Modern Technology: By Stwumpo

“You’re sure this is gonna work?”

“Dude, trust me. I’ve been testing it on ferals all month. It’s ready for full installation.”

Daddeh’s friend seemed nervous, but you weren’t sure why. Daddeh is suuu smart! He’s been hard at work making a present for you! For his bestest fluffiest boy, Schoolbus! You’re so excited for it. “Daddeh, nu wowwy! Skoobuss am su escited! Gunna hab nyu toysie!”

Daddeh took you over to his workbench and set you in an immobilizer. You’d heard stories of fluffies who get in these losing all their weggies, but daddeh says that’s only for bad fluffies, so you only puff your cheeks a little for self confidence as he sets your plump yellow body down in it.

“Okay buddy, you ready?”

“Am weddy, daddeh! Weddy pway nyu fun daddeh game!”

“Alright. This is gonna hurt for a bit.”

“Huh? Wat daddeh-”

A horrible pain. Something hurting your back. You struggle and cannot escape. “Daddeh! Daddeh, hewp! Munstah huwt Skoobuss! Pwease daddeh, sabe Skoobus! Am tu scawed of huwtie owies!” But daddeh didn’t answer you. You could feel the monster pulling your flesh apart and exposing your spine. You were blubbering now, barely able to form words through the tears, snot, and occasional sicky wawas you make due to the pain. Then, something strange. A grinding noise and sensation at the base of your neck. You could feel it through your whole body, but only the vibration. It wasn’t giving new hurties, and you could smell something nummie! Maybe daddeh was giving you a special nummies treat!

Then, all at once, everything below the base of your neck goes numb. “Wh…wha? Daddeh? Daddeh! Daddeh, Skoobuss nu feew weggies nu mowe! Hewp Skoobuss!” You look down at your unfeeling and unmoving legs. “Pwease weggies, fwuffy wan wun way fwom munstah! Wan gif huggies, and hab pwaytime! Nee weggies fow make gud poopies!”

Much to your dismay, nothing happened. Your weggies had betrayed you! “Huuuhuuuu nebba gon wun ow pway again…”

And then suddenly they felt fine.

Daddeh lifted you out of the box and took you to your saferoom where he set you down and let you run around. You played so good. First you ran at baww and gave it huggies, then you said gud bwite tiem to bwockies, and you flipped your huggy fwend onto your back and started strutting around giving him a tour.

Walking felt so nice after that scary time in daddeh’s workshop.

“So I guess we test the remote?”

“That’s the next part, yeah. It’s why we came here.”

Daddeh did something with his hands while you were making your bestest runnies back towards him, and your body went numb again. Your front legs tucked under you and you face planted into the carpet. You tried to pick yourself up and make huggy arms, but you can’t! Oh no! This is so scary!

“Daddeh heeeeewp! Skoobuss am stuckies! Nu can mov! Nu can make gud wunnies!”

He chuckles. “Don’t worry, check this out.”

He does something with the box in his hand again and you could feel. You went to move and…nothing. You can feel everything and you don’t have hurties but the only thing you can move is your head.

Then you stand up.

This makes no sense. You’re only supposed to get up when you try to! Why is your body being dummy? “Weggies? Weggies, fankyu fow nu weabe fwuffy, but Skoobuss am hungwy. Wanna gu tu nummie boww.”

You take off running. It’s bizarre. Your limbs are moving without your control! You run over to the litterbox instead! It’s the other side of the room! “Weggies! Nu wan wittabocks! Nu hafta make poopies ow peepee! Wan nummies! Pwease tu nummies!” Your legs stepped into the litterbox despite your demands. Then, to your horror, it stomped on poopies!


You stood up, still under something’s control, and sat down on your haunches. You found yourself staring at your shit covered hoof as it drew nearer to your face. “Nu weggies! Nu wan poopies on pwetty facie! Nu wan!” Undeterred, your traitorous limb started smacking you on your closed mouth. You tried to yell at it to stop being gross, and it seized the opening and now your mouth was full of shit.

It wasn’t moving. You could still breathe through your smeww pwace, but the leg wasn’t moving. You realized why. You started giving licky cleanies.

“Huuuuhuuuuuu nu taste pwetty…nu wan num poopies! Poopies nu fow nummies!”

You finished quick? hoping you’d get your legs back, but instead they started running without your help! Again! At least this time they were headed for the nummy corner. It was then that you saw it. On a plate laid out by daddeh all for you.

You gasp with almost a squeal! "SKETTIES? SKETTIES!" You knew daddeh would make things better! You weren’t sure if you were running or your legs! But you figure your weggies must wub sketties as much as you do. So when you stop just short of the sketties, you are surprised.

“Weggies, nu can weach sketties yet. Pwease gu wittwe bit moa tu sketties?”

You turned around and backed up, practically sitting in the plate. Why is…

Oh. Oh no. You feel poopies coming! You’re nowhere near the litterbox! And daddeh is watching you! You can’t make bad poopies in front of daddeh!

“Nuuuu! Poopy pwace! Nu make poopies! Nu am wittabocks, am sketties! Nu make poopies on Skoobuss sketties!” But it was too late. You felt yourself release as if you were at the litterbox and you made the worst poopies ever! Your sketties, your only food, are ruined. Maybe you would be lucky and daddeh will give you clean kibble instead.

“Okay, it works.” Daddeh pushes a button and you feel normal again. “Hooway! Daddeh! Daddeh! Skoobuss weggies am meanies! Nu wan wissen tu Skoobuss! Hewp, daddeh! Hewp wif weggies!” But he ignores you and starts to leave.

“Wait! Daddeh! Skoobuss need nummies! Need kibbwe!” But daddeh gave you an angry look. "Schoolbus, you’ve been begging for weeks to get sketties. That’s all the food you get today. Eat it or don’t, if it’s still here in the morning daddeh will be very angry."

You cower in fear. As daddeh closes the door behind him and you are left alone, you sit and sob for a while, scared your leggies will betray you again. But you have tummy hurties, and you’re very sleepy. And daddeh wants the poopy sketties gone. Weeping silently, you begin eating them. “Huuhuuu otay weggies, Skoobuss unnastan nao. Skoobuss wiww du wat weggies wan. Pwease nu huwt skoobuss! Nu weabe Skoobus!” No answer. You figured there wouldn’t be, but you still have heart hurties.

“Huuuu nu taste pwetty…”