsten there nothing to worr-”

The zoo keeper known as Phil stops in his tracks upon seeing the bloody aftermath of Mimis and Sasha’s confrontation, and the bloody corpse of Mimi and the mangled body of her bestest baby.



“Yeah Mike I’m still here, hey listen we’re gonna need a clean-up crew and a hose”


I was hoping that Mimi would end up surviving long enough to be pillowed so she could be a milkbag inside Sasha’s enclosure. Oh well.


try saying that to her face apes are very strong


for apes it kill to protect and nothing else

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I am against Animal abuse but this is why we have tranquilizers. Anything to make sure the ugly scatfluffs suffer. Poopy babies are uglier then sin.

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my story, and if you don’t like it try talking to Sasha I’m sure that she will take your complaints into consideration

I hate BMS mares and smarties

also she is an ape


I love chimps. Sasha is an especially good girl! I wonder what the staff will say to her fostering fluffies.


Try taking them away and see what happens :rofl:


Chimpanzees are great apes, not monkeys. They’re more closely related to us than to lower primates.


I think you might not be giving her enough credit- Sasha’s said to be very smart, and there was no reason for her to think that she needed to ‘protect’ anything there, as she had all three ‘ugly’ foals. If Mimi did make it long enough to be placed as a milkbag, I’m sure Sasha would have no problem figuring out that she could feed the foals with ‘it’ and that ‘it’ was the bitchy fluffy. Heck, Sasha might even find it very funny.

That said, I loved the story, keep up the good work.


I will admit it was a tough choice of milkbaging mimi but I enjoyed Sasha mauling the bitch


I did too.

EDIT- I’d love to see the media covering ‘the first animal to abuse fluffies because they think it’s funny’ and have a chimp or something doing sign language to the effect of “best part when fluffy cry and die”

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Either way the point is scatcolors are ugly as fucking sin. If Sasha wants to be a mother fine, but it should be for something that was not squeezed out of our ass. Knock her out with tranqs, kill the ugly scatbabies and leave some prettier ones. She would be thankful.

… Seriously, I would think a chimpanzee would at least understand the better appeal of prettier colors. They have trichromatic vision and prefer reds blues and greens, meaning the mothers color, pink (likely a shade near red) would be more appealing naturally speaking. Why would an animal want to carry some talking dung?

Edit: Off topic but I just realized how fucking hilarious it would have been to have a monkey humiliate Mimi like a toy, maybe cause her to watch all her babies die instead because Sasha would not let Mimi feed any of them.



Hey chimps make better moms than winy spoiled mares who run away from home and neglect her kids for not being pretty

so get educated

family relationships are important to chimpanzees, who live in extended family groups of up to 120 individuals. These groups are made up of smaller family units of 6–10 chimps, and an entire community can include many different family groups. Chimpanzees are also known to help and support individuals they aren’t related to, which can include adoption.

so trying to take her new kids and replace them is a bad call


One word: hormones- All babies suck, and hormones majorly help keep parents from stomping the screaming little shits.

But yes, getting Sasha an adult male fluffy and letting her play ‘house’ with him and Mimi would entirely too damn funny.


I know Chimpanzees are familial but it does not change the fact in captivity would make prettier colors more desirable.

I will always stay on the hill scatfluffs are worthless and should have died instead. Maybe the zoo should have given her some blue cuties instead.

I will, though since this is leading to arguing and we have different values in what a good fluffy would be, I will stop after this post and say you did write a good story all the same even if my opinion differs from yours. Fucking Mimi did deserve this all the same. It would have been better to just abandon the dead weight yet she did not.

true but she is dumb and she cares only for her favored foal


Come on. All fluffies are equally worthless, and deserving of slow death!


Good point! That did slip my mind. My god am I getting too hugboxy? Time to rethink some life choices.

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