Microfluffies tries to invade a garden by Mikahorsie


Lol get digested idiot


Note to self have Micros invade a Traptrix garden.
Long description shrort, its a monster archetype from Yugioh which either predatory/deceptive plants and bugs that attack when unnoticed. You know likw Antlions, Mantids, Trapdoor Spiders, Venus Flytraps, Pitcher Plants etc etc. There is a theory that its either the humanoids accompanying the creatures are either fairies in symbiosis with the predators or a form they have to lure in prey. In this situation it could be small fey that love in symbiosis with those plants or animals. Also pitcher plants would be useful for bigger fluffies and use them as a toilet and giving them nectar treats… smaller Fluffies tho arent so lucky.

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Niiiiiice Nepenthes :purple_heart:

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Ooh, nice use of a pitcher plant! Think a Venus flytrap would like some babbehs?

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