Messy Eater (TinyHorses)

Echo doesn’t get it lol


I thought the brown one was a baby deer at first


Looks too good. I really mean it. You drew fluffins like a normal mlp ponies, and you need to draw them as repulsive furballs. I can’t really dislike or antagonize such cute creatures.

In conclusion, your art and anatomy is Perfect, but it’s not in the right place, if you are not hugbox hippie.

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They need to be a bit chonker. Less MLP.


Still not fluffies. GTFO.


Neither do you. This still isn’t fluffies. Learn the culture. Learn the medium. Fuck it, ask me questions. I will answer them. Just stop posting this.


Why join a fluffy community if you can’t even try to get it right? Take your MLP OC’s and go back to deviantart. I joined to see these disgustingly cute toys get massacred, not to see copies of MLP characters shrunk down.


Yeah I see the problem with the comments.

Them don’t look at the posts? Lmao just use the ignore option.
Just because YOU don’t like it they can’t post it?

What an entitled little baby.

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You do realize this is a fandom specifically for fluffy ponies, right? And the poster only has art of MLP stuff. Hell, the one had paws. Nothing about them look like fluffies. This isn’t rocket surgery. And their newest post was essentially a fuck you to people that claimed they hadn’t learned about fluffies either.


Lmfao like I’m going to use on you :joy: don’t defend shitty art my dude.

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Also, your art is atrocious so I can understand why you love this shit.

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People are going to keep defending this garbage no matter what :mask:

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But, that’s the thing… It isn’t garbage. The art isn’t bad. They just aren’t posting it in the right place. Take that shit to a MLP forum.

They’re trying to ice skate up hill.


Nah you right. I should have used another word. I say garbage as in the design. Nothing is wrong with their art, just try to make them look fluffy for the love of God. And stop with the sexual orientation stuff. It isn’t necessary.


My le amateurish mspaint art is… le bad?

How am I going to recover from this?

They look like they’d be super soft like velvet I love them so much

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