So Celeste Sunrise Seville a second generation angora munchkin dam just gave birthfor the first time! She only had two foals because of the small breed. I’m thinking she’ll take a few months break and then start again with a new litter.
So cute, all of them. Love the brown spotted foal the most, personally.
That one may end up being named Pumpkin Spice.
Love how they cuddle and restin well
That or any ingredient in Pumpkin spice works well too after looking at it lol. Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove…all good fluffy names, especially for brown foals.
the way you draw fluffies is so cute <3
Go(o)d dam!
Awwwww thank you! I love how you draw your fluffies, too! Yours are so cute and snuggly
Oh no… Anything but THAT!!!
(Flippin’ 'ell; EVERYTHING is pumpkin-spice nowadays. Coffee, tea, ice-cream, candles, soap, shampoo, prophylactics, suppositories, motor-oil…
Ramble, ramble, ramble)
I doubt that tent could hold back much if any water…
Not gonna lie, that looks hella comfy.
Imagine herds of ferals living in clusters of small, brightly colored tents.