New house, and (new) rules 02 (InfraredTurbine)

Voted for classic litterpal, but the Bee’s option it’s pretty hilarious


Thank god for Turbine, he’s the only one justifying the existence of these polls


Oh nahh

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Vote for wasp to the nads.

Nutshots are always, and I do mean always funny.

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Is there an ‘all of the above’ option? Otherwise, he gets the Sorry Gag until he learns some manners, and thus is unable to get help in time when some testicle-nomming yellowjackets happen upon him one spring morning…

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If the bee option wins… well, how long is it until the bees are active? Maybe he finally learns to behave and is promised a special friend for his months of good behavior, only for the bee to sting his balls.

Or what if they don’t fall off and he just gets giant balls from an allergic reaction?


This why you should cauterize the wound… It always prevent the wound from opening and bleeding out.


Was expecting that shit died that night due to cold and he ended up only leg frostbite?

The owner should have a gag as well to shut him up.

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Nice to see this continue, and glad to see his punishment wasn’t so simple. Keep the little shit suffering!

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Now this is quite the poll! I like how many options there are

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Ironically the most hugbox sounding option might be that most traumatic

Those alleyfluffs be wild and they wont take likely to a pillowfluff with a feeling of entitlement. chances are the mother may get the backlash for bringing him and pillow pete over here will just have to watch :shrug:


Tbh the mare would prob be super mad her babbeh is “lazy” all the time now
just saying


im mad for her tbh. on the plus side the alleyfluffs can have a new litterbox… its no ones freind :shrug:

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It might be better to have fewer choices as with 9 options the top choice could win with 10% of the votes. The only exception would be if you were going to use multiple choices in the next comic.

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I absolutely wanna see the fate of this pillow in an alley lifestyle

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Could i have a link to the first part?

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Or a wasp… much better imo cuz ut stings more and if its an asian hornet they got necrotic venom sooooooo still same result


poll closed guys, results tomorrow ^^

You guys are expecting a simple sting on the balls xD
I’ll go beyond
I’m finishing the result
it will be posted in an hour

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