New!!! For Sale Now! Dragoons! By: ProfessorOlive

Just a bear seeing fluffies and questioning humanity’s sins against Nature.


My idea was that they would have really thick cockney accents, kinda like the orca from warhammer, and they tend to go all tribal if they go feral.

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I have no clue what those are.

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Yes please, gimme. Also, can I get a written example of their dragoon speech?


god i want one. they remind me of pacman frogs, maybe a little cane toad mixed in (for profit)

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Perfect gift for that annoying little shite everybody hates. Just sit back and watch their house burn down.

Do they come in colours like fluffies? Metallics? If so I want a black, a grey, a white, a purple and a copper.

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they come in every color and color combo you can think of! Metallics… I’ll allow it but only the top of the body probably
but be careful, other goonies might get possessive of the ‘shiniest fwend’


I’ve been lurking here and I finally decided to post something to say how much I love this concept, although it may be because I had an obsession with dragons when I was little. sorry if this message is worded weirdly, I’m not great at typing.


Shiny am leadew now! Shiny am shiniest goonie!


Aww :pleading_face: thank you so much for commenting!

I love dragons and mythology a Lot
So I’m glad my weird little creatures resonated

I think Drakes and Wyverns could be cool subspecies, like pegasi and unicorns :grin:


While I imagine fluffies to be considered a hated pest, I see these as an actual pet that everyone would actually love to own, as long as there are many, many regulations for their ownership of course.

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Kind of reminds me of the Demon Spawn from the original Dungeon Keeper


In the game they grow up to be dragons.

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they end up spitting and puking a lot. A Lot. The puke is boiling hot too. It’s a mess.

Goodboy Bindle Featherstone of Quirm, is that you?

I think that the same kind of regulations should apply to fluffies. While I do see the value in exploring fictions where fluffies have unintentionally become vermin, I feel that shouldn’t be the only image of them. While I do enjoy exploring different biotoys that Hasbio could create, ultitamely we’re supposed to be a fluffycommunity, and I think given any privilege to another biotoy species, even within the fiction, will lead to situations where it becomes less of a fluffycommunity. I’m of the opinion that the reason why we had the whole Jellenheimer crowd last year was because the kids saw fluffies as “uncool” and not worth it, whereas Jellenheimers were not only edgy but also rather cool.

Thus, if there’s to be a headcanon where biotoys like dragoons well maintained and loved, I think the same should apply to fluffies. Its why I’m interested in the hugbox settings that see fluffies as maintained and well-accepted domestic pets.

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I see all biotoys as animals, and all animals as potential pets or pests depending on individual circumstances. I’d buy a domestic rat in a heartbeat, and shoot an invasive one just as quickly.


fair enough

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I love so much

Welp I found the one thing I would want to adopt as an actual pet.