My fluffy subspecies the Fluffalo and Honeybee fluffy ( Stud_CreamFilledMuffin)

My headcannon feel free to use just credit me


A Fluffy that’s Model of a Buffalo.

It has a thicker and longer coat compared to the new day-age fluffy.

A long tail with fluff at the end of it.

It is very normal for females to have 4 crotch tits instead of the normal 2 crotch tits.

They have a large frame for the mares and stallions Fluffalo.

A normal response from a regular fluffy stallion met with a Fluffalo mare.

Fwuffie has nebah see big fwuffie mawe before.

The Fluffalo mare turns around and says Oh hewwo wittwe babbeh

Nu fwuffie gwown up nu wittwe babbeh

Oh am babbeh hab tummy owwies

Nu am babbeh buh am hab tummy owwies

The Fluffalo shoved the stallion into one of her teats.

By the time the stallion had processed what just occurred Fluffalo’s milk streamed into his mouth and down his throat.

Fun fact: Fluffalo milk is richer in nutrients, creamy, and sweeter than regular fluffy milk and has a calming effect on humans and fluffy species alike, produce milk as soon they reach adult age which is 6~7 months and produce milk until they die.

Making the stallion fall into a slumber.

Nu am babbeh buh miwkies am gud


Wub 'ou babbeh

Su soft


wub new mummah

The stallion cuddles up to the Fluffalo and the snoozing stallion cuddles up by her fluff.

Lifetime: 10~13 years

Foods: nuts, and grass or hay

Their sketties: creamy oatmeal with raspberries or blackberries, they go batshit crazy over that they even kill other fluffy over the smell of it.

Honeybee fluffy

A fluffy model of a honey bee

Come in a softer coat yellow with black stripes or blue with black stripes.

Has the same frame built as a regular fluffy

Has wings in a bee shape and has a hexagonal pattern.

Fun fact: three types of honeybees are fluffy, worker bees fluffy go out of the hives to find pollen and shake flowers to collect their pollen to deliver to the queen.

Builder honeybees fluffy create mudholes and transfer the honey into the holes for the worker bees to eat the honeycomb and drink honey from the queens the giant pair crotch tits.

The queen bee fluffy is fat and her giant pair of the crotch is leaking honey instead of milk to feed all the bee types off fluffy as the queen eats pollen given by the worker fluffy.

Worker bee fluffy lifeline: 6~8 years

Builder bee fluffy lifeline: 7~8 years

Queen bee fluffy lifeline: 8~10 years

All types of bees are fluffy and give a natural scent of rose, lavender, and vanilla aroma.

They all have a stinger that they can attack wild herd with which will cause burning pain and welts.

No, when stinger falls after, and no they don’t die they’re more like wasps they can sting over and over usual making a fluffy herd into a crying shiting mess.

Their sketties: a honey fused suger cookies with white chocolate kisses put on top


Fluffalo have been a concept in the fandom for years already, notably in the Fall of Cleveland story that many of the old members participated in.