Martini: part 1. [deathproofpony]

>you are fluffy named Martini. you are pale green unicorn with darker green mane.
>you live in big cage. it is warm and comfortable and you get nummies every day.
>there are other fluffy ponies in cages here but they are alone too.
>sometimes BIG MAN takes you from your cage and puts you with a pretty mare fluffy
>you get to make hugs and even better: special hugs! you love special hugs. it feels good in your lower parts
>BIG MAN treats you well and pets you sometimes. after you give special hugs you get special treat.
>sometimes it is purple sweetness called a jelly. sometimes get a sweetie called a cookie
>once he gave you yogurt but it made you poopies a lot and it smelled more bad than usual
>no more yogurt. but you love your jelly and cookie.
>today BIG MAN walked by with a fluffy you haven’t seen before. he is white pegasus with blue mane.
>“Hey, Frank! Which cage should I put the new one in?”
>“Put it with Martini. He’s pretty friendly.”
>cage opens! is it time to play? or is it time for special hugs? he’s putting the pegasus with you! a playmate!
>“my name mawrtini. whut yowr name new fwend?”
>“my name fwasty. fwasty smawty pony!”
>frosty puffs out his cheeks and stamps his little feet on the floor of the cage. you don’t like smarties.
>“smawty pony wan pway?”
>“no! smawty too smawt for dumb fwuffy! smawty gon escwape an take mares with!”
>“fwosty you a dickhwead.”
>“you no say dat to smawty! smawty huwt dumb fwuffy!”
>frosty flutters his ting wings and jumps at you, batting your nose with his little foot.
>blood drips from your nostrils. you don’t want to cry in front of this mean fluffy but you can’t help it.
>“you no huwt mawtini! mawtini nice fwuffy! mawtini no huwwties!”
>BIG MAN hears the commotion and hurries over.
>“Oh, what the fuck, Frosty.”
>“dum scawwy hooman! fwosty is smawty pony! wan be let out!”
>“Hey, Frank! We got a smarty friend here.”
>“Oh, that fucking asshole Gary. He said these ferals didn’t have a smarty.”|
>“I’m looking right at one. It just bopped Martini in the snout.”
>you hear your name but you don’t understand what’s going on. your big eyes are watery with tears and your lip is trembling.
>“Slice and dice.”
>“Got it.”
>BIG MAN reaches into the cage and snatches Frosty by the wings. he yelps and tries to kick with his stumpy legs.
>“no huwt wingies! meany hooman no huwt smawty! smawty too smawt foo hooman!”
>“Shut the fuck up, asshole.”
>BIG MAN smacks frosty across the face. you silently smile as he screams. you don’t like smarty friends.
>BIG MAN slams Frosty on the large table in the center of the room and pulls out a huge knife.
>“You smart enough to see what’s coming, shithead?”
>BIG MAN starts cutting into frosty, like slicing up a meat loaf. his mewling screams fill the room.
>some of the other fluffies are frightened by the sound. you smell them making poopies.
>“Hurry up, man. I wanna grab lunch.”
>“Oh, yeah… sorry, Frank.”
>frosty has stopped screaming and is just gurgling now. BIG MAN lops off his head and scrapes the pieces into a trash can
>“Let’s go to In and Out Burger. I’m buying.”
>things are quiet for a while. you get to do special hugs with violet. you gave her special hugs before. she’s pretty
>BIG MAN takes you from your cage and puts you in the special hugs nest. then he plops a pretty fluffy mare with you
>you’ve never seen this mare before. she is yellow with a pink mane. she has no feet
>“whew feets at, fwuffy?”
>“munsta take weggies. wemondrop no wun no mowe! wan weggies back!”
>BIG MAN taps the side of the nest.
>“Get to it, Martini. Give her a special hug.”
>you obey BIG MAN and position yourself behind lemondrop. she seems confused.
>“wha fwuffy doin? why bad touch wemondwop nawty pwace?”
>you don’t really know how to respond. you position yourself and put your happy thing inside her.
>its tighter than you are used to. almost unpleasant. but you don’t want BIG MAN to get angry.
>lemondrop is screaming and crying now.
>“owies! pwease stop bad hugs! it huwts! it huwts nawty pwace!”
>you feel the good feel a few seconds later and pull away from lemondrop. she’s crying and shivering.
>you try to give nice hugs but even without her legs lemondrop manages to pull away from you
>“you awe bad fwuffy you huwt wemondwop nawty pwace!” she cries
>BIG MAN walks over. you hope you aren’t in trouble for hurting lemondrop. you didn’t mean to
>“What the fuck, Martini. Did you hurt her?”
>“mawtini no mean huwt! wemondwop huwty when give special hugs!”
>BIG MAN picks up lemondrop by the tail and examines her gooey, bleeding special place
>“Ah, shit. Frank, this little bitch is of no use. She can’t handle a fluffy penis. Christ, her vag is so tight you couldn’t fit a ballpoint pen in there.”
>“That does it. That’s the last time I buy from Jamie. That fucking asshole said she’d be a perfect breeder since she doesn’t have legs. Fuck that guy.”
>“Alright - should I just take care of this one?”
>“Yeah, shut her the fuck up. Drives me batty when those things cry.”
>BIG MAN picks up lemondrop by her neck and slams her into the table. you hear cracking sounds. lemondrop is still screaming
>“Goddam it.”
>BIG MAN slams her into the table a few more times. she finally stops making noises. BIG MAN tosses her into the trash can
>“muh… mawtini in twouble, too! onwy wan give special hugs!”
>“Shut up, Martini. You’re okay.”
>BIG MAN puts you back in your cage and gives you a jelly. you forget all about lemondrop.
>the next day the BIG MAN puts another fluffy pegasus into your cage. he’s a pretty light orange with a white mane.
>“new fwend pway wif mawtini?”
>“huggies fo new fwend! wuv new fwend mawtini!”
>“wut new fwuffy name?”
>“fwuffy name cweamsika!”
>“mawtini wuv yoo! cweamsika have fun hewe! give special hugs to pwetty mawes!”
>“wha mawtini mean special hugs?”
>“you give special huggies to pwetty mawes and make babehs! then get yummies!”
>“cweamsika no undahstand.”
>you don’t worry about your new friend. he’ll learn.
>but you have a new playmate! and you can make snuggly hugs at night and be warmer
>a couple of days later BIG MAN takes creamsicle out of your cage and puts him in the special hugs nest
>“haff fun cweamsicka!”
>BIG MAN plops down marshmallow into the nest. she’s a pretty white pegasus with a light blue mane.
>you’re sad because you’re not allowed to give her special hugs. only other pegasus fluffies can. but she’s so pretty.
>BIG MAN looks quizzically at creamsicle.
>“Go on… do your thing.”
>he scoots creamsicle behind marshmallow, who is already lifting her tail in anticipation.
>creamsicle tilts his head to the side.
>“Aw, c’mon, really? FRANK! You said this little shit scored high on the tests!”
>“He did! He could pick out colors, count to five, he can say some of the alphabet!”
>“Well he’s too fucking stupid to know how to fuck!”
>“Help him out.”
>BIG MAN is loud and scares some of the other fluffies.
>BIG MAN flips creamsicle onto his back and touches his happy thing.
>“why touch nawty thingie! cweamsika no undahstand! no wike!”
>“Shut up, stupid.”
>BIG MAN puts creamsicle behind marshmallow and shoves his happy thing inside her
>“no wike dis! cweamsika no wan!”
>“Shut the fuck up!”
>BIG MAN helps creamsicle to thrust inside marshmallow. she seems bored.
>“fwuffy weady fo good feewy yet?”
>“Quiet, Marshmallow.”
>“cweamsika feew funneh in bad touchy pwace!”
>creamsicle grunts and pulls away from marshmallow. BIG MAN pulls his hand away suddenly.
>“God DAMN it! Stupid ass came all over my hand!”
>“Hahaha! Stuck in the middle with you…”
>“That shit ain’t funny, Frank! Now I gotta execute this stupid fuck. If he’s too dumb to fuck we can’t breed him.”
>“sigh Do what you gotta do. I’ll call Nathaniel and see if he can bring in some healthy ferals.”
>“Got it.”
>BIG MAN scoops up marshmallow, wiping his hand on her naughty place.
>“Maybe we’ll get you pregnant anyway, honey.”
>“daddy make mawshmewwo have babehs?”
>“Shut up, Marshmallow.”
>BIG MAN puts marshmallow back in her cage and gives her a cookie. you wish you had a cookie.
>he turns, a big mean frown on his face. he’s staring at creamsicle.
>“i go back wif mawtini?”
>BIG MAN grunts. he grabs creamsicle and flips him on his back.
>“wha doin? no wan towch nawty pwace agin!”
>BIG MAN takes a hammer and pounds creamsicle with it. he barely gets a scream out before he is silenced.
>BIG MAN is angry, pounding creamsicle’s fragile body with all his might.
>creamsicle barely manages to make a brief mewling sound and goes limp.
>BIG MAN tosses his body into the trash can
>BIG MAN walks over to your cage. you feel your bottom tighten up and your eyes widen.
>are you in trouble? you didn’t make creamsicle not give special hugs!
>BIG MAN opens your cage and pets your head.
>“Looks like you’re going to be giving more special hugs, Martini. Think you can handle that?”
>“mawtini wike givvy special hugs!”
>BIG MAN actually smiles and pats your head again
>“Frank, better put some vitamin E in his food. Same with the other mustangs.”
>“Got it. Nathaniel says he has some good ones to choose from.”
>“You be good, Martini.”
>BIG MAN closes your cage and turns out the light
>you wish you had a friend to cuddle with
>but you’re happy that you’re a good fluffy pony


Yeah baby, this that oldschool banality of evil shit, you don’t know what’s coming next because it doesn’t follow tropes, it follows cause and effect.


I thought the Creamsicle part would go in a much darker direction, more asexual than flat out dumb.

But he clearly wasn’t the focus, so no need to keep him around

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The legend and one of the most enjoyable stories in the whole community.

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