Personally i wouldnt eat it cuz it might grt a bit bony but if i had a cannibal fluffy id feed em this meal as a treat for getting rid of a garden invading herd :3
Karen: excuse me, do you see this
“She’s showing you a hamburger with a dead foal on it?
worker 1; yes, what is it?
karen: I asked for a foal still alive, this foal is dead.
Worker 1: Hey Ron, turn down the temperature on the fryer, the foals are coming out dead.
worker 2: uffff hate my life
“He dips a basket full of eviscerated foals crying for their parents and pulls them out blind, with their tongues cooked, but still chirping”.
This makes me want to vomit. And maybe report this chain for health violations and food contamination, as there’s no way that any of that is safe to eat/drink. You’re bound to get worms or diseases.
1: fluffy bones are fragile and depend on the breed cooking the bones even slightly would make them soft enough to eat
2: mcfluffy is part of the mcfluffy foundation that donates a portion of their profits to fluffy control efforts
3: these fluffies are farm raised and fed a special diet to make them tender and delicious, they are purged of nutrients for 2 days before being cooked to ensure there is absolutely no shit in them and they are shaved prior to cooking but receive a little food coloring bath so they still have that classic fluffy look
Over all 5 stars for presentation, 4 stars on taste, and 2 stars on overall environment.
In mcfluffy we take very much into account the opinion of our consumers, before the refusal of food that observes it, we ensure that the temperature is sufficient to melt the cornea, the mcfoals are blind, hopefully this clarification is helpful and have a mcflufytastic day
atte: CEO of Mcfluffy “Mc Jhonson JR”.