Munstah Madness Semi-Finals Match-ups


These are the semi-final match-ups, get ready to vote your way to victory!

In position A, we have @3KindlyOnes Masquerade Bug! If it makes it in, there will be tell-tale signs of how close we are to a direct encounter, due to its strange, murderous life cycle!

In position B, we have @FederalChemical1728’s Siren! If this aquatic fiend wins, it will likely lure in and pick off members of the herd one by one until only the most cautious are left!

In position C, is @Eded_ted’s strange Zombie(?) Fluffy! This decomposing monster might remind some fluffies in the herd of their dead loved ones, and if they make the foolish mistake of approaching it, they may too become a threat to the rest of the group!

And finally, in position D, we have @BloodyBoots Gorzo! if this rebound competitor pulls through, he likely won’t take kindly to having a herd of strange creatures encroach on his territory. However, the Herd may be able to use this brutes size against him, and have a chance of escape!

Now, into the final stretch of Munstah Madness!

(The winning contestant is very likely to be at least slightly redesigned in order to fit the Adapt or Die canon, and the runner-ups will get to make fluffies that will be featured in Adapt or Die season 2, Arid Crag)


Also if you have a monster contest for Season 2 I’ll sign up for that between irl stuff lol… nothing like an arid crag to really test an animals survival in a very hostile and almost inhospitable environment XD
Also ill be sure to try not to make the next entry too wordy like my initial journal page.

Edit: the way you described how these critters might fit in the story sounds very entertaining, for real they all sound very cool. Also you’re making my critter sound like an ominous horror building up to a nightmare for the herd.


Don’t usually see the collaboration section (because they disappear before I see them) and I wish I could’ve taken part because I’ve had this thing that I started drawing but didn’t have any plans for it.

Oh well, good luck to these creatures.


Cheer up Mexi, this awesome critter could still participate in the potential Season 2 contest in the future. Imo it will definitely fit in the arid environment and looks pretty good :+1:

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