I couldn’t quite figure out in what category to place these images, so mixed bag it is!
Some people thought this one was abuse, but I was just going for “foal that’s naturally on fire ala nightmares” so I had to clarify, whoops. (Either way it’s probably not safe to hold like that?)
Guess the logo! It was an interesting one to translate into fluffy.
Fluffy Rambo!
This one feels like it’d be fit for a fable.
Amusingly, people thought this was a particular videogame boss. I forget who, though.
Drew this after one of my gerbils bit me and did indeed draw blood. I like the blue one in the back. Some people fussed over the fluff’s ability to break skin like it was OP, I remember.
Some people on the 'booru were so invested in the idea that fluffies were utterly helpless that they kinda went off the deep end. Its not at all unreasonable that a feral fluffy might be able to bite hard enough to draw blood–doesn’t change the outcome in the slightest.