Alright, here’s the third image I’ve done.
I love micro fluffies.
Edit: I was inspired primarily by Spoosh.
Alright, here’s the third image I’ve done.
I love micro fluffies.
1ove it.
Wou1d 1ove to see one where they get ‘buwnie huwties’ from ant acid. xD
Probably in the future, have to investigate the effects first. What I have in mind though is about a story of a micro crew in a boat, hunting down sea fluffies like whalers.
Now im wondering if ants wou1d think to try and ‘domesticate’ / ‘farm’ micros.
1ike take their 1egs and forcib1y mate them with each other in the nest and then eat the foa1s / drink the mi1k.
That would imply that ants are smart enough for that… they aren’t, right?
I mean, they farm aphids for sugar and some grow fungus… And some types tend things in their hive or care for food re1ated ants 1ike the honeypot ants.
So~ not entire1y improbab1e.
Ants were doing agricu1ture and domestication before humans.
I might commission something 1ike this now. xD
God it’s Beautiful
That sound like a good excuse for a plot, but I think that the problems fluffies bring are a little too big to be worth it.
I might commission something 1ike this now. xD
I am actually working towards making a name before I can sell commissions, so the opportunity to request for free right now is open. I am still refining what I want in my style though. Fir example, I drew almost everything from Spoosh, but it has influence from Cybunny and Heriboitellem.
One pest feeding another. Now, spiders, on the other mandible.
Thank you!
I see a lot of Spoosh references here
Yes, that is from where I primarily drew. His(?) fluffies are always somehow cute, and I like cute things.
Better yet if the spider injects acid.
Considering some dessicate their prey and me1t them from the inside before drinking~ it kinda works.
Uh, that’s nasty. Almost as much as carrying the eggs of an insect and have them eat you from the inside out.
Foolish ants should have gone for the goolies instead !
Your art style here reminds me of Spoosh
I’ve read plenty about ants and their farming techniques. Never thought about applying it to micros but it makes perfect sense. That’s an amazing idea.
I based it on his style after all, but I couldn’t copy everything so there’s some minor alterations to not make it identical. Like the legs.
We all need to start somewhere and basing it off spoosh’s art is not a bad way to go.
I base my fluffies off on MarcusMaximus and Fwidde.
Just not nearly as cute.
I am looking for images of Fwidde, but can’t find any. Were they all deleted in the great exodus?