Mourning (H83R)

He cries more than Spongebob.


Someone get this poor fluffy a new shit-filled foal-in-a-can!


Or a jar of glue.

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I’m just wondering how many folks go to years of therapy to be this emotionally expressive.

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To a fluffy everything is big.
Little creatures big fee fee’s big emotions.

They’re not smart enough to repress everything, get hypertension, adopt self destructive coping behaviors, shoot up a local school or their place of work, get a heart attack, etc. Stupid fluffies :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure they can get a heart attack, some are pretty fat.

damn glue eater suck it up

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Ah, true. I’m thinking from bottled up stress though.

Aww, man…Why am I feeling sorry for a fluffy? What have you done to me, OP? :cry:

Telling a story through shit posting my friend.

Telling a story.

I’ll be honest I’m making it up as I go along, as all my stories are.