Martini: part 4. [deathproofpony]

>you are martini - a light green fluffy unicorn with a darker green mane
>you have a job giving special hugs to pretty mares and helping them make babies
>you get treats and you love the good feel special hugs give you
>today violet made BIG MAN very mad and he took away her foals and hurt her
>you won’t be able to give violet special hugs any more and that made you sad
>but BIG MAN wants to take you outside! for walkies! you can’t remember when you were outside last
>many many times ago that the White Sky Ball had come and gone
>BIG MAN says we’re going to find new fluffy ponies to play with! you’re so happy!
>”Come on, Martini.”
>BIG MAN puts the Strappy Thing on you. It hurts a little because it squeezes against your soft skin
>sometimes it pulls out some fluff, too
>BIG MAN says it’s to make sure you don’t wander off or get into trouble
>but you’re a good pony and would never do that
>it’s a beautiful day outside. Yellow Sky Ball is warm and way up above you
>the air smells much different here than it does in The Room and you see many pretty things
>you sometimes stop to nibble on tender grass or pretty flowers.
>BIG MAN pulls the Strappy Thing and it hurts a little bit.
>”Come on, Martini. I don’t have all day.”
>BIG MAN is carrying the Moving Box, too. You once had to ride in the Moving Box when you got real sick
>BIG MAN took you to another The Room where two friendly humans felt your tummy and put something in your poopy place
>the female human was really really nice and gave you a treat for being so good
>the other human gave you a nibble that tasted bad but he said it would make you feel better
>when BIG MAN brought you back to your The Room in the Moving Box you already felt better
>what nice humans!
>your legs feel like they’re getting strong.
>you were sad that BIG MAN took your fluff from your belly away but your legs move really good without it
>you and the BIG MAN walk alongside a pretty stream. you try to take a drink but he pulls you away
>”No drink water, Martini. That’s gray water.”
>”wawa no look gray. wawa look cleawr!”
>BIG MAN actually laughs
>”No, I mean… this water comes from houses. It’s dirty water. Toilet water. Remember toilet?”
>you remember toilet. before you came to The Room there was THE SCOTT who was a young human
>he took care of you in his house and sometimes you were happy
>but THE SCOTT sometimes was mean
>he would throw you in water room and make it rain. you were sad that your fluff was wet
>sometimes he would smack you but mostly you ate chee-toes and dori-toes and candee-bar and slept under his bed
>under his bed smelled bad but it was warm and THE SCOTT would leave you alone
>one day THE SCOTT put you in his toilet - where he made his poopies
>he slammed the top shut and kept making water rain down
>there was a hole at the bottom that was trying to swallow your little feets
>you were crying the whole time. finally THE SCOTT went away but didn’t let you out of his poopie place
>you don’t know how long you were there but finally THE SCOTT’s daddy found you and took you out
>you came to The Room soon after that. you didn’t like the toilet
>”There it is, Martini. I’ll be we find you some new friends there.”
>you see an old stone structure amongst the trees. bright colors are on some of the stone
>the rest is gray and covered in moss
>”Old sewage treatment plant. It’s got some protection and some of the stone basins gather rain water. I’ll bet we find fluffies here.”
>fluffies? here? you’re getting more excited now, hopping up and down.
>”yay! mawtini wanna pway fwuffies!”
>”Shh… we don’t want them to run away.”
>you smile and giggle at THE MAN. he pats your head.
>BIG MAN leads you along a trail that goes up a hill. from here you can see the stone shapes. this place is much bigger than The Room
>joy! you can see many fluffy ponies eating tender grass! you try to count them.
>1… 2… 3… 4… 5…
>you can’t remember what comes after 5
>but there are that many ponies plus another 5
>BIG MAN ties your Strappy Thing to a tree.
>”If they try to run, you talk to them. Distract them.”
>you don’t really know what that means… but you can try to play! you hope they’ll want to play
>BIG MAN puts the Moving Box on its end and opens the door.
>”Be right back.”
>BIG MAN walks over to the stone shapes. you hear a mixture of fluffy pony voices.
>”new fwend?” “wanna pway?” “bad monsta no huwtie!” “me smawty fwen! no like monsta!”
>uh oh… that one’s gonna be trouble.
>you hear a sickening crunch - the smarty friend stops talking.
>but now fluffy ponies are screaming and crying.
>”no monsta! pwease no take fwuffies!” “monsta huwt smawty fwen!” “smawty fwen was dickhwead anyways”
>BIG MAN runs up the hill, carrying six fluffy ponies. a couple of them are making bad poopies
>BIG MAN dumps them in the Moving Box and closes the door
>”Almost done.”
>BIG MAN runs back around the stone shapes. you see two fluffy ponies plodding around the opposite side to you
>”new fwens! fwens wanna pway?”
>”wun away! bad monsta twyin to get us!”
>”Can’t wun - wewaing stwappy thing.”
>”wun! wun! big bad monsta gonna getchoo!”
>”bigman is not monsta. bigman give nummies and tweats!”
>the three fluffy ponies don’t see BIG MAN sneaking up behind them. with one motion he scoops up all three
>they start to cry and poop themselves. that makes BIG MAN a little mad.
>he holds the fluffy by their bellies and points their poopie places at the stream
>get it all out, shitheads.
>he gives their bellies a squeeze and wet poopies spray out.
>”Come on! All of it! I don’t want to have to wash you shitheads later!”
>the poopies finally stop but the fluffies are crying. BIG MAN tosses them in the Moving Box
>”Good job, Martini.”
>BIG MAN pats your head and unties the Strappy Thing. you happily walk alongside him and head back to The Room
>you hear many fluffies crying inside the Moving Box.
>”how come cwying? we get nummies and we get make special hugs!”
>that doesn’t seem to stop the crying.
>BIG MAN gives you a nummy treat. its a soft cookie!
>you forget all about the crying fluffies in the Moving Box
>it smells pretty bad
>but you’re a good fluffy!


Martini was a soldier… in more than one aspect XD