Mummah's Reward! (By: BugBox)

So a few folks who saw this picture here, were actually really hoping the selfless Mummah and her babbeh would get their happy ending and stay together. :heart_eyes:

I guess a nice Daddeh has decided to adopt her son, and her! That’s the kind of good karma many fluffies will never see. A warm bath, some pampering, and now it’s time for nummies! Babbeh is still too widdew for big nummies, but he gets to lick the frosting!

But not too too widdew. He’s a talkie babbeh! This is the bestest day ever!

Don’t ask me where Daddeh found that tiny little party hat that says “Special Boy.” Maybe it’s for a doll?

As a side note: I am really considering doing some abuse/gore content? Maybe some sadbox stuff. We’ll see! This took too long because I kept losing my focus. I miss my meds!

I was also considering starting to do commissions if anyone was interested!


I’m one of those filthy hugboxers that was hoping for a hugbox ending.
Good to see it come true.

Fluffies are capable of being more then just abuse and gore and blood, sometimes huggies and wub are all you could ever want or need from one ( or indeed two ) of them.


This looks awesome! And honestly, it gives me a solid lesson on how to do good looking spaghetti.

Meds are good. When you can, be on meds. I went without for 10 years. It was shitty.

Definitely try new things. But always stay in your comfort zone. More than one person here was wandered down a path and started to question if they are becoming a bad person. The answer is probably ‘no’, but don’t feel the need to rush in to full on foal-murder-rape. Build up to that.

Commissions are always popular on here! I can’t wait to see what people start reaching out to you to have made.


Honestly fluffies are no worse then HTF or horror movies
It’s all fictional.
But people have to go at it at their own speed, and they dont always have to be all encompassing.
Some people enjoy only hugbox, some only abuse.
And there is nothing wrong with that.

As long as people keep in mind that it’s all just fictional

After all this is a fandom about dimwitted talking bio engineerd rat horsies.
And that’s weird enough as is.

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This person speaks with wisdom. All hail the genetic mistake moron-horses!

Been an Adderral shortage and I’ve been suffering but I’m also taking care of myself in the meantime and giving myself time. But my moods have still been all over the place (damn ADHD!) and drawing hugbox stuff definitely makes me feel good when that’s what I’ve really been needing.

I don’t mind abuse content and I think, depending, it actually helps me maybe work through and find peace or validation for some traumas I have. Maybe that’s weird! Hehe.

I personally headcanon fluffies, especially “experienced,” or feral ones, as being very nuanced and complex beings deep down. I think @FallenAngel007’s fluffies have really contributed to that.

I also love all your stuff, btw. That whole comic about the runaway mummah facing the evils of the world really had me!


Fucking adorable.

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No, no it isn’t
Its an outlet, any sort of non destructive outlet that lets you deal with trauma of any kind ios a good outlet.

Whatever kind of fluffies you draw you need to draw for your self first and foremost.
If people like it, then its a bonus.


I’m actually a survivor myself and in a way, some abuse stories make me feel in touch with my feelings and even kind of validate me. Abuse/sadbox content was how I found this niche little community that I now love!

NGL, I appreciate a good story where fluffies who abuse undesirable foals get their karma. It’s like chicken soup for the soul!

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I get that adderall shortage. I’m on a really low does, and I think I’m too old and too dad-bod to get away with only 10mg. I keep getting distracted from doing my actual job and mucking around with fluffy stories or working on illustrations!

Fallen’s fluffy content is a huge part of what got me committed to the community. Great writing, great art, great storytelling. A fantastic mix of hugbox, abuse, and weirdbox. Plus a nice dose of original headcannon to differentiate. An excellent way to get started.

And thank you! That really means a lot. Doing creative work has been a nice boost to my overall mental health and happiness. The little jolt of recognition from comments and likes on here just brightens the day.

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You might want to look up a book series called ‘Chicken Shit for the Soul’.

“Stories to harden the heart and dampen the spirit.”

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See ?
Maybe that’s all you need to realize that you were not alone or that you were at fault.
Fluffies can be many things

Do check out @PeppermintParchment trick and treat comic
Your glucose level may never recover.

“Chicken Shit for the Soul,” sounds like something that Mr. Lahey from TPB would say, definitely. I actually will look that up!

Some days, I just wanna read about wuv and huggies, and this community provides. Other days? Hoo! Some days, “stories to harden the heart and dampen the spirit,” are the whole reason I come here!

Thanks for the rec, for real. I’ll check it out!

I am so happy I took the time to read that! Thanks :smiley:

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It’s disgustingly cute.

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That’s so adorable :0 glad to see a happy ending!

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That’s so sweet ;w; I just love the gummy bear aesthetic for the baby :heart:

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star-shaped pupils

Sweet Osiris, you are a genius.
Your fluffies are amazing.


I could not have said it better myself.

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Thank you! I plan to try and draw fluffies with eyes that match them when I can :smiley:

I kind of like the idea that fluffy foals opening their eyes for the first time is like a little surprise toy feature! :smiley: "

“What shape and colour will they be? It’s so much fun to wait and see!”

Thanks so so much!

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