Misewy (Ace)


Sheldon, a blue and green stallion, cheered in his booster seat as daddeh raced down the road. Sheldon and (and to a lesser degree, his father) were very famous and could go fast down snowy roads if they wanted to! Today there was lots of white wawa falling down from the sky. It coated the roads even more than it had before, and Sheldon was very happy to be getting home. He and daddeh had been up at a winter resort making all sorts of new social media content. They’d been there for a very long time!

“Daddeh! Daddeh! Wan wissen tu Fwuff Wadio! Fwuff Wadio daddeh! DADDEH! EEEEEEE!” The stallion flailed his limbs around. His owner, a blonde haired young man who looked fresh out of high school glared at him.

“Stop freaking out you little spaz! JESUS!” Now, in the old days cars used to just have a radio you could turn the dial on or put a CD into. These days, they’re equipped with little mini tablets to control everything. It’s pretty distracting. Sheldon watched as daddeh messed around with the tablet, navigating through menus. “Fluff Radio. Here.” He pressed the proper selection and immediately the car was filled with the sounds of the mummah song except it was being belted out like an eighties hair metal anthem. Sheldon squealed with excitement. His owner squealed with something else: Fear. It turned out that playing with a mini-computer and driving in a blizzard was a fairly dangerous combination.

“HOLY FUUUUUUUUUCK!” The man yelled as their ride shot out past a guard rail. It flipped, tumbled. Sheldon saw a blanket of white rushing toward them and let loose a flood of scaredy-poopies that coated a fair amount of the vehicle due to being flipped around. Everything was black after that.

The fluffy woke up in an embankment of snow. Out of his booster seat, back legs smashed and face covered with bits of debris. Still alive though.

“Weggies huwties! Hewp Shewdon! OMWY WITTEW BABBEH!” The shit-encrusted idiot screeched out to the great white expanse. His owner wasn’t in the car. Where was he? There was booboo wawa and footprints but nothing else. Sobbing and uselessly flailing his front hooves around, his vision was going dim. The last thing he saw before slipping off to darkness again was a woman’s round face. Greasy, messy brown hair.

‘Biggest fan! I’m your biggest fan!’ the words echoed in his mind as he drifted off to sleepies. It would be awhile before he woke up again.

When Sheldon awoke, he found himself in a saferoom that was most definitely not his own. Everything looked old and unused. Laying in a comfortable but somewhat dusty fluffy bed, he realized he couldn’t move. Of course not. His weggies had huwties. There were huwties everywhere. It was the worst! After that, he noticed he was wearing a diaper. Diapers were for stinky babies, which he was NOT.

“Huuu…hewp fwuffy! Fwuffy am hewe! Nee’ huggies n wubbies!” He tried to move his back legs but they wouldn’t listen. Both had splints and were wrapped fairly tightly. Eventually, the woman he would come to know as his biggest fan walked into the room.

A broad shouldered woman. Not fat, not thin. Somewhat stern looking and wearing a dress that looked as old as everything in this room. She bustled on over to the fluffy, who shrank back a bit.

“Wewe daddeh? Shewdon nee’ daddeh.” He whimpered. The woman waved a hand.

“You two were in a terrible accident. He was gone when I got there but…wow! Sheldon the fluffy. In MY house! I’m your biggest fan! I’ve watched all your videos!” She held up a phone the size of a brick. It was amazing she could even watch videos on there at all, but whatever the case.

“Y-Yew am nyu mummah? Nyu mummah ‘fo Shewdon?” He asked with uncertainty. Daddeh was his owner. Yet if he wasn’t here, would she be? Fluffies needed care.

“You want me to be your new owner?” The woman clapped a hand to her meaty chest, a few tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She sniffled a bit. “Me, Fannie Wilkins, the mother of Sheldon. Oooooohhh! It’d be an honor!”

Sheldon gave a nervous smile. Waggled one of his front legs. “Am hab wots ob huwties. Pwease hewp wittew Shewdon.”

“Oh my sweet little angel. Of course. Let me just get something special for you. Hold on: I used to work at a fluffy clinic. I have all sorts of things to help you feel all better.” With that, she walked out of the room. Returned with a tray containing a pill bottle and an eye dropper full of water. Bending down to Sheldon, she snatched his mouth open and popped the pill in. Flushed it down with water from the eye dropper. Well, she was definitely a professional if nothing else. He hadn’t even been given the chance to say no to icky medicine.

“Go back to sleep, baby.” She told the fluffy, and he didn’t immediately. After she left the room he had so many questions! Yet eventually all the bad huwties went away. It was replaced with a new feeling: Weightlessness and the absence of car. Sheldon flopped his head down, drooling on the cushions. He was stoned, riding high on some of the best fluffy painkillers on the market. It happened to be a good feeling. The medicine was his nyu fwend.

When Sheldon awoke, mummah was changing his diaper. Stinky, smelling, not something he wanted on him. He was a big boy! He could make good poopies in the littertray!

“Mummah, nu wan stinkeh dipey. Am big fwuffy.” He puffed out his cheeks. Fannie waved a hand at him.

“Shush. You’re wearing it and that’s that.” After he was all cleaned up and still pouting about wearing a diaper, she brought a bowl of tomato soup up. Sheldon sniffed the air. That kind of smelled like skettis! His stomach growled with instant hunger.

“Am dat sketti wawa? Shewdon am wan sketti wawa!” He squealed with excitement. Fannie brought the spoon up, blew on it. It was the proper temp for even him. The soup was plopped into his mouth and she’d repeat the process, giving him a patient smile the entire time. However, she wasn’t doing it fast enough. Sheldon happened to be pampered and catered to most of the time! When he wanted something, it better come quick!

“Hungwy naow! ‘Nee sketti wawas naow!” He flailed a leg out at the bowl and caught it with his hoof, sending it crashing down on him with a wave of hot soup. The fluffy screeched, filling his just cleaned ass-garment.

“BUWNY HUWTIES! OWWIES! EEEEEEEEEEE!” Fannie gave a sound of shock as she moved to get a nearby towel, trying to rub away all of the burning soup which clung to Sheldon and settled in his fur, burning him far more deeply as it was trapped. It was blister his flesh underneath, cause searing pain to flare up all along the afflicted areas.

“You need to be more patient when I’m feeding you! That was YOUR fault Sheldon.” She told him with the tone of a disapproving parent. Sheldon whimpered a bit. Even though he was still riding a high from the pain pill taken earlier, being burned was no laughing matter. Getting a look at his face, she smacked him over the head with the spoon several times.

“I want you to sit here and think about what a bad boy you’re being.” The woman said, and Sheldon gave a small sound of fear.

So she left him there in the dregs of his soup and a newly soiled diaper. The huwties were coming back. Sure he’d been kind of pushy with the soup, but he hadn’t eaten for a very long time!

“Nyu mummah…Shewdon nee’ bestest meddysin ‘n cweanies. Su stinkeh an nu pwetty.” He gave his tail a worried wag, really wishing he hadn’t soiled himself out of pain.

She didn’t come back immediately though. The pain pill started from earlier had edged away into sheer and grinding agony. What hurt worse, his shattered back legs? The burns on his body? He didn’t know. The fluffy began screaming and crying from help. From somewhere deeper in the house, Fannie turned the sound up on her television. His pleas for attention were drowned out by a gameshow host asking someone how much laundry detergent cost.

Even though there was someone in the house with him, Sheldon felt so helpless. Miserable. Why was nyu mummah being mean? She had said before that she was his biggest fan. Daddeh and him had made lots of funny videos to make people happy, so why did she act so mean?

His crying continued for several hours. Fannie would eventually enter the saferoom with a try containing a fresh new diaper, a bottle of miwkies, one of the precious pain pills, and something he immediately recognized. It was daddeh’s camera! It was what all of their footage over vacation had been shot on.

“Dat am daddeh’s camwa toysie!” He said excitedly. The pain wracking his body didn’t matter for the moment. Maybe he was here to take him home! Back to his good saferoom where people didn’t spill soup on him and beat him with a spoon. Fannie smiled at him.

“That’s right. I found it at the place you got your booboos. Can I watch all of the new videos? I know you two always made lots of new content when you go on vacation.” The woman gave him a wide smile, retrieved the pill from the tray. Dangled it out to him. He couldn’t stand of course. Instead he scrabbled a front hoof out as if to reach it, tongue flapping out. He wanted it!

“Pwease nice mummah! Shewdon nee’ dat! Am huwties!” The fluffy begged. It was really important. Maybe one of the most important things right now!

“Well, give me an answer first. Can I watch your new videos?” She asked, acting as if she was about to drag the pill away. Sheldon knew that daddeh wouldn’t like people to watch it. If they watched it before he upwooded it, how could people give him monies? Still!

“Yis! Yew am hab funsies! Pwease naow!” The stallion continued flapping his tongue at the air. Finally, the pill dropped down onto it. He nummed at it greedily even if it was bitter tasting. This was good meddysins.

“Thank you, Sheldon! You’re such a good boy. Here, let me change you.” Fannie lifted the fluffy up from his cushion bed and took great lengths to avoid causing duress to his shattered hind legs. Setting the fluffy down on a table she went about the messy task of cleaning him up, and he didn’t even want to argue with having to wear one right now. Afterwards, though? She pressed the rubber nipple of the bottle against his mouth. The fluffy averted it with his face.

“But dat am miwkies! Shewdon nu am babbeh! Shewdon am bigges’ boy!” Having to wear a diaper was one thing, but drinking milk out of a bottle? Fluffies could feel humiliation.

“Drink it. I’m not going to have you spilling soup all over the place again.” Nyu mummah told him in a voice that left little room for further debate. Sheldon took ahold of the rubber nipple, squeezing it against his mouth. Stinky formula flooded into his mouth. It wasn’t like he could honestly remember what his own mummah’s miwkies had tasted like, but this tasted like a fart. The stallion began to cry. The huwties and humiliation of it all was almost too much to bear. Rivulets of off-white formula ran down his mouth, and she’d dab it away with a napkin.

“That’s enough, you big baby. I’m going to go watch all of your videos. I’ll tell you what I think, OK?” Mummah asked. Well. She was certainly going to be nice to him then. There was no way that nyu mummah could be mean after the great quality videos him and daddeh had made. Daddeh had said they were having a ‘content shift’. Whatever that meant! It had to be good though. Fannie left the room and Sheldon nuzzled into his bed, attempting to drift off to sleep and ignore the rancid miwkie taste in his mouth.

There was comfort in being asleep. The pain was even less, and he didn’t have to think about meanie mummah. It was just silly dreams. Yet as he dreamed and drooled carelessly against his pillow, a shadow loomed over him.

“What is your problem!?” The question hit Sheldon as he was taken up from the bed. His eyes fluttered, mouth popping up with surprise. If he thought meanie mummah was bad before, this was something else entirely. Her normally messy hair was in a total state of even further disarray. Mouth pursed so tightly that it looked like a butthole.

“S-Shewdon dun…” He tried to defend himself. What had he even done? All he’d been doing was sleeping! Mummah dragged him closer so that they were face to face.

“That WASN’T cute content. It didn’t make me feel good at all! I DIDN’T LIKE IT!” She screamed right in his face so that long strands of spittle flew out and stuck to his fur. The fluffy whimpered. Daddeh had said that cute content wasn’t what people wanted anymore. They had spent all that time at the resort saying bad words and Sheldon had talked about all of the pretty mares he was going to give enfies to. It wasn’t his real personality but daddeh had said people would enjoy it. They liked bad boy fluffies now.

“D-Daddeh am say dat…” He tried to explain but she wasn’t having it. The woman shook him so hard that he felt his teeth click together.

“EEEEEEEE!” He went off like a boiling tea kettle before he was thrown down on top of his bed. Hard. Fresh waves of crushing pain went through his healing legs. Beginning to bawl against the cushions, he wondered where he had went wrong. Why was this happening? He was a good fluffy.

“I’m going to leave for awhile. You can just sit there and think about how you’re a BAD boy.” Fannie told him, and he put a hoof out.

“Nee’ meddysins ‘fo huwties! Shedwon huwties! Pwease mummah! Nu weab Shewdon! Mummah! MUMMMAHHH!” He cried out for her but she was already leaving. Her footsteps went down the hall and he could hear a door opening, slam shut.

“Huuuu? Mummah!?” She didn’t come back. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get her to come back to him. The pain was worse. The burns, his splinted legs. All the screaming did was dry his mouth out. It wasn’t like he had a wawa dish to lap from. His new owner had been feeding him with a bottle and had eliminated the need for it, largely.

The light of the day faded away. Mummah was still nowhere in sight. It hurt too much to sleep, too. In the darkness he wondered if she would ever come back. He had tummy-owwies and needed wawa. Needed meddysin. Didn’t she love him?

It was far into the next day by the time he heard the door open again. The fluffy hadn’t slept at all during the whole matter. It hurt too much and all he could do was whimper against his bed, uselessly shitting into his diaper and wishing that a miracle would happen.

“Mummah! Mummah! SHEWDON AM HEWE!” He called out in a voice that was dry and raspy. Tail wagging with the idea that the pain would go away and he’d get nummies, his day suddenly brightened. Continuing to call for her, it would take several minutes for her to appear at the doorway. Mummah looked better. She was smiling and her hair had been brushed. Clean clothes. It gave Sheldon hope that things would be better. Especially considering that she had a tray in her hands with a diaper, a bottle of miwkies, and a glass of water. Doubtless, there’d be a good meddysin too.

“I’ve been thinking about things. I went to my thinking spot. Honestly, you were a bad boy in those new videos. But we can make all new videos. We’ll just act like you being bad never happened.”

Sheldon nodded. Yay! He wasn’t actually a bad boy who talked about giving mares enfies and he didn’t go around saying bad words like ‘dummeh’. That was all just an act. Fannie got down to the floor with him, the fluffy popping his mouth open as he thought he’d be receiving a pain pill. Instead, she offered something to him. He recognized what it was at once. It was a tiny little memory card that went into daddeh’s camera. Daddeh said to never touch it because that’s where everything they did was kept.

“Wha?” He asked with curiosity, and she’d push the memory card between his lips and point to the glass of water. At the same time, she untucked a pain pill from the pocket of her apron.

“If you want your medicine, a clean butt, and food then you’d better put that in the water. It’s the only way we can forget about you being a bad boy.”

Sheldon shook his head. He didn’t want to! This held all the good stuff he had done with daddeh. All the fun memories they had shared together. It was very important to his owner. Yet the pain in his legs was roaring up. The burns scalded and stung across his body. Fannie waved the pill around.

“Do it, Sheldon. Or you’re not getting a thing.” There were no more tears for him to make or he would. His see-places were as dry as kibble. Leaning his face over the tray clumsily, the fluffy plopped his mouth open and watched the memory card sink down into the glass of water. All the fun videos that he and daddeh made were gone now.

Mummah put the pill next to his face and he’d loll his tongue out, sucking it into his parched mouth. It didn’t matter if he had to choke it down, he wanted it very badly.

The fluffy was placed up on his changing table. The accumulated poopies from the time he’d spent without care were cleaned up and he had a fresh diaper put on. A bottle was placed at his mouth afterwards and unlike before, he didn’t care about the humiliation or bad taste of the formula. The stallion pulled greedily at the rubber nipple until the thing was drained, giving a satisfied burp afterwards. Fannie tucked him back down onto his bed, the fluffy smacking his lips with how good things were now in contrast to just a little while ago.

“Suuuu sweepy, teehee….” He nuzzled his face against the cushions and waggled his front hooves with satisfaction.

The next day would be a turning point. Mummah had several new things for him: Chief among them was a harness contraption with wheels. She helped him into it and explained that they were basically as good as weggies! Without the pain pill, he’d be in agony to use it. His hind legs didn’t feel much like anything but wet noodles right now though.

“Yay! Shewdon am hab wawkies naow!” He wheeled himself around the room happily, and Fannie thrust an index finger out.

“You’re not allowed to leave your saferoom, Sheldon. And here.” The woman reached over to his changing table and took down a huge box of toys. His tail waggled excitedly.

“Toysies! YAY! Dank yew mummah! Dis am bestest day EBAH!” Reaching into the box, he got out a stuffy friend and held it in his mouth proudly. Mummah had one last gift though. A brand new Fluffy Fun Camera! It was bright pink, plastic, and had horrible video quality. Yet it was very easy for fluffies to use. Setting it out, she gave him a smile.

“While you’re in here, I want you to make new videos. CUTE ones. No saying….cockadoodie dirty boy words.” Sheldon looked up to her, giving a nod. That would be easy! He loved making fun videos though not having daddeh here to help direct him would be different.

“Dank yew. Shewdon wub yew nice mummah!” He said, almost forgetting about the days of abuse he’d been dragged through.

“Have fun, little guy.” Fannie told him with a big smile, leaving the fluffy to be alone in the room. Wheeling himself over to the camera, the stallion hit the big ‘play’ button with one hoof.

“Otay! Dis am Shewdon’s happeh time!” He told the camera with a big goofy smile and began to goof off. Scooting a bright red rubber ball around. Throwing his stuffy friend and then wheeling over to toss it to the other side of the room. Simple stuff, though she wanted him to be cute so he was. After that enthralling bit of video production, he’d go over to press the ‘STOP’ button. He could tell the difference because one was green and the other was red. It was simple!

That night after he’d had his pill, diaper change, and bottle the woman would sit down with him and go over the footage. It made her happy! REALLY happy!

“Look at this! You’re soooooo cute! I want you to keep making these. As many as you can!”

Sheldon nodded. He was a content creating MACHINE. Daddeh always said he was the bestest at it. The memory made him smile wide.

“Otay mummah! Shewdon am makesies wots ob happeh mobies!” Fannie gave him a squeezing hug. It was the first time in awhile that he’d gotten a hug. It made his chest feel all warm.

The next few days were spent making lots more videos for mummah. He played with his ball, stuffy friends, told long-winded stories about things he loved. Mummah always approved quite brightly of all of this. Yet Sheldon was growing bored of it. Sure he loved playing with toys but he was a big boy. Big boys did more than play with toys all day. He wanted to make good poopies in the litterbox. Rough-house with other fluffies. But most of all….

He’d been having eyes for one of his stuffy friends the last few days. The only other thing in the room that was fluffy shaped: A big fat Cinnamummah plush. Sheldon had never even liked her show on FluffTV but right now her big brown potato plush body was looking mighty fine. It would be awhile before mummah came in here and his back wegggies didn’t hurt as much as they usually did. In fact, he felt downright fine back there except for a constant itching of the medical materials strapped to him.

“Hmph…wan enfies…” The problem was the diaper on him. Yet he found if he pinned himself against his cushion bed, that stupid thing began to peel off. It was slow work but he had all the time in the world, didn’t he? Pushing back and fourth against his bed, the diaper began to peel off his body. Eventually after an agonizing twenty minutes he had it off of him. Grunting and flopping down to the floor, he left the poopies filled thing and went crawling over to the toy of his desire.

“Hewwo Cinnymummah. Shewdon am hewe wif bigges’ nu-nu stick.” Scrabbling his front hooves, he pushed on up against the plush. His back legs couldn’t give any support so he was mostly relegated to getting the toy under himself. Once he did though? It was time to pound away!

“Enf enf! GUD FEEWS! BESTEST FEEWS ‘FO SHEWDON!” He told his poor toy. Eventually he got all of his frustrations out on it and collapsed down to the floor next to it on his back. The activity had made his back weggies hurt again but he didn’t care. Tongue sticking out, looking up to the ceiling, he felt truly relieved.

All of that activity hadn’t been unnoticed though. Mummah came through the saferoom door, hair up in rollers and weird green stuff all over her face. Sheldon noticed her, squealed.

“Munstah! MUNSTAH! EEEEEEEEE!” Fannie got a good look at the scene. Sheldon without his diaper. Laying next to his Cinnamummah toy which was now covered in a layer of fluids for a lack of any other way to put it. Immediately her neutral expression shifted to one that was quite stormy indeed.

“Oh? This is how you’re spending your time now? Humping an innocent little toy with your….ooohhhhhh, you are a DIRTY BIRD.” Stomping over to the fluffy, he shook his head.

“Nu! Nuuuuuu! Cinnymummah gib Shewdon enfies! Shewdon am say nu buh….” The stallion wasn’t allowed to continue his incredibly mediocre lie. Instead, he was forced up off the floor. His mummah had pinched her nails against his ear, causing him to thrash around and yell.

“Mummah pwease! Shewdon am gud fwuffy! Am OMWY WITTEW BABBEH!” He screeched. She gave him an incredibly piercing look and hauled him up to his changing table. Legs splaying out as he was forced onto his back, he gave his owner a pleading look. Fannie rummaged around the side of the table.

“I thought you might need this.” Mummah pulled out a small pair of medical scissors. The sort you would cut bandages with. They looked incredibly sharp, the metal giving a brilliant shine as the sun rose and cast rays through the window. Sheldon shook his head.

“Mummah. Mummah! Am happeh Shewdon fwuffy! Nu gib huwties! Pwease? Am babbeh?” She seemed to respond well whenever he acted like he was a foal. Stuffing his hoof into his dumb little mouth, he suckled on it as if his life depended on it and gave her his best innocent eyes.

“Babies don’t abuse their stuffy friends, Sheldon. And neither will you ever again.” The scissors were notched up against his furry little ballsack. No. No no no no! Sheldon pissed all over himself in fear as he continued to suckle on his hoof faster. All out of ideas. Mummah wouldn’t hurt a widdew babbeh. Nobody could ever do that. Right?

Wrong. The scissors sailed against his flesh and fur. He stopped suckling on his hoof and screamed out.

“SPECIAW WUMPS! NUHUHUHU! NUUUUUUU MUMMMMAAAHHHHHH!” It was the worst thing he had ever felt. It made what had happened to his legs seem like a minor fall at worst. Flesh was being sheared through, and then the tugging began. Yanking, pulling his testicles free. Sheldon’s eyes rolled up to their whites and he passed out.

When he awoke, it was dark time. The pain was there but a dull thing: Mummah had given him some medicine. There was a diaper on him and he was in bed. The miwkies that was usually provided were nowhere to be found but he wasn’t all that hungry. Maybe she’d given him some while he was in the sleepy place. Looking out, he found that the saferoom door was open. It was open but Sheldon didn’t want to try and crawl out there. Mummah was a munstah. If she had taken his speciaw wumps, what would she do next? He didn’t want to think about it. Curling up against his blankets, he cried and tried to go back to sleep. Being awake had no appeal right now.

The next morning, he was instructed that he’d been making more videos. It didn’t matter if he had no speciaw wumps: He had better get to work. That’s what mummah had said. So he put all his effort into being good. Playing with all the toys, telling what accounted for jokes among fluffies, making only content that would appeal to mummah. It was all just mindless meandering but she seemed to love it. Why didn’t she just play with him? Why even make him record it? He didn’t understand it.

A week had passed since he’d lost his speciaw wumps. Sheldon was busy playing in his saferoom like usual and singing a song when something quite unexpected happened: There was a loud knock at the front door. His tail began to wave around happily. Someone new! Maybe someone come to help him! Mummah came rushing into the room.

“I don’t want to hear a PEEP out of you. Do you hear me? Not ONE!” Her tone and posture sent scaredy feelings through him but he needed help. Mummah was really bad! He watched as the intimidating woman marched away to open the front door. As it happened to be, it was a local sheriff. Not that Sheldon knew. He was here to ask around and see if anyone had seen the famous fluffy anywhere. The accident had been bad but he was nowhere to be found. Nothing to even show that animals had dragged him off.

Taking a deep breath, it was time to not have scaredy feelings. It was time to be a brave stallion! Sure he was fed with a bottle every day and made poopies in a diaper but he wasn’t a babbeh!

“SHEWDON AM HEWE! HEWP SHEWDON! MUMMAH AM WOWSTEST MUMMAH! ‘NEE HUGGIES!” He called out. Nothing happened. Nobody came into the room. Not for a little while, anyways. Finally though someone did show up. It wasn’t a new person. Just mummah. Meanie mummah. He gave a peep, ducking back and pushing against the wall.

“Do you know who that was? The sheriff. And he’s coming back with a warrant. I’m going to have to kill you now. This is YOUR FAULT.” Fannie stepped toward him and he gave shakes of his head. No! He was supposed to be saved like in FluffTV and bad things happened! On FluffTV when there was a bad guy, a police officer showed up and helped the fluffies out and brought the bad guy away. He thought the hardest he could, wheeling back on his little harness.

“Nu! Pweasies! Shewdon am do BESTEST bideo! Wan watch wif mummah! Pwease hab fizzy wawa ‘n watch wif Shewdon?”

The woman stared down to him. It was a well known fact that Sheldon and his previous owner always enjoyed a cola when a particularly good video came out. Well, it wasn’t like the sheriff would be back immediately.

“Fine, Sheldon. I’ll get you the cola and then we’ll watch the video.” What she didn’t say: He was getting fowebba sweepies afterwards. Yet he kind of knew it just from how she was acting. Mummah was going to give him wowstest huwties. All he could do was run away…but how? Looking around the room, his eyes finally settled on the Fluffy Fun Camera. The fluffy scooted over to it. Mummah loved all the videos. They were the most important thing to her.

Fannie came stomping back into the room with a plastic bowl of cola clutched in one hand. Sheldon looked down to the fizzy brown wawa and really wished he could have some. Just like with daddeh. Mummah sat down on the floor and patted her meaty lap to indicate she wanted to cuddle up to her so they could watch the video on his camera. Instead the fluffy bent down to pick the camera up by the strap. He had learned this trick from mummah! Glaring at her defiantly, he dropped the toy into the cola with a splash. Fannie looked at him as if he’d just pointed a gun at her and immediately dove toward the bowl.

“YOU PIECE OF TRASH! YOU….YOU……I’M GOING TO RIP YOUR FUCKING LEGS OFF!” The bowl was upended, cola splashing out over the floor. Now was his chance! Sheldon took off toward the open door, wheels of his harness spinning the hardest they had ever gone.

“WUN WEGGIES WUN!” The fluffy squealed. If he hadn’t been wearing a diaper he would have covered his path in a stinking trail of shit. Racing out of the room and into a hallway he’d never been in before, he rammed against furniture and walls in a panicked state. He needed out of here! Getting into a living room full of dusty furniture, old thrift store paintings, and trash he would find himself at a dead end. The door was closed of course. Scrabbling his front hooves at it uselessly, he called out:

“HEWP SHEWDON! Pwease! Meanie mummah am gib wowstest huwties!”

She was going to do just that. The woman popped out from the doorway of the saferoom and thundered down the hallway toward him. Crying from fear, he zoomed around and looped against the couch.

“Come here right NOW, you ungrateful little rat!” Mummah said, attempting to lead him off. He went the different direction though and stuff began to sail toward him. A lamp sailed past his head and shattered against the wall, sending shards of it down against the floor. Glass figurines popped all around him, some of them hitting his body and causing the fluffy to scream. It wasn’t like he could keep away from her forever either. His legs were getting tired and the wheels which kept him mobile were squeaking and creaking.

“Meanie munstah mummah! Hae’chu! Yew am wowstest mummah ebah! YEW AM POOPIES MUMMAH!” He yelled at her. This was the wrong thing to do though. Finally the woman took ahold of the couch barring them from one another and flipped it over, the thing tumbling end over end and crashing into the coffee table. A drastic yet effective solution. Now she crossed the room and sent her foot against the harness keeping him up. Sheldon gave a surprised squeak before his legs gave out and he was sent facefirst to the ground. Not that he’d be there long anyways. Mummah had scooped him up by his mane, hefting the stallion up.

“You were supposed to be a sweet little fluffy! A good boy! You’re nothing but a lie!” One of her beefy hands flashed out, slapped him right in the face. It was enough to knock out several of his teeth which clattered to the floor in a small slurry of blood. Huwties but Sheldon was getting used to those by now.

“Shewdon am gud fwuffy! Make gud poopies ‘n am nice fwuffy! Yew am badsies! Bad mummah! Dummeh mummah! STOOPI’ DUMMEH MUNSTAH!” He was going to have fowebba sweepies anyways. Why not have an outburst? She thought he was bad anyways! Fannie curled her hand against his mane, launched her arm out. Sheldon went tumbling like a bowling ball down the polished wood floor before finally slamming into a wall. A picture frame up above fell down and smacked him right over the head, the stallion screaming. There was nothing he could do now. Mummah was coming over, a foot lifting up. Well. For a fluffy he had done pretty good. Big mummahs and big daddehs would always win though. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for fowebba sweepies.

Yet there came a crash as the front door was busted off it’s hinges. There hadn’t even been a knock though to be fair, it sounded like someone was about to be murdered in here. Fannie looked over her shoulder and found the sheriff and deputy standing there. Sheldon pushed up off the floor. Mouth plopped open with shock.

FLUFFTV WAS RIGHT! Good powice men helped little fluffies who needed help!

“Fannie, you crazy bitch. You’re under arrest for…uh, theft and destruction of property.” It wasn’t that serious of a charge but she’d be going in anyways. Man it sucked to be a fluffy with no rights but being saved was being saved! Sheldon watched as meanie mummah had her hands cuffed behind her back, the woman glaring down to him.

“Rodriguez, pick the fluffy up.” The sheriff told his deputy. Rodriguez looked down at the whimpering, badly abused fluffy with disgust.

“Man, do I have to? The thing smells like shit.” He noted. Sheldon did indeed.


So as unlikely as it is, Sheldon was saved from the meanie mummah. Reunited with his owner. Daddeh! He loved daddeh so much. Even if he was currently a stinkeh wittew dipey babbeh, daddeh hugged him closed and pat a hand on top of his head.

They left that snowy place and went back home to sunny California. This is where Sheldon wanted to be. He never wanted to see the snow EVER again. Daddeh helped him every day. The fluffy needed lots of help now. His legs had set improperly and so he walked funny even after they had healed. Limping around, unable to play fully with other fluffies. He still had them though, so that was something.

There was also the problem with using the litterbox properly. Sheldon badly wanted to but something had happened to him. Being babied like that had messed with his body. It took awhile to make good poopies again like a big boy, but he got there. Daddeh was patient, especially since he was the reason why they’d had that big accident to begin with.

The worst thing of all? He always thought about meanie mummah. It was hard to sleep at night. Would she be there outside his window? Would she be waiting behind his pile of toys, come to finally stomp on him as she’d been denied? Sheldon didn’t know. To a fluffy it was easy to believe she could be anywhere.

“Daddeh…nu wike pawk. Pwease nu.” He whimpered to his owner as they’d gone out to a park one day to film new content.

“She’s not here, dude. Relax. They fined her like, $250. There’s no way she’d want to mess with you again.” As if that was a real deterrent. Daddeh said munstah mummah wasn’t here, but through his eyes…

There she was selling hotdogs and pretzels at a food cart, looking at him menacingly.

Or over there on a bench, looking down at a phone.

Maybe playing Frisbee over THERE! No matter where Sheldon looked, big mummahs took on the appearance of the munstah who had been so mean to him. That wouldn’t ever change. To him, she was everywhere he was.



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What if one time she really was there?


@Oragami welcome to PTSD! Enjoy your stay.


Really great. Love it!

I noticed you often mention tail wagging in your stories and it’s really cute.


Amazing adaptation dude.


Very good story! Sheldon’s a lucky guy after all but he’ll be scared for life. Will the obsessed woman return?


Excellent work. the chase scene was really fun to read


I was rooting for Sheldon crazy hard during the chase


Good stuff, man.

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Another brilliant rendition

That was honestly a really fun take on the classic. It made me lol a few times. I cant ask for anything more, you even hit the “these things are worth like $10” bit i was thinking at the end with rhe $250 fine lmao


Waited for some COCKADOODIE but still, well done!!

Just 250$?? They could’ve bring that shit to court and milked her for more

It’s just a fluffy @Wtfman

A lucrative fluffy.

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aw, i kind of wanted to watch him go through withdrawal

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