Mutual benefits part 1 (LemonCurds)

“Hewp! Hewp fwuffy!! Huuhuuuu, su dawkies, scawdies!”
Hearing a fluffy cry wasn’t abnormal, but it was the middle of the day, a sunny day.
This made the cry of “su dawkies” feel out of place and as a curious young lady you couldn’t help but go see what was up.

The crying grew closer, a few different scenarios played across your mind. Maybe the fluffy was stuck under something, or had it’s head inside a can, wouldn’t be the first time. But as the deep blue fluffy came into view all those ideas went away.
It was just standing there, out in the open, sun shining, nothing covering it’s head.

“Hey there, fluffy.” A simple greeting, which was instantly met with screaming.


“Ah… yeah no. I’m just a human, not here to hurt y-…you…” It had turned around, finally facing you and now it made sense, the poor thing. He had been abused, by a human or fellow fluffy was hard to tell, but in the end the pegasus had lost it’s eyes, gory empty sockets open to the world.

“Nu am m-munsta?.. whew am wady? Nu can see ou in dawkies… huu huu…” It lamented, shaking a bit, but at least it wasn’t screaming bloody murder anymore.

“I’m a nice lady… I’m gonna reach out and touch your head now, you don’t need to be scared. It’s just me.” She reassured in a soft and gentle tone, speaking as she would to a spooked animal.
A warm hand carefully touched the matted and dirty fur of the fluffy’s cheek, electing a little coo.

“Chrr… su wawmsies.” The fluffy nuzzled a bit into her hand.
“Hehe, that’s a good fluffy.” What followed was a simple conversation, our dear nice lady asked if the fluffy had a home, he did not.

“… Well, I wouldn’t mind bringing you home, I have a fluffy who could really need a friend. But, you should know that your see places have worstest hurties and don’t work no more. That’s why it’s darkies for you.”

“Fwuffy… Fwuffy nu have see pwaces no mo?.. Huuu… neba see pwetty fwowa again… onwy dawk time fo fwuffy nao huu huu cheep…”

“Mm, I’m sorry… do you know what happened to them?”

“Meanie smawty say habe poopie see pwaces and say nu awowed in hewd! Smawty use pointy and gibe seepwaces biggest owies! Fwuffy nu find hewd no mo, am su scawdies, su huwties! Huuuhuuu…”
That explained what had happened and why the fluffy wasn’t fighting her in fear, the hurt had been done by another fluffy, and for such a stupid reason.
Then again, smarties weren’t exactly know for their intellect, but even she had to admit that gouging someones eyes out just because they didn’t like the colour was a whole new level of stupid and vapid violence.

“Damn… uh, listen, like I said, I’ll be your new mommy, but I can’t fix your eyes, no one can. But you’re safe, my fluffy back home, Cara will help you when I can’t, and if you’re ever scared, just know you’re not alone.”

“… Nyu… Mummah… Fwuffy hab hoomin mummah?..”

“Yup! And you need a name! How about Indi?”

“Iwndi… Iwndi wuw nyu name!!” How sweet, alas, Indi still needed to see a vet, or, well, fluffy technician to get checked up and probably get those eyelids permanently closed to avoid the open sockets getting dirt in em.

The fluffy had been in fairly good health, bit underweight and dirty, but after a good clean, some vaccines and a quick chipping they were home.
Indi clung to his new mummah, scared, disoriented and a little betrayed.
“Ready to meet your new friend?”

“Huu why mummah huwt Iwndi… mummah say-… Nyu fwen?” Well that was easy, then again, fluffies were pretty easy to distract, just like little kids.

Now, Indi can’t see shit so lets narrate, the home was pretty simple, out of the city and closer to the woods and fields, old farm areas basically, her home was cozy and pretty damn safe for a fluffy to walk around in. Not when she was at work tho, Cara had a safe room and would now be sharing it with a friend.

Cara was flipping through one of her picture books, calmly humming to herself, her chestnut tail wagging now and again and her wing fluttering. She was an alicorn, rare, yes, but she was also brown, nothing bad in Vivians eyes, hell, she preferred the more natural coloured ones anyway, so, when she had found the filly at the local shelter she’d adopted her. Cara, named because of her caramel coloured fluff. She was missing most of her right wing and had a clipped ear from probably her own mother, or some feral, or a human, who knows, either way, she’s a happy lil thing for the most part, just… lonely.

Hopefully the addition of Indi would remedy that. And since he was blind he’d never know she was a ‘poopie munsta’ fluffy!
“Cara, sweetie. I brought a friend for you, say hi to Indi, but be careful, he can’t see.”

“Why pwetty Inwdi nu seesies?” her fluffy asked and so, Vivian explained what had happened. " Gasp Das su howwible! Inwdi need huggies!"

Indie was moving his head around temporarily forgetting he can’t fucking see anymore. Man, fluffies sure are dumb. “Whew pwetty mawe? Nu can see nyu fwend?”


“…” Both fluffy and owner were quiet for a moment then she put Indi down.

“Hewwow, am Cawa, 's nice tu meet chu… can gib Inwdi huggies?”


So far so good, thank fuck Alicorns were smarter than normal fluffies, and Vivian had actually raised Caramel properly and would explain things to the fluffy rather than ignore or just make shit up. Not that Cara retained all that info, but at least she got some of it and that’s pretty damn impressive for a weird lil abomination.

The two hugged and cooed, seemingly getting along.
“Cara, since Indi can’t see you need to help him find things, and teach him things, like where the litterbox is and how to use it and why. You remember why fluffies with housies need to use the litterbox, right?”

“Yus! Guud fwuffies use da wittabax so housie nu smell nu pwetty and su guud fwuffy stay cwean and smeww pwetty!”

“That’s right, good girl.” She gave the fluffy some scritches and a lil nose boop. “But it’s also because it’s easier for me to clean up the litterbox than the floor, and if you made bad poopies and peepees on the floor your toys would get it on them too, and then we need to throw them in the trash.” No they didn’t need to, but fuck, sometimes it was easier to say it goes in the trash. Made it seem more serious.

“…Whew toysies?” Indi asked.

Alright, lets try and write something, I may draw Indi and Cara as well as Vivian sometime soon, but this will be all for now. Bit of a meh start but I wanted to get this posted and get some ideas and inspo from the community




I wonder if Indi will get a sort of sensitive babbeh treatment if their blindness gives them problems getting around.