Next FluffCast: October 2nd, 7PM EST - 4PM PT (artist: Funkshire)

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Episode 13

Are you aware that it is, in fact, muh-fuggin’ SPOOKY MONTH? Any plans to get married soon? Uncle Blastoise watches The FluffCast, do you watch The FluffCast? (I’m just sayin’) What’s the worst fanfic you’ve ever read? What would happen if we dropped a 40K ork into Florida? You got one of them broke dicks? Join us Saturday night as The FluffCast tackles challenging topics such as these, and more.


The FluffCast does Q&A’s! Leave all the questions your little heart could ever want down below and we’ll, at the very least, mention them in passing. Be advised the bullying may be severe and unrecoverable from.

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Last Week’s FluffCast


I have a question considering fluffies and the festivities approaching!

Glorious, sweet and juicy capitalism tends to create a variation of every single product for every single festivity ever made, but what about fluffies? Would it be only Halloween themed fluffies like in colors and some patterns of fur, or where actual spooky fluffies in the plan like lovely baby Mortis ?

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If you want there to be then there will be Halloween fluffys