Munstah ( By: FallenAngel )

Update: Added the ref picture below.

A spoof base on the classic 1980 monster movie : Monster

Poster ver

Normal ver

Base on this classic poster.

Open for commissions, for info pm me :slight_smile:


Now this is a movie I would absolutely LOVE to see!


I like the monsters face reminds me of a stargazer fish


Who is the monster, and who is the animal?


You know, I think orcas and bottlenoses would take care of sea fluffies pretty quickly. They fit right in with penguins and seal pups for orca snacks, and the dolphins would probably knock off quite a few with bad huggies…


Prob is it take a min to devour or seconds with their mouth that big :sweat_smile: I update with the ref poster.

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Dolphins are fucking maniacs lol

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For the Luvva Lovecraft! Deep ones arrived to drag us all to Y’ha-Nthlei!!!


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Looks like blue bestest got reincarnated as a sea fluffy this time.

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Yup and his “reign” got cut short and dreams shattered once again :joy:

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I can’t tell if he’s getting more aware of his situation or he’s just being indignant about not getting to be a pain in existence.


His ego always gets in the way of common sense even for a fluffy. He would’ve left and have the other get eaten but noooooo, he would have to brag in front of the monster : " Dummeh munstah am soon be smawty , am onwy giv huwty to dummeh stupid flwuffy! " :triumph:

And it ended what happen in the artwork :laughing:

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Father Dagon had enough of the manmade parodies of sea life and sent his children to deal with the sea fluffy problem.
On a related note is there a sea fluffy version of Jellenhimers?

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Not that I have seen or heard of, mostly its the land ver we always see.


Now when I think about it sea Jellenhimers might be a bit redundant as sea fluffies has enough natural enemies in their habitats as it is.
It would be funny though.

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The sea have a lot of predators roaming and em sea fluffies just breed themselves just to be eaten by them, mostly out of stupidity they rush into danger than avoid it due to being “tough or a smarty thinking” :joy:


it’s called a blobfish son

Let the monsters feast. And good riddance to the unwanted water vermin.

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