Manafluff (father_dan_the_man)

I vividly remember going to the Columbus Zoo as a kiddo and wondering why the manatees had such a small tub of water to swim in.

Anyways. Here’s a manatee + fluffy. I made the snoot much bigger and I stayed away from the fluff. But I imagine this little dude is covered in algae and that’s fluff enough.

:clown_face: :+1:t2:


in my brainstorming, i imagined wild sea-fluffies to be a lot like manatees! they kinda just float around eating seagrass and getting hit by boats

seafluffs that have long shaggy coats of algae instead of fur is definitely an idea worth exploring


Yes! Especially the laziness and the boat stuff. The manatees at the zoo I saw as a child were pretty banged up from boats.