Never Mess With A Depressed Man’s Fluffies (Part 1) [By Ihave2grapes]

Blood. Blood, everywhere.

The beautiful yard with the greenest grass on the block, soaked with the blood of genetically mutated creatures. Noah was in front of the barn he’d inherited from his grandmother. Months of hard work, gone overnight. He held the off-white note in his hand. He had read the note about 26 times. Over and over, not believing it. Maybe this was some type of… sick, cruel joke that he hadn’t caught onto yet. It was from a person, named Nelly. Nelly is Noah’s girlfriend of 7 years, and best friend of 23. At least, she used to be.

“Hey, Noah.

Look, I’ll get straight to the point. I’m cheating on you with Mike. It’s just, you’re not the man you used to be! We used to hike, go on adventures, travel the world every month. We do none of that now! You never want to hike with me, let alone just go to another country, even if it’s just for a few days. You always say it’s about your “depression”, was I not enough to make you happy?! Just because your bitchy mom and dad died doesn’t mean you need to treat me any differently. I don’t even know why I was friends with you back in grade school, to be honest. You’re a loser LOL! So anyways, for the first time in MONTHS, I had some real fun and killed all of your stupid fluffies. I know those were your main source of income, and happiness, so we got rid of those. How can a stupid cliché halloween color themed shitrat make you happier than your own girlfriend?! You give it more gifts than you’ve ever given to me. You give it a gift almost every 3 days, when I used to get gifts every week?! How is an iPhone 7 supposed to be a good gift, you should’ve done something better and taken be to other countries every 2 weeks instead of moping around all day with your stupid fluffy. I don’t care if you were trying your best to make me happy, you failed. Rot in hell you sad excuse of a man!
Insincerely, Nelly”

All Noah could do was weep. He cried, and cried, and cried again, then cried some more. First, $15,000 worth of beautifully colored, non-smarty alicorns were dead, but now your ex-girlfriend reveals that she’s been sleeping with your best fucking friend. Noah and Mike knew each other since they were 2 years old. Noah fell to his side and cried harder than before. He cried so hard, he vomited all over the grass. Great, more stuff to clean up. He cried till his ribs hurt. Finally, after 35 minutes of straight tears, along with laying in the filthy grass thinking of he good old days, he was snapped out of his sadness by the low rumble of thunder. Noah turned his head to face the sky, gazing at the dark gray clouds that covered the sky. Getting back onto his feet, Noah shook himself off and groaned, scanning the grass. Fluffy limbs, wings, eyeballs, tongues, scattered around, along with blood soaked bullets. He began to walk back to his actual home. His land was the biggest of the neighborhood. His farm and his home were to the sides of each other, about a 5 minute walk from one place to the other. Across from the buildings, across the street, about 10 houses lined up.

Noah finally reached his home. “Maybe Lucifer will be there to greet me. Fuck my life…” the sad man thought to himself as he struggled to find the correct key. He shoved the key into the keyhole and unlocked the door. Stepping into his house and shutting the door, Noah called out, “LUCI! HEY BUDDY, I’M HOME!” This wasn’t normal. Usually Lucifer would be directly at the door before he even got the door open. Noah shouted the alicorn’s name a few more times before heading to the safe room. Already fearing the worst, Noah wasn’t even surprised to see his beloved Lucifer, mangled parts across the room. His luxurious black coat was hanging on the wall, kind of like those bear skin carpets. His orange and purple striped mane was hot glued to a small tree in the room. In the middle of the floor, Lucifer’s large intestine was used to spell out “Go fuck yourself!” The man felt like a dagger shot through his already broken heart, but showed no emotion. When Nelly was out being upset that Noah was upset about his parent’s passing away so recently, Lucifer was the being who would cheer him up. They’d watch movies, eat spaghetti, and even bake sweets when Nelly wasn’t there. Nelly wasn’t there to comfort him when his parents were hit by a speeding car, but Lucifer was. Nelly and Mike murdered the only joy he’d felt since his own parents passed away. Noah clenched his teeth and exhaled aggressively through his nose. He showed no emotion, as the rain started to kick in. The trees were swaying in the wind, some trees even falling and crashing onto people’s property. Noah needed a plan to get his revenge. But first, he needed a shower, a gallon of coffee, and a new fluffy buddy to keep him from hanging himself.

Refreshed. Noah felt refreshed after a nice, hot, 30 minute shower. Sliding his green towel against his ass like a cartoon character, Noah thought of a place littered with fluffies. They would go great with the first part of his plan. But he’d need an outfit that gave off friendly energy. He didn’t need to be wearing his metal clothes he’d bought at the Satanic festival with Nelly. He dug around in his drawers and closets until he found a Clementon Park shirt he’d bought in 2014, and some dark blue shorts. Despite the weather, Noah HATED wearing anything long sleeved in the rain. He hated when the clothes would stick to his skin and how it’d slide off of him like sludge. Short sleeved clothes made it more tolerable. Noah stepped out of his bedroom, still very much butt-naked, but luckily home alone, he went to the kitchen and opened the cupboard. He scanned the small space. He quickly grabbed the packet of spaghetti flavoured treats, and 5 cans of Chef Boyardee’s spaghetti and meatballs. He grabbed an old Walmart bag, and shoved the food items into it. He set it on the counter and went to get fully dressed.

Now fully clothed, 15 minutes later, Noah slipped on his black rain boots. He checked the clock on the wall, which read 2:26 P.M… Nelly always came home at 2:45, whether she was coming to Noah’s house, or someone else’s. She never brought her phones anywhere, and Noah wanted to give her a little message before he set off for what could be several hours. Picking up his android, and unlocking it, he stared at the background. Noah, 12, and Nelly, 11, back in elementary, the photo was a group picture of the class, and it was cropped to feature just the two. Nelly’s blonde pigtails, and her white t-shirt made Noah sigh. He swiped through his phone before hitting the Phone app. He dialed Nelly’s number and called. No answer, perfect. Once the call went to voicemail, he decided to leave one for the bitch. Leaving into the speaker and making sure to speak quietly, he muttered into the phone,

“Hello, Nelly.
I just received your little… “message”. You hurt me, yes, and you and Mike did an excellent job with this! You really hit close to home by murdering my pet. You two had your fun, but now, it’s my turn. I hope to see you soon, Cassandra.”

Ending the voicemail, Noah grabbed the bag of food and headed out. When Nelly dropped out of college, she got plastic surgery and changed herself completely, including her name. She used to have an uncle and cousins who would do… things, to say the least, and they always called her Cassandra. He wasn’t going to rape her, no, not at all, but he’ll make Nelly wish she never survived the torment those psychos put her through.

Stepping out into the rain, Noah didn’t bother grabbing an umbrella. He couldn’t care less about his health at the moment. Who was going to torment those two, and either he would succeed, or die trying, and he was okay with either of the outcomes. Noah grabbed his iPhone and opened his GPS, opening directions for “Fluffy Haven, adopt, kill, feed, do whatever, free game”. Noah purposefully let his android at home, so that he can let the worried texts and calls from Nelly and Mike build up. Pulling out one of the Snickers he packed as a snack, he began munching on it and allowing Siri to give him directions. This would be a 45 minute walk. Beginning to play some music, Noah set off.

12 minutes in, Noah was deep in a wooded area, when he’d stumbled across a fluffy herd. He couldn’t spot them, but he could hear them. “Smawty Weo, Wowa see hooman! Wat do we do?” ‘Lola’ whispered to her leader. Leo, a yellow with white mane’d fluffy, snorted and eye’d the human suspiciously. “Smawty wiww get wid of dummeh hooman. Nu wowwy, hewd! Smawty gib meanie stupi munstah hooman sowwiest poopsies and foweba sweepies!” Leo whisper-shouted, earning quiet cheers from the rest of the herd. Running out in front of Noah, Leo stared up and puffed out his cheeks, stamping his hooves and growling “YU! GU ‘WAY DUMMEH HOOMAN! DIS AM SMAWTY WAND AN WEO WON’T HESITATE TO GIB ‘OU WOWSTES OWWIES EBAH!” The pale shitrat demanded. Noah stared down. He dug into his back pocket and pulled out some figs. Fluffies were deathly allergic to figs, or any food that contained it. Even a pinch of it can cause a fluffy to vomit out it’s organs and have seizures. He scanned the herd, which slowly but surely began to stand behind the smarty, looking for any alicorns. None, unfortunately. He tossed the figs to the ground. “Worry not, herd! I mean no harm, and only want to deliver nummies! Dig in, these nummies taste like skettis!” He exclaimed, watching as the fluffies’ eyes lit up and began to devour the figs. He walked away, chuckling. Not even a minute later, he could hear the gurgled screams of fluffies vomiting their guts out and dying. He continued on.

Nelly and Mike got home and were panicking. What the fuck did this message mean?! Nelly had flashbacks to her uncle and cousins tying her up, forcing her to down whiskey, and giving her medicine to make her sleep. She remembered nothing past that point, but it was still bad. She was rocking back and forth while Mike hugged her and told her not to worry about it. This was the 17th time Mike tried to call that son of a bitch. He’d left several texts and voicemails. For the 17th time, Noah’s voicemail echoed through the room, and Mike grunted in anger. Bringing the phone up to his scratchy black beard and speaking “YOU BETTER TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK THIS BULLSHIT IS ABOUT, MAN! YOU JUST CAUSED NELLS TO HAVE A PANIC ATTACK!! IF YOU DON’T ANSWER ME RIGHT THE FUCK NOW I’M CALLING THE GODDAMN COPS!” Mike tossed the phone onto the floor and went back to hugging Nelly, who was sobbing. Nelly looked into Mike’s blue eyes “What is he going to do to me???” Nelly whimpered, her whole body shaking. “If he tries to do anything, I’ll cut his head off and fry it like a chicken wing.” Mike replied coldly, staring out the rain covered window.

Noah’s iPhone pinged as he reached his destination. Looking up, he saw fluffies galore. Nobody dared go outside to harass some shitrats with this weather. It had began raining harder, and lightning was frequent. Almost immediately, a plethora of colourful cotton balls ran up to him.

“Hewo nice mistah! Pweeze gib nummies fo’ mummah to make gud miwkies fo’ babbehs!

“Nu gib fwuffies huwties, dummeh munstah!”

“Hooman hav sketties fo’ fwuffies? No hab skettis in suuuu wong!”

“Hewp! Take Cwistaw back to daddeh! Wan skettis an’ toysies an’ nicie homsie! Shouwd of wistened to daddeh when he sed no babbehs… huuu huuu huuuu…”

Noah stumbled back, to get the soaking furballs of fucked up genetics off of him. He cleared his throat and shouted “ALL FLUFFIES, EYES UP HERE!!!” Instantly, all of the visible fluffies turned to look at the mysterious man. He told the fluffies at his feet to stay where they are, they obeyed, and he stepped a bit to the right. “ALL FLUFFIES WITH BOTH HORNS AND WINGS, COME UP HERE AND STAND BY MY FEET!” No one stepped up. He knew very well there was at least one alicorn in the area he was in. He didn’t mind, as he knew most alicorns were shy, due to months, if not years of abuse from their own family. Knowing this, he grabbed a can of spaghetti from his bag and held it up for all to see. There were about 400 fluffies there, but due to how large the area was, it looked like a lot less, but all of them stared at the can. “ALL FLUFFIES WITH BOTH HORNS AND WINGS, MUSTAH FLUFFIES, WINGY HORNY FLUFFIES, STEP UP HERE. YOU WILL NOT BE HURT, AND IF YOU COME UP NOW, I PROMISE TO TAKE YOU HOME, CARE FOR YOU, AND GIVE YOU SKETTIES AND SPECIAL FRIENDS!” He bellowed to the crowd, his voice echoing. Immediately, earthies, pegasi, and unicorns began fidgeting with their hooves nervously, hoping to get the same treatment. This time, about 26 alicorns of all shapes and sizes began stumbling towards him. He opened the can of spaghetti, which was fairly large, and as promised, he poured the delicacy in front of the drooling, but fearful alicorns. He analyzed the fluffies as they devoured the cold noodles soaked in chunky sauce, and big, brown meatballs. 6 alicorns caught his eyes.

The first one, a male, had peachy orange fur, with and off-white, creamy mane, along with randomly generated splotches of white on his fur.

The second one, a heavily pregnant, but most likely a victim of rape, female, had pale blue fur and light gray mane.

The third one, a female, had crimson red fur, and pure white mane.

The fourth, another female, had bright green fur, and light blue, practically white, mane.

The fifth, a male, had pure white fur and pure white mane.

The sixth, a female, had silky, jet black fur, and white mane, with pastel rainbow stripes along it’s back, legs, the bridge of it’s nose, and the back of it’s ears.

The rest had mediocre colors.

Noah kept his eyes on the last two. He knew he would give these two deluxe treatment. Not like he’d treat the others badly, but he wanted these two to have the best chance of having beautiful foals. Just a month ago, a beginner breeder, just like him, had sold a pure white alicorn fluffy with rainbow swirls on it’s legs for $20,000. Noah hid it well, but his heart was pounding greatly. He may still be sad about the loss of his previous alicorns, but he would’ve never hit this good of a jackpot if they hadn’t died. Stepping to the left, he shouted once more. “ALL EARTHIES, WINGIES, AND HORNIES, STEP IN FRONT OF ME AND I WILL PROVIDE YOU WILL A WARM HOME, FOOD, AND TOYSIES, BUT YOU MUST DO SOMETHING FOR ME IN RETURN!” He was immediately bombarded with “Wat do we do, nice mistah?” Or something along those lines. “I’M GETTING REVENGE ON TWO HUMANS WHO GAVE ME BIGGEST HEART HURTIES,” he made a very sad expression “I NEED YOU TO HELP GIVE THOSE MEANIES OWWIES, DESTROY THEIR HOME, AND IN RETURN, YOU WILL GET GOOD FOOD, A HOME, TOYS, ALL THE SPECIAL HUGGIES YOU WANT, AND MORE!!” The group suddenly began hopping and screeching with excitement. Noah gave the fluffies a nod of approval and told them he needed to make a quick call.

“Eyy, Noah! Wassup my dude!?” Elijah, a big pick-up truck owner, picked up Noah’s call.

“Hey Eli, I need your help transporting some fluffies to my house, like last time. There are a lot more, so I can pay you $4k to bring them all to my barn.”

“Eh… don’t you have enough fluffies? They didn’t die on you, did they?”

“Well, yes and no. Remember Nelly? She killed all of my fluffies, including Lucifer, because she was mad I fell into depression after my ma and pa passed, along with the fact that I stopped spoiling her like the bitch she was.”


“Uh… you good…?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, I just had a moment of silence because… I’m, I’m just… I’m flabbergasted at her behavior! She knew how much you loved that satanic little freak! And she knew you relied on selling alicorns for money after your job laid everyone off due to the pandemic n’ shit!”

“Yup, it sucks ass, but luckily, I hit the jackpot with 26 alicorns. 2 of which have some really awesome colors, and their foals can get me back on track. This is also why I need your help to transfer these fluffies to my barn. I’m getting my revenge.”

“…Can I help? Or at least know what you’re planning? I’ll still help if you don’t let me, it’s all good, but I’m genuinely curious!”

“I’ll let you know when we get inside. My battery’s low and it’d probably die in the middle of explaining.”

“Aight, dude! I’m guessing you’re at that fluffy haven sanctuary thing?”

“You’re correct, my friend.”

“Okey Dokey! Be there in 5 with 5 trucks.”

“Alright, thanks, see you then”

“Later dude!”

Ending the call and putting his phone into his pocket, Elijah got up from his chair and buttoned up his overalls. He grabbed his long, dirty blonde hair, and pulled it from under his shirt, and grabbed his keys. Slipping into his boots, he stepping into the thunderstorm and turned the corner behind his house. Elijah lived on a field that little to no one ever came through, not even cops, so it wouldn’t matter if he speeded his way to the haven. Grabbing 5 metal chains from a hook on a wooden pole, he took one chain and connected his main truck to the pick-up truck. He then connected the chained truck to the 2nd pick-up truck. So on and so forth, he finally hopped into his crimson red 2022 RAM 1500, started the engine, and headed off.

True to their words, Elijah made it to the haven in 5 minutes, and Noah had the $4k to pay. “Hey man, thanks for coming. The fluffies are over here. I’ll show you the alicorns when all of the other fluffies and loaded in.” Noah said, hugging his friend and making his way to the fluffies. “Holy smokes…” Elijah, muttered, staring at all of the fluffies before him. “How many d’ya think there are?” “I counted while you were coming, there are exactly 400, not including the group of alicorns.” Noah replied, bending down to pet a fluffy that was pawing at his knees. “Alrighty, we can get 80 per truck.” And with that, both men grabbed 10 fluffies each and loaded them into the trucks. 1 hour later of chatting and loading, Elijah and Noah began gathering the alicorns to keep in the main truck. Even if 26 seems like a lot, Elijah had a truck that was kind of like those vans for massive families, so the fluffies sat in the back. Noah showed off the pure white and black & rainbow alicorns, and Elijah stared in awe at them “You could get a very pretty penny for their foals!” Elijah said, leaning back to pet them both, before turning to start the car. “Exactly, which is why I’m planning to treat them all with the most love and care.” Noah was about to say something else, when the red and white alicorn hopped into his lap suddenly. Both Elijah and Noah laughed, as they headed towards Noah’s barn.

50 minutes later, Elijah pulls up to Noah’s barn. Hopping out of the truck, making sure to not disturb the sleeping alicorns, they both do exactly what they did back at the haven, and carried 10 fluffies per person into the barn. Noah announced to the hundred of fluffies that he would bring them food soon, and for not, they can play with the toys, watch TV, sleep, have sex, do whatever until he gets back. Most fluffies went and started munching on the hay in the barn as a snack until the main course was served. Noah and Elijah each grabbed 10 alicorns, while 3 Aerial breed alicorns flew close by. Reaching Noah’s house, Noah unlocked the door, and was greeted to the constant sound of text notifications. He smiled widely, he knew they were pissed the fuck off. He lead Elijah and the alicorns to the large safe room that was across the hall from Lucifer’s personal safe room, that he still hadn’t cleaned yet. He told all of the alicorns to rest and drink some water, play with toys and watch TV, just like the barn fluffies, until he returned with their spaghetti. The alicorns with happy to oblige, and some immediately mounted a partner for special hugs.

Noah had Elijah seated at the kitchen counter, with a cup of coffee, and slice of tiramisu, while Noah explained to him, everything that he saw when he came home from visiting his old high school for an assembly. Elijah was terrified, shocked, and pissed off at what Mike and Nelly had done, especially to the fluffies. If Noah hadn’t done what he’d done, he might’ve killed himself over the loss of another loved one, and if he hadn’t, he would’ve struggled with bills and ended up homeless. Elijah read through all of the angry messages from Mike, and the pleading messages from Nelly, telling Noah what they said, as he was busy making boiled eggs, oats, fruits, potatoes, and popcorn for the barn fluffies, and spaghetti and meatballs for the alicorns. While letting the spaghetti noodle water boil, he showed Elijah Lucifer’s old safe room, and how Mike and Nelly left it. Elijah was disgusted towards them. Sitting back down at the table, while Noah stood back at the stove to stir the sauce and noodles, Elijah asked the question that Noah was hoping for.

“So, what’s your revenge plan after all’a this?”


Daaamn, Nelly is a BITCH! Poor Lucifer. I hope Noah takes his sweet revenge.


Its funny how she murdered his pet and insulted him on a letter then when his turn to say something she acted like she was the victim.

And his ex best friend was angry?? Is he dumb that his bitch did to noah??

Unless she never told him or someone else is messing them both? :thinking:


There may be some backstory for Mike, but for now, they’re both just incredibly stupid lol my brain juices aren’t flowing,


I hope they get their karma especially that bitch, Noah’s fault was spoiled her rotten like a fluffy mare, that would be a good example for her shit.

Even if she has her own issue on trauma its not an excuse to kill someone’s pet and angry bout Noah’s depression of the death of his parents, that alone she’s fuck up. :triumph:

Its basically she want Noah’s attention only to her, and thats one fuck up issue right there.


Mike and Nelly will receive a load of shitty package.


Please tell me his last name is Montoya.

“My name is Noah Montoya. You killed my fluffies. Prepare to die.”