My Fluffy Headcanons *UPDATE* (Remarkable_Sue)

June 23rd Update sorry for any spelling mistakes

They’re measured from the hooves to the top of the shoulders.

Large sized
20” - 14”

13” - 8”

7” - 5”

4” - 3”


Rule of thumb for the perfect weight for your fluffy is for them to be as heavy as their height. Example: a 12” tall fluffy should be 12 lbs. It’s rare, but there are fluffies that have the gene that makes it easier to gain muscle mass, will look bulkier and weigh more.

.:Body Types:.

The way to describe a Fluffs’s body is as following:

Muzzle shape
Neck length or thickness
Barrel or deep chest
Shoulder widths
Ribcage size
Length of the body
Tucked or primordial pouch
Length of the legs
Width of the hooves

Here it is used:
The feral fluff has a short, thick neck. They spread out their long knobby legs and their small muzzle sniffs the flowers before eating, which doesn’t look like the Fluffy has been doing with its skin tucked into their ribcage and no discernible fat nor muscle, just skin and bones. Their ears pick up a sound, and they take off, wide hooves adapted to their marshy environment, but gave a good view of their abnormally long body.


Solid - The fluffy has one solid coat color.

Brindled - The Fluffy has splotches or stripes of a dark color over a solid base coat.

Dapple - Clusters of rounded spots or patches of a color or shade differing from the base coat color.

Dapple point - A cross between a Fluffy with a color point pattern and a dapple Fluffy. The legs, ears, and muzzle have the appearance of Dapple with a pale color base coat.

Sparse dapple/Polkadot - A mutation happened when breeding Dapple Fluffs and one became patterned much like polka dots.

Banded - A band of a solid color that appears around the belly or rump.

Piebald - Irregular patches of two colors or shades

Pointed - a pale colored base coat with the extremities (legs, ears, and muzzle) being colored or a differing shade.

Shade pointed - A colored base coat with extremities (legs, ears, and muzzle) being a darker differing color or shade.

(Color name) shell - A very pale base coat color with 1/8th of the fur being a differing color or shade.

(Color name) shaded - The base coat color is very pale with 1/4th of the fur being a differing color or shade.

(Color name) smoke - Very pale base coat with 1/2 of the fur being a differing color or shade

Frosted (color name) shell - A colored base coat with 1/4th of the hair being a paler shade or color

Frosted (color name) shaded - The colored base coat with 1/4th of the fur being a paler shade or color.

Frosted (color name) smoke - A colored coat with 1/2 of the fur being a paler shade or color

Ghost - A Fluffy with patterns that are only a slightly differing shade from their base coat color, barley making it visible.

Tricolored - Irregular patches of three colors or shades

Dilute tricolored - Irregular patches of three colors or shades that are diluted or paler than their parent/s

Harlequin - The Fluffs’s face always has two differing shades or colors perfectly split down the middle while the rest of their body has stripes or irregular splotches.

Tricolor point - Three irregular assortment of colors or shades appearing on the extremities (legs, ears and muzzle) with the rest of the body being a pale color

Stripes - Differing colors or shades of stripes that run perpendicular to the spine and legs.

Striped point - Differing colors or shades of stripes only found on the extremities (legs, muzzle and ears)


Long - the fur is around 8” - 7” in length, not at all found on feral Fluffs, but found on many designer Fluffs.

Semi-long - 6” - 5” still too long to appear in most feral Fluffs.

Medium - 4” - 3” the average for most designers and ferals.

Short - 2” - 1” in length

Very short - >1”

Bald - no fur at all.

Chimera - there are random patches of any fur length seen above

Curled - the fur has ringlets and curls of varieties

Waved - the fur is clearly neither straight nor curled, but still has some texture

.:Mane and Tail:.

Long - The mane could reach anywhere around the forelegs “knees” or to the ground. The tail is usually around the hooves or dragging behind the Fluffy.

Medium - The mane reaches their “elbow” or chest. Their tails reach their hocks.

Short - The manes don’t reach further than their shoulder. Their tails just bypasses their thighs.

You can usually see Fluffs with either a short mane and long tail or vice versa.

.:Other Traits:.

Feathers - this grows on the legs of fluffies and the gene is rather rare, but mostly appears on fluffies that are bulky in build or great bone density

Large horn - any horn of any shape are alright, but being bigger than average means great bone density

Antlers - Fairly small in size, but the bony branched structure of the antlers usually end up making a heart shape.

Horns - Bull, Ram, and goat horns appear on both male and female fluffs with varying sizes. They’re permanently on their heads and they have an instinct to head-butt and changes in attitude and personality based on which species they got their horns from.

Ear-flops - Fluffs have either one or both ears folded, and is usually seen as very cute but they usually have defective cartilage in joints and have abnormal bone development.

In any litter from a feral mare to a pedigree designer, there will always be that one foal that is a carbon copy of their mother. This is typically known as “Bestest babbeh” and they aren’t usually female, some are stallions with their mothers colors.

Speaking of colors, fluffies have an array of colors and colors that they hold to pass on to their foals. Here is how it looks.

Good colored genes. (AA)
The Fluffy presents and passes on one color. Extremely rare in ferals, but very desired in designer Fluffs.

Diluted good color gene (AA¹)
The Fluffy presents a desired color I.E Blue, and they have potential to have either another blue or, a pale blue foal.

Different color(AB)
The Fluffy presents one color and the foal they have may end up a different color than either parents. This is very common among both designer and feral Fluffy’s. The different colored foal usually has either their grandmother’s or grandfather’s colors. This is why all well respected breeders present the whole family tree, so the buyers may have an idea of what future foals may end up like.

Diluted different color (AB¹)
The Fluffy presents one color, but their offspring may end up a pale version of a vastly different color. This variant is very rare among feral, and somewhat common in designers.

Carrier (Aa)
Feral Fluffs commonly have this set of genes. They outwardly present a decent color, but their offspring may end up a very undesired color. The foal may be a decent color, but this gene may make it very dull. High end breeder often do genetic testing to avoid tainting their reputations.

Diluted carrier (Aa¹)
It’s rare, but there can be some Feral Fluffs may have this gene. They present a decent color and their foal may end up a pale decent color. Say the parent is blue and they had a chance of making a swampy green foal, but instead the dilution gene turns the foal into a pale green instead. But, this often gets confused with perfect genes and some scummy breeders have tried to sell off these foals as high end when the dilution gene isn’t so easily passed down and the buyer ends up with a regular Carrier.

Hidden (aA)
A very rare case within Feral Fluffs, but although they may present dull, shitty, or just down right ugly colors their foals are anything but. With the way this unique genes work, they never pass down undesirable foals, even with a partner who has worse genes.

Diluted hidden (aA¹)
You’d find a nugget of gold the size of your thumb before finding a Fluffy with this type of gene, especially a feral Fluff. Their offspring are quite the opposite of their parent, becoming a decent or even desired color due to their colors being diluted.

The four main species are unicorn, pegasi, earthie, and alicorn. The first three would be relatively even with one another with the Alicorn being extremely rare. To put it on a chart, it would look like:

33% - Earthie
32% - Unicorn
30% - Pegasus
5% - Alicorn

This is all the chances from all four species. But, thanks to humans, some fluffy’s have their genetics altered to have a higher chance of birthing an alicorn. Yes, they were accidental, But it was discovered later that the non-Alicorn foals from an Alicorn pair have double the chance of having an Alicorn foal. These are Alicorn Carrier chances.

33% - Earthie
32% - Unicorn
25% - Pegasus
10% - Alicorn

Some breeders went a step further and made Queen/King Carriers. A special kind of Alicorn carrier where their chances of having an Alicorn foal quadruple the average fluffy.

33% - Earthie
32% - Unicorn
20% - Alicorn
15% - Earthie

Yes, some breeders are striving for a fluffy that will soon just father/mother 100% alicorns, but it will be a while since those Queen/King Carriers are a hefty pay and trying to make your own will take a while and will most likely be fruitless.

REMINDER! this is incomplete and I need some rest to be able to continue this. I started this around 4 in the morning. Idk, I just had a burst of writing inspiration at the time and started this. Enjoy


This is amazingly detailed. A tight cannon can really help with interwoven and same universe stories. Very cool to see you take it seriously for your work.

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