Meet Sprinkles by Karn/Princess Purrpaws

An adorable and unexpected gift from @Gal-with-pastels redrawn by P3.
Thanks again Gal-with-pastels. I adore her.


You lucky lucky bastard you ;p


Absolutely adorable.


She looks a bit like a designer fluffy.
I wonder if designer fluffy sub species would get along or if they have a distrust for each other.

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I imagine that it’s like being in high society.
So you get along with those as fancy as you, shun those lower than you, and are polite while secretly loathing those above you.

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Very advanced for fluffies.
I was more thinking would they be competitive in trying to curry favor from a possible new owner in a pet store
And would they get on fine in a new house or have barely concealed contempt for each other ?

Like 4 designer fluffies in a single house with a fuzzy as arbiter.
come on it wil be great fun and not a blood bath at all !

Not really. It’s no different than the way children behave sometimes.
Dividing themselves into cliques, teasing and tormenting those that are different ,ect.

I imagine it would be like a fluffy soap opera.

On a instinctive level yeah.
I don’t think they do it consciously.
They don’t go “nyeheheheh lets make life living hell for this lot”
Though with some kids or fluffies you may never know.

…I’m, okay with that
Sounds fun.
A fuzzy would be the arbiter, because fuzzies don’t care much for any fluffy, so there wont be any bias.

wanted to make her very MLP design focused


I love her colors.
And P3 had a blast drawing her.


Thanks, I watched MLP when i was younger , Spefically the gen 3 one, so i wanted to go hard with those types of colors.


Interesting choice, considering that fluffies were based off MLP:FiM!

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Those wings are huge. Maybe able to glide?

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Probably not as I have the wings being able to flap but still being vestigial regardless of size.
They’re adorable though.

Adorable and over the top art, congratulations

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