Flummoth is based of the legendary defender of the weak Popo in Monster Hunter!
Afraid of Abusers breaking in and stealing your precious fluffies for their own sick and twisted desires? need a guard dog, but only have the money for a fluffy? WELL! good sirs and ladies, do i have a new fluffy for you!
Introducing the Flummoth! a Fluffy Mammoth, bigger and sturdier then the normal fluffy, it can take more of a beating and abude then the normal fluffy! all Flummoths are female and are infertile, they have no desire to have ‘bebbehs’ or to be a ‘mammah’ since they are born with little to no parental instincts. though they have no desire they are programmed to be motherly to any and all fluffies.
Their long nose is also perfect for helping herding fluffies and easily punishing misbehaving fluffies. Smarties beware! as Flummoths will not tolerate them and will punish them into submission. Flummoths, when fully grown produce a phermone that automatically attracts other fluffies to it. if left in the wild these Flummoths can cause a Super Herd, and due to their durability, they are hard to take down.
Flummoths, when they reach adulthood are usually 3x the size of a normal fluffy, being around the size of a Great Dane Dog.
Flummoths have tusks that they will use to fight with, these tusks are dull and wont do alot of damage, but with a strong neck, they can swing them with the force of a baseball batter hitting a home run.
Flummoths are good guard fluffies as they will see a threat and try to scare it away, either by stomping or making loud noises.
Flummoths, while lacking the small size and cuteness, still have their baby talk, with a added lisp and little hobble walk.
due to their thick fur, they do not do well in heat. as they are built for cool or cold climats. this can come to the advantage of the abusers as keeping one in a heated room can cause them to over heat and act delirious.
Their foreheads are covered in many thick layers of Leather and Bone, making their heads hard.
Flummoths can dig with their trunk, so if trained, can be used as a garden pal, helping you garden and protect your garden from would be “smarties”.
Due to them still being fluffy related, they are prone to being scared off by threats they dont know how to handle, in turn they will probably shit themselves and run. though this shit can be easily cleaned as its not as watery as a normal fluffies.
More info and anatomy details will be released once the actual Flummoth is done, for now, this is our newest product that we are excited to share, please support us so we can get this fluffy out faster~!
Thank you-
The Chibi Fluffy Co.