My Little Lard (By:Juniper)

Good one! I was thinking Gen 5 theme over Gen 1 theme,though!

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You had to restoke my hatred for that character, didn’t you?


I’m not familiar with that one to be honest.
I only know G1.

Err different G1.

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Oh yes,but you’re supposed to hate her,so I did my job with my writing!
Glad it made you feel something :slight_smile:


If anyone wants to give it a read,the link is here:

I had it in the body of the post,but it stuck the whole story up there,and I didn’t want to repost it so soon! Hope it’s okay down here in the comments.


If you put text in front it, it becomes just a link "Fat Shaming" by PeppermintParchment (FB ID: 41450)

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Name in the title. Where is it?


Would it be by me or by Juniper?

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The one who drew the piece, so Juniper

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Alrighty,I’ll add it. Sorry!

Werent you going to bed ?

Yep you nailed it.

Although I feel like I should pity her for being a victim of bullies, having to see her mother cheat on her father and all that jazz, I just cannot bring myself to, because she took her own misery and used it to intentionally hurt Crepe in an attempt to force upon her an ideology/practice she did not choose.

Plus the whole blackmailing the mother instead of telling her father about it/ her mom to stop doing this and fix her marriage, or to at the very least be honest with her husband that her love has passed.



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Focken shadowy figure in the background, always watching for slip-ups, m80.


Is obviously a joke and hope you’re keeping safe in these awful times.

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It’s not a joke. I litteraly record all of your’s grammar mistakes so i could never lose in an argument


she’s the perfect example of somebody refusing to get better and actively using their own pain to hurt others. it’s hard to not feel some pity, but at the same time she’s such a piece of shit that she uses her own illness as an excuse to get what she wants

she's basically the incarnate of this




When I originally posted this story on the Booru,someone else brought up the blackmail of the Mom. They mentioned how they wondered how effective it would be, considering the Dad wasn’t even present in the story once!
We came up with the idea that the Dad must be an oil rig worker,a soldier, or a long haul truck driver,a job that kept him away from home to not notice all this was happening.
With this story,I wanted to show that untreated mental illness not only hurts you,but can hurt everyone around you,as well. Also,the impact some else’s words can have on you,how even a throw away comment or a “prank” can be all it takes to trigger someone’s mental decline.
Thanks for reading!


I’m touched that you thought so deeply about the characters and their situations to make this observation. Yeah,my idea was that,even if you’re struggling with an issue like anorexia,it isn’t a pass to be manipulative and cruel to others.



Oh, it’s not actually a big point to me.
The father only plays the role of a Sword of Damocles, rather than an actual character.

Which is fine, as it adds to the initial feeling of pity towards the young asshole, making you go “oh poor girl, she is fat and gets bullied, her mom cheats on her dad and said father is rarely home, she really has it hard!”.

It serves to further enhance the EMOTIONAL DAMAGE when you realize just how bad she truly is.