"Miwkie thief gets their reward" Final (SmartHater)

You are Sm… You are not even sure who you were at this point

You woke up in some sort of housie at least you tought it was a housie, you’ve never been to a housie before you oonly listened to the talk of runaways about how great it seemed with a lot of toysie and teebee. You then remebered how the human took you and the other mares, you knew that was no way someone would get a fluffy that’s for sure.

You looked around the place it was a little dark but there was above youso there a some light at least , you saw some glass thingie that reflected you, it was a flask not that you’d know what it was. there were a lot of other thingie around you some had strange wawa inside other strange powder nummie.

-“heehhuuu…” you heard a low growl around you it was light but you think you recognized the voice of the other mare that were taken with you, you try to look around to see where she is, you’ re a little numb so you can only make some groan as sound but suddenly all the darkness disasppear and light replace the darkness.

-“heeeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaahhhhhhh” you hear a voice or what seems like multiple ones different but similar to the mare you look around to where you heard it and you see her right in front of you.

She wasn’t a fluffy anymore she was … something you couldn’t quite place it, you knew that you were ugly now that you were that hurt but she was betyond ugly multiple eyes were on her body, and you could at least see five hooves that were growing out of her body. Pus and other rotten and disgusting body fluids were seeping out of her pores giving her fluff a disgusting green appearance.

But the worst was her face in her eye socked there was no longer two big eyes but instead little eyesies all little and at least a thousand were there and maybe it was your imagination but it looked that they were multiplying. And her limbs were covered in hoove like hard thing and on the place were were her teeth you could only see a gaping maw filled with other little mouth all making sound.

-“HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEE”“UUUUUUUU"WAWAWAAWP” They were making all kinds of sounds, all disgusting, you looked at her and you couldn’t know if she was awake but something tell you she was completely awake.

-“hhhhhhhhhhhhhauuuuuuuuuuu” You puked at the horrible spectacle

-“You know that’s really rude to the person who’s going to clean this up” The hooman said he was completely covered in a blue cloth with a white mask he didn’t seem to be disgusted by what he saw and instead gently carried to mare on his lap and began caressing her, hs ewas of course screaming of pain but he didn’t seem to care.

-“So compound 58 is a failure maybe we should try coumpound 65 on foams next time” he says before looking at you " Hello my little friend you wonder where you are don’t you this is a laboratory it’s where i’m doing my experiment to …"

-“Mak musntah you retorted” you wre almost surprise at how clear you talked, you put your tongue in your mouth that’s strange all you teeth were there and a little weird you felt like you had two tongue. Maybe your imagination

-"Hahaha"the hooman laughed heartily, “i’m trying to help them become better fluffies”

Better how was taht better, you looked at the mare she was hideous, but somehow you remarked a sweet smell emanating somewhere and somehow it calmed you down.

-“Otau yu hewp dem” you says a little weiredded out by your question

-" Yes i do." He says happily " You see when i am giving good fluffies for money but i’m lacking money, good natured fluffies are great but kinda lame so i tought about making new ones." He looks down a little saddened " But you see it’s hard to make them smart enough, i was in difficulty until i found your herd, you guys seemed a little smarter thatn the other fluffies so i tought about what made you so special turns out from the ones i kidnapped that you’re a mutation that’s smarted to survive in the wild, one in a million".

You couldn’t quite understand what he was saying but somehow with the scent his voice was so calm so smarty like.

-" So…" he continued " I kinda appreciated when you’ve done what you did, you see i was just observing with no real plans on how to capture you without making you all run but because of you i only had to take the mares and foals that got lost and had no will to llive for my research. It was for the best, the greated good."

-“Fow da Gweater gud, da best” H e wa sright, it was for the best, the mare helped for the greated good despite the fact hat you didn’t know what it was

-"Oh and don’t worry about your herd, i had my employees capture all of them later, we used the other subjects as bait."He said that was good soon they would all help the greated good

-“So…” He put the mare down on the table and approche you" You want to know why i’m telling you this, you see i know taht you are a bad fluffy, a very bad one" He was right you knew it better than anyone" But you regret it right" You knew that too. You couldn’t help but want to listen to him perhaps it was the sweet scent in the room or his voice you didn’t know.

“I need someone to help me, control the bad fluffies, i’ll give you the best body to control and punish the fluffies that don’t want to help me, you’re in?”

-“Yus, yus yus, wan du gud, wan hewp!!! FOW DA GWEATED GUD!!!” You scream

-“Good it seems sample 205 is helpful in brainwashing fluffies” he murmured but you didn’t care, it wa for the greated good

-“Great i’m gonna go and come back tommorow gve your your “reward”. Oh and by the way the name Stanford and yours is now Warden” He exited the room chuckilng to himself, the mare was now lying in a puddle of pus smelling bad but you didn’t care.

The room got dark but you didn’t sleep you simply had your eyes open ready to help, to be the best fluffy. To get your reward.


Sorry it’s a bit long it took time. I’m planning to make Stanford a reccuring character as a mad scientist making new fluffy product.