Nibble's hunting song with audio (artist_jberg360)

Nibble’s Story:Nibbles the Cannibal Fluffy (author_jberg360)
Youtube link with audio
Nibbles Hunting Song - YouTube


Somehow, fluffspeak makes it more haunting. And the echo is great.


I guess the protein based diet allows cannibals the extra wittiness required to make taunting rhymes


This is actually really clever. The newborn foals probably associate any sort of singing with the mummah song, so they instinctively start peeping and chirping to tell the mother that they are here and they are hungry.


Nibbles might be a cannibal but I 100% appreciate her spirit.


These look nice and milk-fed. Good choice, sweetie!


yeah Taht’s also a survival strategy. Eeat others their foals. She do good work, then there will be fewer idiotic fluffies running around.

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I think that’s why cannibal-fluffs were made a thing, to reduce the feral population.


I like to think so. Puffygriffins were also meant as fluffy control measure but they were never that successful. Cannibal fluffies have an edge with infiltration but are still pretty fragile and their population is culled right along with other ferals.

Idk if the Fandom has them as a separate thing anymore since it looks like basic fluffies are perfectly happy eating their foals in hard time now.


Normal fluffies eat each other when resources are scarce or when they have mental problems. Cannibal-fluffs and puffygriffins do it because that’s how they’re designed. And don’t get me started on fuzzies!


I feel like there was a time were fluffies were more likely to try to hug their foals back to health as they watched them starve to death. Fluffies being too optimistic in finding food to resort to desperate measures. Usually an abuser needed them to force them to eat a foal the first time.


I think it varies from group to group and canon to canon, but to each his own. Stay awesome, Jberg!


Ikr? It’s like a little ghost girl singing while you wander around a dark prison


Yeah that was a good decision if it was intentional, even it wasn’t intentional made it was a good decision.

Wow, the audio really drives home how creepy this scene is. Imagine a human cannibal doing this, replacing “foals” with “babies”. Jayzus, that’s some serious nightmare fuel.

Reminds me a lot of the “mockingbird” song scene in Evil Dead II. My buddy’s girlfriend, a self-described wuss, was talked into watching it with us; she was able to take all the crazy stuff that happened before that scene, but noped out as soon as the creepy singing started.

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I’d adopt her… also shes kinda doing them a service lowering feral population and if those foals were abandoned or the mare thought it was a good idea to leave the nest unguarded then its herself to blame.

Placing feeder foals aound the house might make it more fun for her and she’d be great for garden invasion defence.