Micro invasion: glue trap (carniviousduck)

It is, most of the time they mimic rattlesnakes to deter predators, but if the threat comes from something that eats rattlers, the hognose does its “convulse and spew” act to seem like it’s dying of disease.

Oof, this reminded me of the time I accidentally ran over a gecko in Hawaii. I use a wheelchair, and one night I was rolling along my uncle’s front walk and didn’t see this little guy in the dark until something went squish. Checked my wheel in the light and you can guess the rest. :cry:


I got a squirrel’s head under my workvan’s tire once.
I never want to do that again.

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The best part is, they get to watch him slowly starve to death while being completely unable to do anything about it.

Hahaha yeah the only good way to get rid of this shitrats.