Night of the Fluffy, part 7: "Boaweded Up", by Resnoth

For the next two hours, Gwen and John started taking apart door from their hinges, and stripping pieces of wood from furniture, nailing them to windows and other entrances to the house, barricading it from the danger outside.

Gwen looks around.

“Looks pretty secure.”

She enters back into the living room, speaking to both John and Judith.

"If we have to, we can run in here and board up the doors.

It won’t be long before they come back, but they’re afraid now.

They’re afraid of fire, I found that out."

Gwen walks over to a table, picks up the tablecloth and sets it to the side, then flips over the table.

"You know about that Fluffymart around here?

It’s not as big as the supercenters in the city."

She grabs a screwdriver from a toolbox and starts unscrewing one of the legs of the table.

"Anyway, that’s where I found that car out there.

It was my break in my shift, so I stood outside to take a breath.

For the past half hour, we had to deal with a customer that started to rough up one of the fluffies, and then one of my co-workers.

He even bit one of them before we escorted him out.

He was starting to feel a bit sick when I stepped out.

I was standing outside, taking a breath, when I saw a big fluffy catcher truck came speeding down the road.

There must’ve been twenty, or thirty of those fluffies chasing after it, with a dozen or so people joining them and grabbing on.

I didn’t see them at first, so all I saw was the truck moving in a funny way.

And those things were catching up to it.

The truck went right across the road, went right through the guard rail.

The driver cut off the road, and into the gas station right across the Fluffy Mart.

It went right through the billboard, ripped over a gas pump, pouring gasoline all over it, and started a spark before it stopped moving.

By now, it was a moving bonfire."

Gwen’s voice goes soft, sneaking in a sadden tone.

"Didn’t know if the truck was going to explode or what.

I can still hear the driver and the fluffies in the back of the truck…screaming…

And these things just…backing away from it…

I looked back at the Fluffy Mart to see if…if there was anyone that could help me or call 911.

That’s when I noticed that…the entire place had been encircled.

Through the windows, I could see fluffies attacking other fluffies…people attacking other people…it was chaotic inside…with seventy or eighty of those things wanting outside.

Then there wasn’t a sign of life left…

By now, there were no more screams.

I realised that…I was alone…with nearly a hundred of those fluffies…just standing there…staring at me.

I-I started to drive.

I…just plowed right through them.

They didn’t move, they didn’t run or scream…

They just stood there, staring at me.

I just wanted to crush them.

They were crushed under the tires, rocking the car, without making a sound of pain."

The alicorn Judith then speaks up.

"Daddeh an’ judiff wewe goin’ to pawkie su judiff can pway wiff othah fwuffies.

Judiff was pwayin’ awound in dah gwassies when judiff saw dis fwuffie wawkin’ in awound dah pawk.

Dis fwuffie came cwosew, su Judiff came cwosah an’ asked ‘new fwe…’ an’ fwuffy gwabbed Judiff!

Fwuffy gwabbed Judith!

An’ fwuffy gabe fwuffy big stompies!

Fwuffy gave Judiff big owies an’ bit at Judiff’s safety vest!

An’ Judiff scweamed 'DADDEH!



An’ daddeh came an’ fwuffy fought dis fwuffy!

Daddeh cawwied Judiff an’ we wan 'way…we wan 'way…"

John came over and petted the alicorn Judith, comforting her.

She was calming down and started cooing.

John whispers to her, “It’s okay…we’re in here now so we’re safe…”

“For now”, Gwen said to John.

"But we need to finish boarding up these windows.

Let’s turn on this T.V. here, so that she can watch something to keep her occupied, and that we can listen to what’s happening out there."

John nodded, agreeing with Gwen’s plan and went to the other room to grab the tools while Gwen looked around the TV, and pushed a button to turn it on.

Gwen then walked back to John, as they walked to a window, nailing down a board while Judith watched the T.V.

The channel is FluffyTV, owned by the Hasbio Corporation and home to news for fluffies, fluffy approved programs, and advertisements for new toys, sketti-flavored treats, and other products owned by Hasbio.

The time is 9:00 pm.

An news intro plays, as large letters in a friendly font and bright colors spin onto the screen, as a voice reads, “You are watching FLFYNews, on FluffyTV.”

The center camera pans to a table, on the left, a man with a generic anchorman haircut and suit, and on the right, a blue haired fluffy with a green mane, wearing a white collar, a little black tie, and glasses on his face.

“Good evening, I’m Tom Williams.”

“An’ am Bwuebewwy”

The right camera focuses on the anchorman as he turns to face it.

"Our top story for tonight, violence amongst fluffies.

It seems that there is an epidemic of mass fluffy murder being committed by a virtual army of fluffies.

These murders are taking place in cities, rural homes, and suburbs with no apparent pattern or reason for the slayings.

It seems to be a sudden, general explosion of mass fluffy homicide.

We have some descriptions of the killers.

Eyewitnesses say that they are almost ordinary looking fluffies, some say they appear to be in a kind of ‘trance’.

Some are even saying that they appear to be misshapen creatures.

There is no definite description yet that citizens can recognize to protect their fluffies.

Officials are advising citizens to keep their fluffies in their homes, behind locked doors.

Do not venture outside for any reason until the exact nature of this crisis has been determined.

And until we can advice what course if action to take.

Keep listening to any radio or television broadcast for any special instructions as this crisis develops further."

Cut to left camera focusing on the anchorfluffy.

"Office an’ factowy wowkews am bein’ uwged to stay at theiw pwaces of empwoyment, not to make any attempt to get to theiw homes.

Howebew, in spite of dis uwgent wawning, stweets an’ highways am packed wiff fwantic peopwe an’ fwuffies twyin’ to weach theiw homes, weach theiw famiwies, ow appawentwy fwee to just about anywhewe.

We wepeat, dah safest couwse of action at dis time am simpwy to stay whewe 'ou am. "

Back to John and Gwen, as they look through the windows, they see more and more fluffies slowly walking towards the house.

Gwen grabbed another board, while wrapping around it a torn piece of the curtains.

“Push that chair out of here. I’m going to keep them off of us for a while” Geen says to John.

John walked over to the recliner, turning it, and pushing it over to the door.

Gwen opens the door, and John pushes it out over to the porch, and stands back as the fluffies approach closer to the porch.

Gwen walks over to the recliner with her makeshift torch, and touches the recliner with it.

The recliner bursts into flames, and the fluffies immediately start backing off, shielding their eyes from the fire and made high pitch sounds as if they were groaning from pain.

“Aauugh…auugh… awwwuugh…eeaaauugh…”

Gwen stood back inside, closing and locking the door.

Both Gwen and John go back to boarding up the windows until all the windows from the living room were boarded up.

They moved to the next room, taking down the doors from the closets and pantry to use to board up the other windows.

Back on the news program, the fluffy Blueberry squints his big round adorable eyes at the teleprompter, and continues to report.

"Dis just in, officiaws fwom Hasbio, as weww as theiw team of scientists am habin’ cwosed doows meetin’ at dis moment wiff officiaws fwom Washington to discuss about dah cwisis.

Aww wadio an’ tee-bee bwoadcasts, incwudin’ dah one ‘ou am watchin’ am puwwin’ togethah theiw wesouwces fo’ an emewgency netwowk to stay on dah aiw day an’ dawk time to bwin’ 'ou dis news as it debewops.

We uwge ‘ou to stay tuned to wadio ow tee-bee an’ stay indoows at aww costs.

We wiww be back aftah dis bweak."

The camera fades out, as it cuts to commercial break.

The program then shifted to spaghetti kibble commercials.

John opens a door to a closet to take off the hinges when he spots a rifle.

He looks around the top shelf and finds a shoebox dull of bullets.

"Hey Gwen, I found the rifle and bullets.

This can help us maybe hold them off if they come to close.

I’ll try to load it in case we need to use it."

"It’s a good idea.

We might need it when we get more information on where to go and leave this house."

John nods his head, and moves back to the living room, back to Judith, watching her look at the T.V.

He kneels down and starts loading the gun as he tries to comfort Judith.

"I found a gun and some bullets over there.

This place is boarded up pretty solid now.

We have food, shelter, and a T.V.

Someone is bound to come and get us out.

They said that everyone needs to stay inside and lock the doors.

That’s us, so we’re doing alright."

John finishes loading the gun with bullets, then looks back at Judith.

"Look, I’m going to go upstairs with Gwen now.

We’re going to be looking for any other guns or possibly any other fluffies that we missed in the upper rooms.

If anything should break in down here, I’ll be able to hear it.

Everything should be alright for now.

Everything will be alright, okay?"

Judith nods as John walks away, heading up the stairs.

Gwen was waiting for John there.

Gwen loaded up the bodies of the dead fluffies from earlier on top of the body of the old woman.

As John set aside the rifle, both Gwen and John picked up the body and carried it to another room.

Back to Judith, she was still watching the commercial break until she heard a noise to her right.

The noise was coming from a door that they had not noticed before, as there was a soft knocking from there.

She focused her attention to the door, as the knocking got louder, and the door started to nudge a bit more.

The door opened a little bit, showing a bit of a fluffy hoof on the other side.

The door suddenly opens quickly, and Judith screams.

Both Gwen and John hear the screams and rush downstairs, John charming himself with the rifle and Gwen arming herself with her tire iron.


ooh, tire iron. I await more.

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The wait was long, but SO worth it.

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