100% agreement.
Personally I would prefer to take them home to rehabilitate for personal use.
Socially responsible skull hammersies is my second choice, for when I don’t have time or when I’m just having a bad day and need to blow off steam.
Also your art style is REALLY great and I will be happy to see more of it.
But ending the plague is what [other political wing] wants! [Biased news program] ran a segment on why its making everything worse, which means it was actually the right thing to do all along.
Clearly the solution is distributing canned spaghetti and Fluffy fertility pills. I know a lawyer who’s been suing anyone that can be identified as even speaking out against it. He’s well-versed in social media memes!
If she was a smart mammah, she’d get out of the frigging city and eat plants. At least use a park for food… it’s a thing I love about alley fluffs.
I know they are smart enough to find a way to live that doesn’t involve begging, but they choose not to, they choose to keep doing something that doesn’t work. And since multi generational alley fluffs are rare, you know this a*s backwards thinking is why they are on the street since they probably ran from home.
Though, there is a degree of intelligence that has to come with their rudimentary understanding of things, that they just ignore. You know they think about it, but they choose not to act on it. It’s why I love seeing their ignorance lead to demise when all the warnings they ignored finally come to kill them
I mean a case of ramen is cheaper/doesn’t need to be cooked if in a pinch/ and last a person a week or so. Mind you I’m not saying it’s the best option. But it’s easy. I generally give out cans of pasta/chilli to beggers. People faking it will demand cash and it helps the people who need it