Microfluff Management: A CYOA by Thesaltt part 11

Microfluff Management: A CYOA by Thesaltt part 11

“Fwuffies need to find nummies and wawa.” You say with confidence. “Fwuffies awso need cweanies. Poopies on fwuff no am pwetty.”

“How fwuffies get cwean?” Shaishai asks, snuggling gently into your fluff. She’s taking a lot of comfort in your embrace. She must feel at least a little safe.

“Fwuffies need to wub against wawws.” You tell her as you direct the light to the cleanish walls of the current room. “Nummies waww take poopies if fwuffies wub against it.”

With a slight nod, Shaishai lets you go, and you make it back up the tunnel, using the walls to rub your fluff on. The nutrigel is surprisingly really good at cleaning your fluff of all the poopies. For some reason, when poopies hit the nutrigel, it liquifies the blue gel which then gets mixed with the poopies. The picture becomes a slurry that slides right off of your fluff, as if it were afraid of your pretty colors.

You reach the entrance of the poopie tunnel and out into the main area of the den. There are several different areas to explore, each tunnel you look down quickly turns to darkness. You sit and ponder where to go next when Shaishai speaks up.

“Tunnew ahead goes to nummies and wawas.” She tells you, pointing a small hoof to area d.

“Up dewe is soon mummah den. Dat’s whewe soon mummahs go so oddah fwuffies don’t bother dem.” Her hoof then moves from the direction of area d to area b.

“High up is Smawty den.” She tells you with her hoof moving from area b to area c. “Smawty wive dewe awone. Nu knu if Smawty haff special nummies or sweepy pwace, but awways say dat onwy fow Smawty.”

This is some good information. You’re glad you were able to find her and make her an ally. This will make things a bit easier in the long run.

Where should you go? What should you do?




See if there are any soon mummahs alive.

check for survivors

Smarty saferoom sounds like the best bet right now. Now, how to get there is the question.

Dig down from above.

You won’t have to worry about the how. I’m not really good at expressing things visually, and as such, the smarty room looks impossible to get to, but in reality it is fairly easy to get to like anything else in the cave. Also, the map of the den isn’t drawn to scale, so the rooms here are much bigger than how they might appear on the drawing.

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Into the nummies room. Have yourselves a drink and something to eat. Make a note of how much food and water there is.

Once you’re full and ready, head for the smarty’s den. Carefully.