McBrega v Belyayev : A Concept (Author: Oculus) (With art by Princess Purrpaws) (END)

Some musings about Iron Lung

When I first started planning out the concept for Strangers in Moscow, the game Iron Lung was the fad at the time. The setting had captivated me quite a bit, due to the mystery of the setting, as well as the absurd though horrifying scenario that was presented. A submarine exploring a sea of blood on a barren moon, in a unverse where the stars were going out. In a way, the Pyrocynical review of Iron Lung was used to reflect this part, where the introduction of Bheem reflected the first aprt of Fievel vs Irving. Just as Bheem’s covered himself with blood, then embarked in his quest, the submariner in Iron Lung literally dives into blood for his quest. Just some idol musings.

This is the very last part of a story project that started with Getting my first Fluffy Pony. In a way, its also a conclusion of a larger project that began with trying to write Be The One. It is written to be a “concept”, because, if I were to write a more McBrega v Belyayev as intended, it would need more research into legal drama, as well as real court cases. I had glanced over it for this piece, as it was not what I had intended.

It is crazy to reflect on how much this story has evolved. What was supposed to be a one-shot companion to Be The One became an entire story. That too had a background which itself became that story. But here is the conclusion to that story.

And now the notes:

  • I initially was going to include Old Major experiencing the first stages of cyberpsychosis. I scrapped the idea as Barbara had not played much games with Major, so he wouldn’t have developed the affliction as compared to a fluffy that did.

  • Roy’s cocaine addiction is based off the depiction of such addictions in movies like Robocop, Die Hard, and Wolf of Wall Street. In a way, it is similar to how Wayne got involved with drugs, albeit differently.

  • since body modifications is possible in this setting, yes, this includes penis enlargement. For humans.

  • thanks has to go to @PrincessPurrpaws and @Karn for letting me use her art for the depiction of the fast food miscros as an illustration for this story. The picture was done as @FoalOut4 request and can be viewed here: Burger Fluff Restaurant, idea by FoalOut4, art by Princess Purrpaws

  • The Tecboi Dreamcat is based off the Sega Dreamcast. I imagine it would be a feline-based biotoy. The success of Simsim is based off the popularity of the Sims series. The CubicFluffy is, indeed, based off the Gamecube, as well as Marcusmaximus’s Cubic Fluffies

  • both men said “we’re going to meet this challenge, head on”

  • as fitting this story as a “concept”, it was too easy for Nolan to have met Wayne at some diner. One could easily see some corporate espionage/subterfuge take place in that scene. But, this is a concept, and a story I had spent way too long on already

  • Pinnochio and the Velveteen Rabbit

  • A thing I want to stress is that neither Roy nor Wayne are bad people. Especially in the case of Roy. As much as his become more amoral due to climbing the corporate ladder, a lot of his intentions do come from a good place

Spoilers for Blade Runner 2049
  • The Blade Runner quote at the end is deliberate. Aside from echoing Ferroter’s opinion on the fluffy pony fandom, this story also approaches the debate about the “toy vs animal” debate of fluffies in a manner similar to one of the main debates within Blade Runner. Although the line was first said by CEO Tyrell in Blade Runner, I am quoting the replicant Mariette, who recognizes the humanity in herself and her kind.
  • the ending is meant to be open-ended

I could keep writing more stories within this setting. I could talk about all the bio-animatronics, as well as all the possible body modifications possible in thiss tory, but it would be less about fluffies. I could go into the Homer and Rita from Chapter 3 facing Mobilization. I could look into what happened to Tatyana. I could write about the fluffies working for the french resistance during world war 2, and once fluffy going on crazy shenanigans with a german defector bio-animatronic dog with a human brain.

But for now, I am done with Strangers in Moscow.