More of a Cat Person pt1 by barnumboy

Nick was a man who appreciated nature. That’s why he lived out in the sticks, where his closest neighbor had half a mile of woods between them. He didn’t really agree with interfering with nature or animals. He left his backyard mostly clear but fenceless so he could see out all the way to the tree lines with no artificial barriers. All for the sake of the wild animals.
On the other hand, Nick detested fluffies. Sure they were cute, but could you even call fluffies animals? They were no more than products designed in a lab.
An abomination to nature itself really. They existed outside the natural order and it just rubbed him the wrong way. They were nothing more than an artificial man made plague. Not to mention their frequently selfish abhorrent behavior. He couldn’t fathom why anyone would want one as a pet.

Besides, Nick already had the perfect pet. He cherished his adorable cream colored cat, Valkyrie. Rescued as a feral kitten, and raised with full access to the outdoor world. She was affectionate, capable, unafraid, graceful, and above all, had a strong predator instinct. When home, the bay window was her favorite spot, she would bask in
the sunlight and stare out the window until any potential prey caught her fancy. After observing for a while, she would wait for the right moment to saunter out the backdoor which had a doggie door complete with flaps. Often returning with her quarry after an extended playing session. (sometimes still alive)

It was obvious to Nick that Valkyrie was most fulfilled when on the hunt. She did a great job keeping his large country property free from whatever vermin were unlucky enough to find their way on his property.
Mice, rats, birds, bats and more. She would hunt just about anything she could get her claws on. Hell, one time nick looked out the window after hearing some commotion to see Valkyrie in a tree hissing down at an enraged 12 point buck that must have chased her up it.
She had leapt down to his head, right between his antlers to his face, before deftly leaping off a moment later and running back up the tree. The buck had thrashed about at the base of the tree mewling in pain and noticeably missing an eye before running off away into the treeline.
Nick loved seeing Valkyrie in her element.

Even now as he sipped his morning coffee, Valkyrie was in her usual spot staring out the bay window, occasionally stopping to groom herself. Then Nick heard a faint ‘screee’ and saw Valkyries ears perk up. Twitching her lips to make an involuntary chatter.
He walked over to see what she was fussing over and gently palmed her head followed by some satisfying scalp scratchies.

“What’s up girl?”

Lost in focus, Valkyrie simply trilled in mild surprise but did not bother to turn her head from the gripping scene beyond the transparent barrier. Following her line of sight, Nick saw a bundle of scurrying bright colors in the open field that was his backyard. Coming from the treeline
he saw colors that should not exist in nature outside of a tropical rainforest. A bright blue blob of fluff was in the lead, with an equally sized purple blob that had little multicolored blobs on its form. Purple seemed to stumble and 2 little blobs of yellow and green bounced off it.
“Fluffies…” Nick frowned and cracked his window to expose the screen and atmosphere of the outside world.

Almost instantly Nick could hear frantic cries and shouts in high pitched child like voices and the occasional poot.


Nick calmly sipped his coffee while watching the scene unfold. Looking closer he identified it as a fluffy family of 6. A purple pegasus mare with a lighter purple mane, a blue unicorn stallion with light green mane, and what appeared to be 4 talkie babbehs.
The purple and blue foal were still clutching to her mane, while green and yellow had tumbled out on the ground a few feet behind. The purple pegasus mare seemed to not notice, too focused on scrambling while ‘screeing’ and chasing after her special friend who had
almost made it to the opposite treeline away from whatever unseen ‘munstah’ was chasing them. The entire time all of them were peeing and pooping all over his yard…

Traveling at a blistering 3 miles per hour, the fluffy adults made it all the way across Nicks yard, their path clearly marked with the sporadic trail of scardey peepees and poopies. The two foals who tumbled out of their mummas fluff had finally recovered and found their stubby little legs.
Pushing as hard as they physically could, they chased after their inattentive parents but they could not keep up, lagging further and further behind.
Their little bodies were barely able to see over the grass. They lacked the stamina to cover 1/4 of the yards distance without rest. Still running at full speed, the green foal slipped in patch of her mummahs scardey poopies and landed with a light plop, moments later the yellow foal followed the same path, colliding with a light slap followed by an additional foal load of scardey poopies.

“OWIES, wai bruddah gib hurties N sowwy poopies tu babbeh? cheep peep nee huggies! whea mummahhh??!? MUMMAH!!!” “huuhuu, sowwy sissy, nu mean tu, hab bad hurties tu an no smeww pwetty, nee huggies… huuu HUU mummaahh! peep peep

Disoriented by the fall and collision, they no longer knew which direction their mummah was in. While there was no lasting damage, being so fragile they were still quite sore from their tumbles and their exhausted muscles were pushed to their very limits.
The foals wriggled toward each other before latching together, giving each other awkward huggies as their little muscles ached in pain from this novel exertion. With sore bodies and foul poopie smells, it made their only source of comfort quite unpleasant.
Despite this they still held each other tight instinctually and started chirping and peeping loudly. With the occasional “MUMMAH” “DADDEHH” and “HEWWP BABBEHS” between pained chirps peeps and choked sobs.

Valkyries ears twitched as she let out some more trilling. Clearly these pathetic creatures were stirring up her predator drive something fierce. Nick approved as he felt his contempt for these creatures burn passionately. The way they completely ignored their children at the first sign of danger (a danger he still could not see) and the way their young just slipped in shit… not a modicum of grace. It was distasteful.
And now their pitiful cries were sending Valkyrie into a frenzy. They had no survival instinct, crying out loudly to every predator ‘here i am, please eat me. im vulnerable’

It was then that Nick saw the “munstah” coming out of the treeline. He would have completely missed it were it not for another trill from Valkyrie alerting him that something was there. It was a snapping turtle maybe slightly larger than the size of a bagel. Looking closer he could see it looked irritated and had some blue fluff around its mouth and neck. It seemed to be following the fluffies, intent on fully driving them off. Nick could understand the sentiment.
Nicks frown turned into a wide grin as he put all the pieces together. The stupid little unicorn bastard probably tried to hug the turtle and got a bite on its snout in return. Causing him to yelp out in pain and send his family into a complete panic over ‘munstahs’.

He couldn’t help but laugh how these abominations were so ruined over a turtle, probably one of the only animals slower than even a fluffy babbeh. It didn’t even seem to be chasing them any longer, it started to veer off once it could no longer see the adult fluffies and was half into a large turn that would eventually see it going back into the treeline it originated from.

Nick stared out the window and slowly finished his coffee over a constant stream of peeps. Valkyrie was still observing from the window. Her desire to assaults the foals was strong, but her sharp predator eyes had caught sight of much more tempting prey during the kerfluffle amidst the mane of the purple wingie mare.

The alluringly plump purple pointy foal that had managed to hang on to its mothers fluff, Valkyrie had deduced that the fat little morsel would be her most satisfying prize. With the blue foal being a clear runner up. The others were not priority, even from the window she could smell the foul substance covering the green and yellow left behind foals.
They weren’t suitable for eating. Besides, Valykrie knew a squealing brood would be perfect bait for a mother of any species.

About 20 feet within the treeline, slightly out of earshot, huffing and puffing the two adult fluffies slowed down to a stop in complete exhaustion. Huffing and puffing the purple pegasus mare lay down on her side breathing heavily while the blue unicorn stallion went face down haunches up clutching his muzzle with his hoofies.

“huuu huu, snouties hab biggesht owies, nu wan be munstah nummies! huu huu” the blue stallion had folded his front hooves over a small red mark where the turtle had chomped him as big tears fell down his around his contorted little face. The turtle had not done anything more than pinch his nose and pull out some fluff when the stallion jerked back, but the mild pain had completely distracted him from any family duties.

The mare ignored him, she tried to crane her neck to see her babbies. The foals in her backfluff were still had a death grip on her fluff, hiding themselves as deep as possible while shaking violently from mummahs sudden test of grip strength. The shaking vibrations meant the foals made warbled peeping and cries of “scawey!” and “nu wike!” Meanwhile the shaken purple panting mare had finally caught her breath enough to start complaining too.

“Munstahs su scawey an’ special fwend yewwin eben mowe scawey! babbehs hab bigest scardies ebah! cwimb down to mummah and git huggies babbehs”

“muummah!” The two foals yelped with tears in their eyes, desperate to get some huggies and make the scardies go away. They were still shaking, the little wingie blue filly scrambled off her back fluff first climbing down and doing a little half jump to get her front two hooves over on her mummahs weggie. The pointy purple foal wiggled his way down a bit more slowly. Being chubby and uncoordinated, he fell the final inch landing on his sissy with an OOF followed by shocked chirps and peeps from the both of them.

She pulled her two foals into a deep hug muffling their scared little cries.

“mummah hewe babbehs, nu be scardies… babbehs am otah. Mummah hab enuf huggies fow aww babb…-” thats when she noticed she didnt feel any other foals on her back or see any more in front of her. She craned her neck left and right despieratly only to realize that not all her babbies were here!


Upon finally realizing she was missing half her children, she stood up rapidly which caused her other babbies to roll aside, peeping and cheeping some more. No longer getting the precious huggies they needed to calm down.


The blue stallion had not yet moved from where he plopped down, still sobbing and clutching his snout with his hooves. He felt indignant that his special friend had yet to give him any huggies to relieve his owies. All the way on his tummy now, he started kicking his weak little legs against the ground.


The purple and blue foals were trying to hug their mothers hooves but her frantic pacing had made it an impossible task. Desperate for affection, they shuffled over to their daddeh and hugged him instead, a few moments later he cood moved his hooves off his snout and returned the huggies.

“babbehs gib huggies? sniff wub gud babbehs, nu wike special fwend bein meanie nu huggie dummeh!”

The purple mares wings started fluttering and she puffed out her cheeks. stomping her stout little hooves on the soil she shouted


Startled by the mares outburst, the stallion and foals all started sobbing with renewed vigor.

“huu huu am sowwy!, nu mean tu be bad special fwend…buh… buh… fwuffies am fo wubs n hugs…” The blue stallion choked out weakly while the foals had reverted to chirps and peeps from the stress of their parents fighting and the realization their siblings were gone. Mummah was being so loud even bestest baby had turned from mummah, electing to bury himself in daddehs fluff.

HMPH The mare turned away in anger at the shameful display before her. If he wasn’t going to take responsibility for his actions, she would find her babbies herself! She would save her babbies even if she had to give the scariest munstahs sorry hoofies.

“if dummeh bwue scawdey fwuffy am sowwy, den gib babbehs huggies tiww mummah cum bak. mummah gun fin odda babbehs. NU WEAB DESE BABBEHS OW GIB OU SOWWY HOOFIES!”

During that last part she bucked up on her back hooves and came down hard to drive her point home.

huu huuuu otay special fwiend. sniff pwese no hurties huu huu.”

The mare simply responded with one more self rightous HMPH and she turned away head high and trotted out toward the edge of the tree line, determined to find her lost foals.

Nick and Valkyrie were watching with mild interest as at the abandoned foals and the tormenting turtle which was now going away from them. The duet of chirping had gotten much quieter as their tiny undeveloped voices became hoarse. In addition, the physical exertion made it difficult to loudly cry out without first regaining their petite breathes. The turtle had almost made it back to the treeline already. Nick had considered just walking out and picking up the turtle to move it closer.
Just as he was about to get up, Valkyrie trilled with energy and got up first, dashing out the kitty door. Quickly looking out the window to see what spurred her into action, he saw movement from the treeline the fluffies fled to. It was the purple mummah mare again, this time without the blue stallion or her other babbies present in her fluff. Nick smirked at the prospect of these fluffies finally fulfilling their intended purpose of being a play toy for a vastly superior species, just not the species intended.
The mare stepping out of the treeline was obviously searching for her foals or potential munstahs. Not seeing anything within a few feet, she started trotted out into the open yard again and starting calling out in her sickeningly shrill high pitched fluffy voice.


The foals were still on their sore haunches, desperately hugging each other tight while covered in disgusting substances, making quiet peepings and sobs. Just then the yellow foal stiffened a upon hearing the distant sound of mummahs voice. For the first time in a while his crying slowed enough for him to open his eyes and he looked over his sissy shoulder where the sounds were coming from. The green filly had yet to hear, the ‘distant’ voice blocked out by her sobs. She kept her eyes shut tight trying to hide from the big scardeys.


Suddenly hearing the cries and chirps, the purple fluffy mommas snapped to the direction it came from. Finally orienting herself in the correct direction and trotted over as her face lit up with relief upon hearing her babies chirp for her.


peep peep The foals kept crying out as loud as they could as they heard their mummahs voice get louder and louder. Finally the yellow foal could see his mummah over his sissys shoulder, ‘dashing’ to save them from this newfound hell. He lessened his grip on his sissy and outstretch his hooves toward mummah, although his sissy was still between his arms, clutching his little torso a bit tighter in response to him letting go.
The yellow foal started wriggling loose of his sissies grasp as his mummah finally made it to her precious babbehs, prodding with her snout as the yellow foal broke free first to hug her chin while she showered him in licky kisses. His green sissy not far behind, almost in shock that the ordeal was over and mummah was finally here!

“am babbehs otah??? mummah su scawed fo babbehs. wiww gib wicky cweans!” the mare said between relieved coos of joy

Starting with the yellow foal already in range, she licked him again and again as his hugged her chin and slowly started to stop shaking. The mare occasionally muttering ‘nu taste pwetty’

coo coo “babbeh wub mummah, su mani hart hapies,” the yellow foal said with great relief as he blissfully accepted his mummahs fixing affection, it really did solve all his hurties.

The green filly was still on her haunches with tears in her eyes waiting for her turn, in the mean time hugging one of her mummahs outstretched weggies. She was much calmer but still required dedicated huggies and lickies to feel okay again. She was positioned in a way that allowed her to see behind mummah where she looked off in the distance. That’s when she noticed something white. It was white and fluffy… but not a fluffy. And it was sitting behind mummah not even 1 foot away and upwind to boot. How did it get there? She hadn’t even noticed any movement. The elegant white fluffy not-fluffy appeared to be looking very closely at mummahs mane and its nose was twitching in sniffies. It even had a not-hoof raised, almost gingerly touching her mummahs fluff from behind.
Who was this nyu fluffy not-fluffy friend? The inexperienced little filly had never seen kitty munstahs before and she assumed it to be an ally. She had seen birdy munstahs, scaly munstahs, shelly munstahs, human munstahs, and none of them were fluffy and cuddly. Clearly it was a lack of soft fur that made munstahs munstrous. Perhaps the lack of velvety huggies in their life gave them the worstest angries? Her little empathetic heart told her that they probably needed the huggies most of all.

Taking her hoof out of her mouth with a light pop she said, ‘nyu fwend? gib huggies?’ while looking with hopeful eyes at the strange yet alluringly elegant white being that was reaching out to her mummah. However Valykrie realizing her prize was elsewhere, slowly brought her paw back to earth while retracting translucent claws the foals eyes could not see. Valykrie turned and silently started walking toward the treeline where the fluffy mummah had originally emerged. With only the green filly having any idea she even existed.

The mare was just finishing up cleaning the yellow foal who was now contently cooing in mummahs arms, lulled to sleep by her gentle grasp and soothing tongue. Mummah carefully placed her sleeping foal into her fluff where it instinctively rolled into a ball and wriggled a bit deeper, unlikely to fall even if jostled.

“otay gween babbeh, ou turn fo wicky cweans n huggies, den bak tu nestie wiff odda bruddas an sissies… an stupi nu hewp daddeh tu…”

The green filly was still watching the white figure saunter away, not realizing how close they had all just come to a violent doom she said to her mummah

“babbeh wub white fuzzy fwend!”

The mare was confused, taken aback by her words and remembering hearing ‘nyu fwend’ while she was cleaning the yellow foal, she turned around to survey for any interlopers. By now Valkyrie had walked her way into the treeline after a scent and was no longer visible to the fluffy momma. She giggled a bit and turned back to her baby.

“siwwy babbeh, nu odda fwuffies ow fuzzies hewe. nu pway twickies on mummah” the mare gave another giggle, thinking her foal was just playing around. After all, fluffies had vibrant imaginations. She grabbed the little filly with her front hooves and started giving her huggies and licky cleans as well.

“nu am siwwy! am-pfttt” the little foal tried to protest but was cut off by her mummahs tongue dutifully lapping over her face. The comforting sensation and huggies started to make her coo and she began to forget why she was even upset in the first place.

Looking out at the fluffy momma comfort and groom her once abandoned foals, Nick watched with great amusement that Valkyrie was able to stealthily stalk right up to behind the mare with her being none the wiser. He was a bit disappointed as he thought for sure the mare was about to get pinned down and have her throat ripped out right in front of her pathetic young.
Oh well, this was her hunt not his. Content to let nature play out on its own, Nick made a point of not straying too far from the window so he could keep his view. Patience was a hunters greatest weapon, he had to respect the process and have some patience of his own.

------authors note------
eventually ill be getting to some continuations, i just keep getting ideas i want to at least lay down the set up for before i forget.


good lord nick is a monster. encouraging an indoor-outdoor cat to hunt endemic birds and bats is terrible for the localized ecosystem!

Good kitty. May she slaughter these unwanted shitbags.

A fine mummah. Her hug-addicted mate, on the other hoof…