New Neighborhood: By Stwumpo

“Daddeh? Whewe am Wacecaw an daddeh?”

“Well buddy, we’re on Virgil’s Fluffy Community site. Daddy has been here for a bit, but I wanted to wait until the banner was up to show you.”

“Wat am bannew, daddeh? Huuuuu nu wan scawy bannew huwt gud Wacecaw…”

“Oh that’s alright buddy, it’s your day off today. The banner is just the picture at the top! The one that tells people what site they’re on!”

“Oh…otay daddeh, dat nu su scawy…”

“Well? Look at it? See anything familiar?”

“Am…am dat…Wacecaw?”

“That’s right. Virgil told me about this a while back, but I wanted it to be a surprise for you. Happy birthday, Racecar.”

“It am Wacecaw Birfday?”

“Sure, fuck it. I definitely wrote this for your birthday, and not simply because I felt that the changing of the LGBTQ tag to be Opt Out rather than Opt In would be a good reason to cite, hoping to positively reinforce the direction the site is taking. That had NOTHING to do with it.”

“Weww dat make sense, ou wite daddeh. Dat aww soun pwetty weasonabuww. Fankyu fow gud pwesent fow Wacecaw.”

“Of course you know that this is a HUGE honor for you and I both, and as such you’ll be in more stories going forward.”


“Also I’m gonna need you to hook back up with Baxter to punch in my old stories. He’s still mad you fucked up the King of Iron Fluff Tournament on Reddit.”

“Bu daddeh! Dat nu am Wacecaw fawt!”

“Those are excuses, and excuses are like assholes.”

“Wat dat meen, daddeh?”

“I’m gonna fucking destroy yours if you cross me.”



Thanks Virgil. I think this is the move. Love what you’ve done with the place.


virgil is a good guy and I would gladly buy him the steam game Bad Rats


The ripple effect has given so many wonderful results. :heart::blue_heart: Looking forward to more Racecar stories.


As am I. I’ve read a couple people have written and sent me and I never tire of hearing the ways people want to pester that beleaguered little stump.




For those of you who don’t know, Stwumpo ( or @Stwumpo here) is one of my FAVORITE authors. He does thoughtful stuff, and always gives me something to ponder on stories. Which, given my frequent brain misfirings, I don’t always get on the first think through (or third) but that’s not the point.

If you like my stuff and like/enjoy/tolerate abuse? I can’t recommend Stwumpo’s/MrCooper’s stuff enough. Give’em a follow, and remember not to be nice to Racecar.


Also, the King of Iron Fluff tournament was a lot of fun, so if something like that happens again? FOLKS, JOIN IN.

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With Stwumpo here, it’s time ti say good bye to the subreddit

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How did Racecar ruin the Tekken thing?

Got banned around the time that started up


He didn’t, one of the Semifinal matchups went a week with no participation.

Still gonna blame him though lol


Fucking stupid fuck


What a piece of fucking garbage


Hey hey hey, welcome here!

Yeah fuck this prick

Racecar sucks dick for bus money but he never leaves the house

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Fucking dumbass still doesn’t know what a bus is

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I’m dead