Mummha piñata cómic parte 1 (art: metalgore)


I guess mama is doomed and they all know it?


Maybe she was an asshole and they realized they don’t want her back.


Possibly. Although theres no telling what the stallions motives are.


It was tag as good smarty though :thinking:


True. Forgot about those.


We just need a translated ver or short summary here :sweat_smile:


One will come eventually.


Basically, on their fluffy brain the mama is flying and might not come back for the babies, because holy shit! she can fly! so the smarty just took the babies with him.


Poor mama. Thats GOT to hurt.


here is the translation anyways:
*Mama: Babbehs save mummah! Mummah have wowstest miwky pwace hewties!
Blue: Dummeh mummah! Come downsies and giv bestes babbeh bestests miwkies!
Yellow: Wingie babbeh save mummah!
Brown: Why mummah nu wuv babbeh? Fwuffy am gud fwuffy, nu am poopie babbeh…
*Blue: Dummeh mummah! Bestest babbeh has wowstest tummy hewties! Bestest babbeh wan bestest miwkies nao!
Yellow: Pwease wingies fwy! Babbeh wan hewp mummah and get bestest miwkies fow babbehs!
Brown: Babbeh onwy wan mummah huggies an’ wuv… am gud fwuffy…
*Stallion: Why pwetty babbehs so noisy?
*Blue: Stupi’ mummah nu wan downsies an’ giv bestest babbeh bestest miwkies!
Yellow: Pwease wingies! Wingies can do it! Babbeh awmost fwying babbeh!
Stallion: Woooo, mawe am fwying mawe, fwying mawe nu come back foa babbehs…
Brown: Nyu fwiend take cawe of babbehs?
*Mama: Pwease babbehs! Save mummah! Mummah wuv babbehs, babbehs wuv mummah…
Stallion: Dawkie time soon, fwying mummah come with babbehs (?)
Blue: Bestest babbeh nu wuv stupi’ mummah nu moa! Babbeh am smawty nao!
Yellow: Winwie babbeh nu can fwy… babbeh nu am fwying babbeh…
Brown: Nu wike dawkie time…
*Stallion: Babbehs come tu smawty housie, smawty have wuts of nummies foa babbehs an’ pwetty nestie foa sweppies. Fowwow smarty babbehs!
*Mama: Huuhuuu babbehs! Huhuuu nu gu ‘way! Mummah wuv babbehs!
Brown: Sowwy mummah bu’ dawkie time give babbehs wowstest scawies…
*Mama: Huhuuu why babbehs nu save mummah? Mummah have wowstest heawt hewties huuuhuuu
*Stallion: Wook babbehs, dis am smawty nestie, give bestest sweppies evah!
Smawty have aww bestest nummies hewe, babbehs can nummie nummies.
*Stallion: Smawty am su happies foa nyu babbeh fwiends!
Yellow: Smawty fwiend am bestest evah!
Blue: Tanyu foa bestest nummies smawty fwiend!
*Stallion: Sweepie time babbehs, fwuffies pway on bwight time.
Brown: Bestest bwight time evah!!

(Thank GOD!! for the auto-saving in here… forgot my laptop was malfunctioning and dies at 85% battery, it died when I typed the last “e” x’DDD )


Ohh thanks for the translation :smiling_face:

Oh no, hope you can have that laptop fix :fearful:


Nah, I’ve been dealing with that for 4 years so far xd it happens from time to time. I’ll go check it when I have money :3


:+1: please do I know the feelin ol pc is like that until have enough for a new motherboard. Took a while to save.


I’m not shure I can trust a male Fluffy that calls himself smarty araund foals.

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Me sigue encantando el Final tan aleatorio. Un SmartyFriend salva a los potros, dificil de creer jaja

En verdad crees que les va a compartir comida tan valiosa y guarida, nada mas por que son bebes? Para nada haha, mas les vale que vayan preparando el culo

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Espero los malos enfies para el bebé azul

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Lmao!! :joy: ¡Es muy gracioso!