Neglected Fluffy w/ closeup inside(opal)

I had a little idea, a fluffy with everything it could want. toys, tons of food and water, big playpen. but its owner just fills the towers and never plays with it. its box is full and it never gets cleaned or loved. i just dont have any artistic skill lol. Please let me know if you make/know of a good version of this.


Interesting concept. I wonder what’s in it for the owner? Maybe the locked the fluffy away because they couldn’t be bothered to rehome it and this was the end result.


Damn. Doesn’t even let if have one other fluffy as a companion. I’m assuming this isn’t the type of headcanon where a stuffy-friend doesn’t sufficiently fill the role of another fluffy or help ease loneliness.

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My thinking was an owner who wanted a companion but was simply to busy to keep up with its needs, but feels to guilty to give it to a shelter

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They liked the stuffie at first, now they resent it. A false friend


They gotta get over themselves and give it to someone who gives a fuck. :sweat: Like maybe have a friend or family member foster it? I dunno; owners who neglect their pets really annoy me; and I know teachers who have let students permanently adopt class pets that they didn’t really have the time for.

people who negelect pets deserve punishment. but fluffys? i say let him rot

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