I was writing a quick story idea when I thought of this. We have these washing baskets around the flat, seems like they’d be pretty effective as a sorry-box. Turn one upside down, place it over a fluffy, maybe put a big book or something else heavy on top to weigh it down, and bam.
Fluffy pony can’t get out, can’t move around but has to sit and watch all of it’s friends and family having fun without it, trapped ‘behind bars’ as it were.
Or hell, get two of them and tape them together. Same result but now it’s easy to clean too.
I’d use something like this with plexi over the screen so there are no frontal sorry poopies. That way the little fuck can see, hear, and smell what it’s not getting and with a simple pull-out tray, it can be easily cleaned and reused.
Not too bad with the weight on top. However, when the fluffy pisses and shits itself it will get directly on your pristine white carpet. The sorry box only has small slits where the fluffy’s head will be and they are too small for the fluffy to turn around in to shoot out a torrent of sorry poopies.
That’s why I added the second suggestion, have it upright with something on top of it like another box, or a covering of some kind, stopping the fluffy from climbing back out.
I imagine the ideal sorry box as something with a non-staining surface that has no sharp corners on the inside so it’s easy as possible to wipe it down. just a flat, smooth rectangle with rounded corners, maybe made of stainless steel or high grade plastic. This comes from cleaning my cat’s litterbox which has a bunch of annoying nooks and crannies. If shit can get into a space, it will. I also like them to be cramped and dark because sometimes feeling left out isn’t enough.
Could be a fun way for a day-care to punish misbehaving fluffies. Put them in ‘fluffy jail’, behind metal bars where they have to sit and watch other fluffies at play.
Only issue is I don’t think a daycare with that many problematic fluffies would be open for very long.
Hahaha,cute and creative! Reminds me of when my kitten would crawl into my laundry basket,get stuck,and scream until I “rescued” him. I could see the same shenanigans with fluffies.
When I was little I used to use a laundry basket like this when I played adventures with my stuffed animals (who I still have and love btw <3).
One would get trapped by the evil villain and the others would have to rescue them.