My attempt at writing for Theme Week (MajorJetWolf) (Reddit CaptainDaxWolf)

Hasbio Proto Bio Toy Program

Dr. Harry Black, “Soap Bio Toy” genetic researcher for Project Pig Horse, has a collection of perfected products. Curing the product GI issues, mental faculty retardation, and overly sexualized product. The mind of PPH product has sharpened, and are being prepared to be snuck into many feral urban herds. Dr. Black has five PPH products ready to deploy within Cleveland, helping correcting the failed Hasbio product release.

This is the story told by Apple Blossom, as he relayed back to Dr. Black when he checked upon him after a year being deployed in Cleveland.

Doctor, I have come to the conclusion, my people are not going to live with these rampant idiots. Please, sir, hide our genetically perfected selves, and unleash us in the future. They are just too stupid, and fear my kind as we have mastered being self sufficient. In the mean time, Apple will hide from other fluffy pig horses. Yes, I have eradicated there idiocy by mating with a dozen of there mares. My children have grown smarter, they are no suffer from tummy issues like our brotheren, along with having a longer life span than our brotheren.

Apple has a dozen children, here is a tale from Hershey.

Hewwo, am witteh Hewshee. Onwee foaw. Bwudda Weesee has bestes tinkie pwace, an sais am gunna gwoh smawtah.

Daddah Appeh gib wessons im wang whige. Am hatee am poopie wai tu tawkies. Su stupi soundies. Hewweh wessun foh dis bwight timesies…

Bright times. Apple. Hershey. Reese. Rick James, bitch.

Hee bestes wessun ebbbah, fwom Appeh. Wick Jayz biich!!

Doctor, Hershey has grown up to a colt, and has this new report to give you

Hello! Hershey here, coming from my latest lesson from Dad Apple! I don’t quite understand my non family brothers. Why do they always want to be early parents? There is a great chance of our kind being killed, but having kids does not lend humans to adopting and loving us. So, Doctor, I ask you, why did I learn about Rick James and not hear his music until later in life?

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

End of Doctor briefing

Personal Notes-

I must keep this breed away from the current product. No one can understand that Hasbio has created a perfected product. APAT wants every dime they can pull from Hasbio, and these perfected beings are highly profitable.

After letting the Cleveland Five continue there herd, I have placed the perfected units within cryo-stasis, and hidden from the masses. Surely, no one is going to Cincinnati?

(In the future, yes, the “perfect product” exists in my head cannon. All are dethawed and reside in a secret lab ran by Dr. Fixer and Dr. Apfelpherd)



The ethical issues that would arise from owning, breeding, selling, spaying and neutering an animal with intelligence on par with humans actually boggles the mind a bit.

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It’s meant to basically be the perfect product, which would maybe given the legal status of being a sentient being. Basically, hugboxer porn/gift from the gods.

Got those with base fluffies too, lovely eh

Not to be combative, but I would argue that having an expensive product line suddenly have human rights would be a financial disaster for a company. Suddenly, you have to have consent to do all the awful things we do to fluffies. I think that would be a non-starter for any board of directors.

We have a long and storied history of forcibly sterilizing ‘undesireables.’ And it took a very long time for us to develop a conscience about buying, selling, and breeding enslaved Africans, so I don’t think we’d have many qualms about doing it with something that is legally a toy.

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Anything to make sure APAT never get a dime, I’m game for it