New Tankmate (by Anonymunstah)

Give it more sea fluffs. It could use the practice. And protein.

:rofl: :fire:


You realize that the amount of heat a normal one can briefly produce with their punch vaporize water right?

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I thought that was only Pistol Shrimp, with their claw clicks? They make a shockwave ā€œbulletā€ that briefly superheats the water in a certain radius for less than a second?

Yeah the biggest ripoff in natural history is that the secret shrimp colors arenā€™t even real. We can see 3 primary ones but our gigachad brains fill in all the other combinations so we donā€™t miss out.

I was referring to another comment that was talking about a huge pistol shrimp

Yes, I do, and I didnā€™t miss that thing about the cavitation bubbles, either. My reaction was something along the lines of:


Frankly, if no one else does it, Iā€™ll probably do it.

The comment that yours linked to was still about Mantis Shrimp, I was the first to bring up Pistol Shrimp a bit later.

Fine here this oneā€™s for you
Omae wa mou shindeiru



Now Iā€™m thinking about a mantis shrimp/pistol shrimp hybridā€¦ combine the strengths of bothā€¦

Mustā€¦ resistā€¦ urgeā€¦ to laugh like a mad scientistā€¦


How much blood was in 1 fluffyā€“


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Love the quiet middle panel and boom! On the last panel love it :+1:

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From what Iā€™ve seen of one channel where some guy keeps a pair of mantis shrimp the death wouldnā€™t have been very quick. They tend to take a few whacks to remove a crabā€™s claw, so the first hit probably would have been straight to the face, broken the jaw, and probsbly left a nice dent in the front of its face, but still very much alive for the follow up swings if it decided that today was the day that it chose violence.

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I saw the first image and instantly knew where this was going.

So not New Fwiend? :cry: :face_with_head_bandage:

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Sadly noā€¦ you put sny other fish in a tank euth that shrimp id gonna wind up like Apollo Creed

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My dude got OceanGated lmaooo

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