Next FluffCast: November 20th, 7PM EST - 4PM PT (artist: Aichi) (artist: Kibbles_n_tits) (artist: BadLuck)

Episode 19

Read that new Fluffy Runner chapter? Think the queen’ll make it? Does a woman need to wear a cup to protect her nethers? Are you one of the 102 people subscribed to The FluffCast YouTube channel? Ever watch G4? Do you beat up your caterers? Is Tommy Wiseau secretly four fluffies in a trenchcoat? Dare you face down the AIDS vampire known only as The HemoGoblin?

Join us Saturday night as The FluffCast answers these questions and embarks on shenanigans of drawing, storytelling, and oddly enough, cooking advice.

A New Challenger Approaches!

Joining The FluffCast officially is @ProfPad, the Fallout-loving, fudge-packing, scientifically-minded, history buff. We hope you enjoy his addition to our colorful cast of fuckin’ weirdos. Thank you to @BadLuck for his on-screen model.


The FluffCast does Q&A’s! Leave all the questions your little heart could ever want down below and we’ll, at the very least, mention them in passing. Be advised the bullying may be severe and unrecoverable from.

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Last Week’s FluffCast


QUESTION: Boysenberries, what are they and why would they make a fluffy fart cyanide gas?

They’re what you get when raspberries, blackberries, dewberries and loganberries get rip-roaring drunk and have a sweaty orgy together.

Fair enough :+1: