Mummah Punishment (by Booperino)

Now I love Frank more than ever.


Order takeaway!

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I love Frank so much.

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That’s a impressive shot from several miles away but for a rifle to make that distance the only one that can make it that far is the 50.bmg but that’s only going to go as far as a mile maybe 2 miles but would be pretty difficult but plausible and the 50. Would obliterate the guy, lower, or upper half depending on what he was aiming for

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Are you seriously complaining because people post stories where abusers get their comeuppance? My god, you are a disgrace to the abuser community. The abusers in the stories are NOT the same as the artists and fans of abuse. Get over yourself, this isn’t an “attack” on abuse fans any more than abuse stories are an “attack” on hugboxers. In fact, by your logic, abuse stories should be banned entirely, because they hurt hugboxers fee-fees.

The whole “abuser” - “hugboxer” “divide” is bullshit anyway. The most epic fluffy stories combine elements of both, and most of the great fluffy artists have dabbled in both. The classifications are handy ways to sort stories, but applying them to the fluffy community is stupid.

Abuse, hugbox, sadbox, weirdbox–none of that matters, what matters is quality. And this particular post is some quality weirdbox.

tl;dr Making vaguely ominous statements because you can’t distinguish between real people and fictional characters just makes you look stupid.


So, Frank Castle is the Punisher Agent 47. Noice. I wonder what is next in the story.

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Well, first, let’s not go to insults, alright? And second, you do know about the whole abuse-hugbox mess on the booru, right? That’s the reason Mr. Owl is voicing those concerns, not because it somehow hurts his feelings. There is certainly still a divide in the fandom btw. It’s just that on this site it’s not nearly as visible. And, simply hypothetically, how do you know none of those works are actually directed at abusers? I’m not saying they are, don’t get me wrong. But you can never be 100% sure, which is why Mr. Owl politely asked. And I just wanna say, being an ass really doesn’t prompt people into agreeing with you.



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I am not an abuser. I am a mod, which is why I can’t allow myself to overestimate the mental gymnastics people can do when they see someone getting hurt exclusively for his opinions towards fluffies, ESPECIALLY if the same opinions are held by roughly half of our userbase.


Oh please, spare me the sanctimony. Saying that someone shouldn’t post stories about bad things happening to fictional abusers because fans of abuse might get their feelings hurt and “attack” back? You see how absurd that is, right?

Let me reiterate: abuse fans and fictional fluffy abusers are not the same. As I said elsewhere, I don’t think that hardcore abuse fans are abusive in real life; fiction allows us to explore ideas that we would never engage in literally.

But its vital to remember that the fictional abusers ARE evil. That they are sick fucks who torment helpless animals. That “because fuck you, that’s why” is the only reason or justification they have. They are villains.

When people forget that, when people try to justify abuse, or insist that all fluffies must be abused, or (in this case) get pissed that someone posted a story where an abuser gets what they so richly deserve? That’s when the fluffy community turns into a sewer.

Abuse is, as the name says, abusive. That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it–dark humor is very much a thing, and I’ve chuckled at a clever bit of abuse myself.

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Once again I’ll say: it isn’t that he was pissed about it. That’s the misunderstanding I’m trying to clear up. I get what you are saying, for sure. I don’t completely agree with some things you said, but I’ll be honest with with you, I don’t wanna argue about that, especially in a topic that doesn’t have anything to do with that.

As Mr. Owl says above, he is a mod, and he is supposed to keep an eye on things like possible future conflicts. He is not pissed about anything here. So just chill, nobody is going as far as saying this post is an attack. It’s just making sure everything’s alright.


Saying, “those are just characters” is not a good argument under a story which outright says “abusers are psychopaths, which is why they must be castrated and get all of their limbs amputated”. Arrested or punched in the face? Sure. Mutilated to the point of having death as a better option. Hell no


And I am not making this up, there were a few stories like that already

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@Mr_Owl @anon7816926 If you must, move this debate somewhere else. Do you wanna get this topic locked up?

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I think we can both just politely shut up

Dude, fictional abusers are evil fucks who deserve to die horribly.

But unless you actually torment small helpless animals, this comic isn’t about you! And its really disturbing that you identify so closely with the abusers.

Liking fluffy abuse stories does not make one a bad person, any more than liking, say, Darth Vader does. But identifying with Darth Vader to the point where you see attacks on him as an attack on yourself? That’s a problem.

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You really don’t know how mental projection in art works, do you?


What’s going on big guy?


Bro chill he just doing his job he’s not picking sides if he wasn’t a mod then he wouldn’t give 2 shits