soon-daddeh/soon daddeh - a fluffy stallion that is going to be a father very soon
Momma being lazy, you can literally eat your surroundings. ~chuckle~
Better luck next time pops. AT this rate you better dig a poopy hole. Thats a lot of nutrigel to eat through.
yeah i geuss so huh?
Granted I can understand not wanting to eat your nest/home. ~Chuckle~
Though the mental image of them slowly eating themselves downward in a circle either producing a shaft/fall or them creating a circular trench and plateauing themselves made me smirk.
yes well at least this owner will change out their gel so they at least have a somewhat nice “Mummah” or “Daddeh”
poor pops. He keeps thinking he’s finding new places he hasn’t explored for an exit but its just places the owner filled back in by injecting new gel.
actually the owner was stupid enough to leave the emergency exit door on the habitat opened…
spoilers. /sarcasmEnd
oops sorry just look at day 2 part 2 trust me you’ll like it