Meat fluffy grinder (By Painforever85)


Wowwiest owwies


Remember! When grinding fluffies, always go feet first!


Only if you want to enjoy the screaming longer (assuming you’re processing alive as shown above)

When I do using living fluffies, even with forced evacuation I prefer headfirst with a box I can throw away that I can hold with the offhand and aim their backsides towards in case there’s any remaining poop they shoot out in terror. Sucks when excessive shit gets in the meat.

I have a separate grinder for ground fluffy meat im willing to eat and those are usually dead, skinned (disgusting when you get a hair in your burger) and placed into the grinder in pieces as I toss the junk that could ruin the flavor and set bones aside for pets and broth. Otherwise I consider ground fluffy meat only suitable as protien supplement for other fluffies. Keep a nice bag of meatballs in the freezer for spaghetti nights.


Made me think fluffy herd walking in to a wood chipper


Oh wait, we’re taking about grinding fluffies for meat? I was just taking in general. You know, for the sexual thrill.


great product 10/10 would grind again!


So, normally I’m against grinding live fluffies like this, because the fur, offal, etc get into the meat and make it inedible. But what I might suggest instead is removing the legs from a fluffy using standard pillowing techniques and then butchering and grinding the legs in front of the fluffy. The fluffy’s tears will be very sweet as its misery will be second only to that of seeing its own foal slaughtered and ground up. Once that’s done you can either slaughter the fluffy for savory meat or reset the fluffy with a standard 480V resetting rod.


…or just continue but slowly


jajajajajaja you know!!! it´s the point!

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I only grind meat, mainly for the pleasure of the abuse but I use the meat to, as you suggested, make the meatballs for the skettis.

I find it frankly fun to give skettis to my fluffys with the meat from their own foals.

about 10% of my mares recognize the smell and/or taste of their offspring, I save their tears to make myself a Martini.

pd: despite the crying, grief and mourning, they leave nothing on the plate.

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good advice!

I can tell you are a professional. Next time I will do the same and let you know how it goes!


This, eating meat prepared like this will probably make you bed ridden for extended periods at best. Realistically no one would eat feral fluffies besides people who are extremely desperate. It’s like eating rat, or city pigeon.


Actually no shit, most people who use new culinary devices for abuse are probably rich assholes as I doubt they’re sanitary enough for food prep afterwards. Especially because fluffies have a decent amount of ruffage which can gum up the machine if frequently used. So they’d have to get more often.


Maybe if you bath it in medical spirt and dry it under UV lamps it would be fine. There is a better solution tho: don’t put dirty shitrats in your grinder


Of course, but as said frequent abuse is an expensive hobby, and probably decently dangerous for sanitary reasons. Like all it takes is not washing your hands once and before you know it you have an entire ecosystem of parasites in your skin and have shit out your kidneys from your mouth. Meaning you’d have to adopt often if you really want to be safe, which makes it really expensive.


I also think Hugboxers would be a very specific market because assuming non Hellgremlin, fluffies are basically slightly easier children with adult libidos. So I doubt the average abuser will keep em around for that long unabused to gain their trust or even like most young people would realistically buy one out of anything besides compassion towards their suffering.
Like I as a 20 something college kid sure as hell wouldn’t want even the best fluffy because I doubt I can be a dad to it right now. Like I’d play with one happily but they’d be better as a friends pet rather than yours. Though maybe it could be a communal pet that a friend group keeps assuming they can bond that way.
The people who get them are either rich people obsessed with cute shit, people who want kids but can’t have em, people who need emotional support animals, people who want to give their empty nesters, psychology labs, and people wanting to use them as a trial run for kids. It’s hard for me to believe the average nuclear family would get one if they knew what they were getting into.


That’s why fluffies end up anywhere but in the hands of nuclear families.
Because nuclear families are already have a dog